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Youwerecreated & Little Nipper,

If Noah's ark took place just 4000 years ago and only eight people were on the ark, how could there be 7 billion people now?

I posted the population growth argument it explains it in detail.

The human population of the world supports a young earth.

World Population Since Creation

NOVA | World in the Balance | Human Numbers Through Time | PBS
once again ywc extreme dishonesty shines nowhere in the PBS doc is Noah or god or creation even hinted at.
you are quote mining and fraudulently misinterpreting the info . slap dick !
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Youwerecreated & Little Nipper,

If Noah's ark took place just 4000 years ago and only eight people were on the ark, how could there be 7 billion people now?

And why would the gawds provide for incestuous relationships (Noah's immediate family) as the means to repopulate the planet?

You need to read your bible noah's sons had wives that were not related to them. Evolution allows and needed incest to populate the earth to but God is wrong because he may have allowed it at a time when man was closer to perfection with less chance of passing on genetic disorders. God did put a stop to it at a certain point because he knew the harm that would come if it was still practiced.

If you think about it since evolution is your answer on how the planet got filled with living organisms,incestral relationships had to populate the earth. How did groups of organisms survive this practice if they were not near perfection ?
How did noah gets the animals from australia to his boat in the middle east?

If you want my opinion,the global flood caused the ice age and in that ice age produced land bridges . Evolutionist believe land bridges was how animals migrated all over the world. Evolutionist would need to explain how and what animals evolved from that are in australia if there were no major animal migrations. Remember evolutionist believe all organisms are decendants of the origional life that started so evolutionist are faced with the same question.

Here are some of the explanations from a creationists view.

How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? - Answers in Genesis
the most hilarious thing about this steaming pile of bullshit is ywc believes it true! ahahahahahahahahahah!

Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.

It's difficult to imagine the self-deceit and lies you must accept in order to reject all facts that differ from what you prefer to believe.
Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.

It's difficult to imagine the self-deceit and lies you must accept in order to reject all facts that differ from what you prefer to believe.
not if you prefer ignorance.

A little side note: some parts of the earth have NEVER been covered with water .
the continent of Australia springs to mind.


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Try discussing what Jesus represents in terms of Justice.
We all have a concept of Justice, but do we believe we can all have it?
Do we believe retributive justice or restorative justice is more powerful?

If we believe in Justice but have yet to see it,
that's like faith in Jesus, what Jesus means, before we realize it if ever.

So yes, it helps to have faith in Jesus or Justice in order to seek it, live by it and receive it.

What evidence contradicts the Bible, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There are internal contradictions within the bible, which means it discredits itself, such as whether salvation is through faith alone, or faith and works. The bible offers both as a means to salvation, which is contradictory. Does god not even know the path To salvation that he supposedly offers? Or did he put that in the bible just to divide us, making it an evil god? Either way, your screwed.

Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.

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Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.

Okay. Show me some links to demonstrable evidence that supports this.
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What evidence contradicts the Bible, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There are internal contradictions within the bible, which means it discredits itself, such as whether salvation is through faith alone, or faith and works. The bible offers both as a means to salvation, which is contradictory. Does god not even know the path To salvation that he supposedly offers? Or did he put that in the bible just to divide us, making it an evil god? Either way, your screwed.

I agree that if you enforce things in teh Bible as "Conditions" on salvation that contradicts itself and yes you screw things up that way. But that is part of the learning curve, and the real point is to FORGIVE those screwups, let go of manmade conditions we project, and that's when grace peace and salvation come to us. We don't get there by striving to meet manmade conditions by which one person is judged over another. Both Buddha and Jesus taught to let go of this material conditional thinking and receiving higher wisdom or truth that transcends that. Jesus fulfills all the paths including the laws given by Moses, Buddha, etc. So the spirit and message Jesus represents is unique in that it connects all the others.

As for the Bible, I understand it as teaching that "restorative justice" is what saves us and our relationships to bring salvation to all humanity; and "retributive justice" is what kills our humanity and relationships. You do have a choice, but by our free will and reason, we learn the difference between the two ways by Experience. It makes no sense to judge people for our faults if God made us to be imperfect in how we exercise our minds and free will. What makes the difference is forgiveness, and once we learn then of course we choose forgiveness and correction over judgment and punishment. So by definition once we truly understand then of course we will choose the right course of action; and if we are choosing incorrectly that means there is something we don't understand or we would choose better!

