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Ask yourself why so many cultures have flood legends ?

Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.


Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.
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Boilerplate christian apologetics. It's been thoroughly refuted as nonsense.


You see hollie thinks any rebuttal by the atheistic evolutionist refutes what a creationist say's,she is kinda shallow.
I have to be blunt and advise that the fundamentalist Christianist says things that are so often self-refuting and absent any corroboration.

I can't be held accountable for creationist ineptitude at presenting a coherent argument.
Ask yourself why so many cultures have flood legends ?

Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.



The problem you're faced with is a vast assembly of physical evidence that presents a convincing case for an ice age in the not too distant past. This is an obvious contradiction to biblical tales and fables due to the timelines in the bibles which, despite your fundamentalist beliefs, are lacking any credibility versus the physical evidence.
Ask yourself why so many cultures have flood legends ?

Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.


In anticipation of a soon-to-be-posted conspiracy theory from creationist...

CH590: Flood and Ice
Youwerecreated & Little Nipper,

If Noah's ark took place just 4000 years ago and only eight people were on the ark, how could there be 7 billion people now?

I believe the actual event was closer to 5000 years ago. More like 4900

That was about the time of the Mayan civilization. Did your gawds hate the Maya, too? We may be on to something here.

It seems the Maya were not wiped out by your gawds humanity wiping flood.

That proves the Mayan gawds as the true gawds.


The Mayans believed in human sacrafices to various gods for various needs. This amounted to murder.
Boilerplate christian apologetics. It's been thoroughly refuted as nonsense.


You see hollie thinks any rebuttal by the atheistic evolutionist refutes what a creationist say's,she is kinda shallow.

Well, I am willing to suggest that she has become indoctrinated and is seeing things through the eyes of a material world. She does not consider the heart of the matter nor see spritual influences. At the very least she is ignoring them. Hiter was not just some surprise. I feel he was the end result of the belief that one is only accountable to one's self. If anything, what happened in Gernany made many Americans of the 1950's very religious. And America of the 1950's seemed to be an improvement and was improving. It was not until America stopped growing spiritually that she began to drown.

Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.


Judging by the frailty of this response, I assume you know that there was an ice age that ended during this time, which is corroborated by multiple scientific disciplines and observations. This fact adequately explains why we find so many flood stories. You're right, it is no coincidence.

I can see that the ice age was a direct result of the FLOOD and that it happened faster than uniformitarians presently understand.
Because when the last ice age ended around twelve thousand years ago, and the glaciers receded, the ice melted causing massive flooding. This is why so many flood stories are found in and around Mesopotamia after that time, which is where civilization began, in the Fertile Crescent.



The problem you're faced with is a vast assembly of physical evidence that presents a convincing case for an ice age in the not too distant past. This is an obvious contradiction to biblical tales and fables due to the timelines in the bibles which, despite your fundamentalist beliefs, are lacking any credibility versus the physical evidence.

I'm waiting.
The belief that the world is 6,000 years old is simply astounding. If the world really were 6000 years old there wouldn't be enough humans born up to now to make up a population of 7 billion.

How long was the first day?
you'd have to clarify, were there days when the galaxy was forming? was time even a factor during the formation ?
maybe this will be easier [ame=]Galaxy Song - YouTube[/ame]
You're a dishonest Ideologue.

I understand you're embarrassed. Once again, you were exposed as a fraud by copying and pasting falsified “quotes” that you scour from creationist websites.

Similarly, your silly copy and paste from the charlatan Behe have been refuted as fraudulent.

Why would the science community debate the man or that matter even respond to him if his arguments were no threat ? kinda like how you and daws operate.
fine example of your paranoia..
The belief that the world is 6,000 years old is simply astounding. If the world really were 6000 years old there wouldn't be enough humans born up to now to make up a population of 7 billion.

This has been throughly refuted and the population growth rate better supports the worlds current population with the timeline and the people that came off the ark than it supports evolutionists millions of years story.

Population Statistics and a Young Earth


Jeff Miller, Ph.D.

Apologetics Press - Population Statistics and a Young Earth
Why would the science community debate the man or that matter even respond to him if his arguments were no threat ? kinda like how you and daws operate.

Behe and Christian fundies are not a threat to the science community. Christian creationism has long ago been defined as void of science and simply a front for Christian cultists.

The danger represented by charlatans such as Behe and fundies such as yourself is your need to impose your retrograde fear and superstition on others, especially in the public school system. Should the teaching of Christianity in public schools become widespread, the harm it would cause our nation would be tragic. As fundie Christians would have it, school children would be taught that the bibles are literally true and that soundly based scientific principles, when not accord with the biblical interpretation, would cease to be fact.

Childrens minds would be confused because fear, ancient superstition and myth masquerading as science would be used to instill fear and superstition. Children in public schools should be encouraged to explore their curiosity about nature, science and the natural world and to use their curiosity to arrive at the facts of a matter by rational deduction framed by the discipline of the scientific method. Any attempts to indoctrinate our public school children with false information, fear instilling doctrines and ancient superstitions based on the unscientific hypotheses of christian creationists would be a tragedy.
Here is exactly what your secularized education has led to:
10 years later, the real story behind Columbine -
behe and christian fundies are not a threat to the science community. Christian creationism has long ago been defined as void of science and simply a front for christian cultists.

The danger represented by charlatans such as behe and fundies such as yourself is your need to impose your retrograde fear and superstition on others, especially in the public school system. Should the teaching of christianity in public schools become widespread, the harm it would cause our nation would be tragic. As fundie christians would have it, school children would be taught that the bibles are literally true and that soundly based scientific principles, when not accord with the biblical interpretation, would cease to be fact.

Childrens minds would be confused because fear, ancient superstition and myth masquerading as science would be used to instill fear and superstition. Children in public schools should be encouraged to explore their curiosity about nature, science and the natural world and to use their curiosity to arrive at the facts of a matter by rational deduction framed by the discipline of the scientific method. Any attempts to indoctrinate our public school children with false information, fear instilling doctrines and ancient superstitions based on the unscientific hypotheses of christian creationists would be a tragedy.

don't you ever get tired of spewing this bullshit?? Over 1000 pages and you can't come up with any new cut and pastes? Get a life!!! Seriously, you need to get out the house. Step away from the computer. You have lost all touch with reality.

isn't this like the 8th time you have done the pissy schoolgirl thing and stormed away because your fundie christian arguments have been totally dismantled?

Once again, you enter thread with no purpose than stalking me as a desperate plea for attention.
bump! Bump bump!
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