Why judge then? The point is not to judge "people" but to judge one's judgment for the purpose of learning, improving and correction. So again, justice for restoring relations by forgiveness, repentance and responsibility for restitution is what saves us; while imposing justice for retributive or punitive agenda is what causes killing and ill will in society.

Learning the difference that forgiveness and grace makes sets us free from strife and suffering, and that fulfills both the teachings in Buddhism, Christianity and all religions seeking God's universal Truth. The reason for the focus on Jesus is the central connection between all humanity in the forgiveness and spiritual process to reach full maturity.

Whatever is the ultimate Justice for All people to become one in peace and harmony,
that is what Jesus represents so that eventually all humanity will become unified in truth, even as we remain distinct individually and diverse culturally and religiously, there will be no false division when we are all neighbors in Christ living in spiritual harmony and agreement.
Youwerecreated & Little Nipper,

If Noah's ark took place just 4000 years ago and only eight people were on the ark, how could there be 7 billion people now?

Its called exponential growth. This chart says it all. The very steep line at the end is made entirely possible by the OIL age we are living in. The oil age has produced the excess of food making it possible for a few people to produce food for thousands.

File:population curve.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As do you, yet you know the answer? Argument from ignorance.

Seriously Dude, you are getting as bad as Hawly. The Meyer hypothesis has been presented to you numerous times and you still wrongly claim an "argument from ignorance" when Meyers proof is no such thing. It is based on a process currently in operation, i.e., the origin of information with specificity only having an intelligent agent as its source. How long are you going to keep repeating the same WRONG thing over and over again?

Yes, I know it has, and his two fallacious arguments are completely unconvincing. His first argument, which attempts to dismantle abiogenesis with probability theory, is an argument from ignorance, since he nor anybody else has the numbers to describe accurately something we are ignorant to. I've mentioned this numerous times yet you fail to adequately address. Instead you simply deny it and try to ridicule me for always calling out fallacies, without ever refuting my claims. Next, Meyers makes an inductive argument, claiming that because we are intelligent and wrote specifiable, digital code, DNA must also have an intelligent designer, being a code with apparently the same characteristics. It does not follow necessarily that DNA must also have had am intelligent designer. It is only a probabilistic determination, which is the major weakness of inductively derived conclusions. So, both prongs of Meyers argument are blatantly fallacious. An inductive argument isn't even formally valid. Try to actually address these charges instead of the usual sidestepping and ridiculing to get around these blatant facts. You seem so enamored by Meyers false credentials, that won't admit to yourself, the possibility that he is wrong. You can still have your faith, just stop trying to prove religious claims in a scientific setting. It's never going to work. Just accept your delusion for what it is: an existential security blanket. At least, don't be deluded enough to think you are going to convince anybody here of your false beliefs. You're better off preaching the bible, since that is basically what you are trying to do- convince us of your god.

Speaking of repeating the same thing over and over again, I have refuted your claims of induction and to deny Meyers argument is valid is to deny Darwin's argument is valid. Both rely on evidence of causes now in operation, a fact which you conveniently continue to fail to address. Or, the logic of it just escapes you.
Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.


Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I think you are getting science confused with the Pixar Movie "Ice Age".

You see hollie thinks any rebuttal by the atheistic evolutionist refutes what a creationist say's,she is kinda shallow.

Well, I am willing to suggest that she has become indoctrinated and is seeing things through the eyes of a material world. She does not consider the heart of the matter nor see spritual influences. At the very least she is ignoring them. Hiter was not just some surprise. I feel he was the end result of the belief that one is only accountable to one's self. If anything, what happened in Gernany made many Americans of the 1950's very religious. And America of the 1950's seemed to be an improvement and was improving. It was not until America stopped growing spiritually that she began to drown.

She uses the same flawed logic of the Libs, spewing hatred for God for Genocide while simultaneously calling for the death of millions of unborn babies. You can't reason with someone like Hawly, who is completely devoid of the ability to reason and think logically.

There are actually 66 independent literary works that either mention Christ by name or speak of or infer of his coming.

The epitome of ignorance is the failure of someone to be able to discern between separate literary works simply because they have been gathered into a single collection.
How did noah gets the animals from australia to his boat in the middle east?

If you want my opinion,the global flood caused the ice age and in that ice age produced land bridges . Evolutionist believe land bridges was how animals migrated all over the world. Evolutionist would need to explain how and what animals evolved from that are in australia if there were no major animal migrations. Remember evolutionist believe all organisms are decendants of the origional life that started so evolutionist are faced with the same question.

Here are some of the explanations from a creationists view.

How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? - Answers in Genesis
the most hilarious thing about this steaming pile of bullshit is ywc believes it true! ahahahahahahahahahah!

Slap dick ! once again shows his ignorance of the theory he defends,priceless :lol:

Land bridges are something like Internet company start-ups: once they were everywhere but today there are relatively few. However, those still left are important.

Bridging Continents with Land

A land bridge is a connection between landmasses that comes and goes. The land bridge we all think of today connects Alaska with Siberia when the sea level is low, as it did during the recent ice ages. When polar ice caps take water from the ocean, much of the Bering Sea, including the Bering Strait, becomes dry land. Geologists have named the land Beringia.

Similar land bridges are postulated between Britain and Europe, between New Guinea and Australia, between the Philippines and Indonesia, between Sri Lanka and India, and between the Southeast Asian mainland and the Indonesian islands.

A land bridge is like a real bridge in that not everything can cross it. Beringia, for instance, is too cold to serve as a highway for palm trees or any other tree. Carnivores won't move where the animals they feed on can't go. The main species of interest when we consider the ice-age land bridges is Homo sapiens, which invaded many areas during late glacial times. The earliest humans in Australia, the Philippines, Japan and the Americas probably arrived on land bridges.

The Rise and Fall of Land Bridges

You're such a dumbshit but funny :eusa_whistle:

What evidence contradicts the Bible, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There are internal contradictions within the bible, which means it discredits itself, such as whether salvation is through faith alone, or faith and works. The bible offers both as a means to salvation, which is contradictory.

No it doesn't. This is just your failed understanding because you heard it on Panda's thumb. You might try actually reading it for yourself. The Bible is very clear about the purpose of the law. All have the ability to choose to live under the law or choose to live under the forgiveness of the Cross.

Galatians 3 (NIV)

10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”[e] 11 Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”[f] 12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, it says, “The person who does these things will live by them.”[g] 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”[h] 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.

The Law and the Promise

15 Brothers and sisters, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. 16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,” meaning one person, who is Christ. 17 What I mean is this: The law, introduced 430 years later, does not set aside the covenant previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. 18 For if the inheritance depends on the law, then it no longer depends on the promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise.

19 Why, then, was the law given at all? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was given through angels and entrusted to a mediator. 20 A mediator, however, implies more than one party; but God is one.

21 Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. 22 But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.

Children of God

23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
If you want my opinion,the global flood caused the ice age and in that ice age produced land bridges . Evolutionist believe land bridges was how animals migrated all over the world. Evolutionist would need to explain how and what animals evolved from that are in australia if there were no major animal migrations. Remember evolutionist believe all organisms are decendants of the origional life that started so evolutionist are faced with the same question.

Here are some of the explanations from a creationists view.

How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? - Answers in Genesis
the most hilarious thing about this steaming pile of bullshit is ywc believes it true! ahahahahahahahahahah!

Slap dick ! once again shows his ignorance of the theory he defends,priceless :lol:

Land bridges are something like Internet company start-ups: once they were everywhere but today there are relatively few. However, those still left are important.

Bridging Continents with Land

A land bridge is a connection between landmasses that comes and goes. The land bridge we all think of today connects Alaska with Siberia when the sea level is low, as it did during the recent ice ages. When polar ice caps take water from the ocean, much of the Bering Sea, including the Bering Strait, becomes dry land. Geologists have named the land Beringia.

Similar land bridges are postulated between Britain and Europe, between New Guinea and Australia, between the Philippines and Indonesia, between Sri Lanka and India, and between the Southeast Asian mainland and the Indonesian islands.

A land bridge is like a real bridge in that not everything can cross it. Beringia, for instance, is too cold to serve as a highway for palm trees or any other tree. Carnivores won't move where the animals they feed on can't go. The main species of interest when we consider the ice-age land bridges is Homo sapiens, which invaded many areas during late glacial times. The earliest humans in Australia, the Philippines, Japan and the Americas probably arrived on land bridges.

The Rise and Fall of Land Bridges

You're such a dumbshit but funny :eusa_whistle:
your point? as always you have no evidence that these land bridges were the work of god..
they are however a by product of glaciation..
once again proving the real dumb shit is you.
I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.

It's difficult to imagine the self-deceit and lies you must accept in order to reject all facts that differ from what you prefer to believe.
not if you prefer ignorance.

A little side note: some parts of the earth have NEVER been covered with water .
the continent of Australia springs to mind.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about dummy.

The Ordovician Period: The Rise of The Cephalopods
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