Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court

Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

Pointless to talk to is like talking to a 5 year liners and "why" questions are about all he can manage. I keep him on ignore mostly and talk to him every once in a while to see if he has grown up any. So far...he is still talking on the level of a 5 year old....why mommy...why?

Smart photons. DERP!

Photon follow their rules, that's what makes em "Smart"
So, this officially ends the "Global Warming" debate. First, Climategate where they got caught lying and now this: they have no evidence at all.

It's settled, AGW is total BS
So then you'll be all for a red team blue team exercise , however the likes of Michael Mann are not so happy.

We already have such an exercise. it's called peer review. Your side is demanding that handpicked Stalinist ideologues be given the power to blacklist science, which is un-American.

Even most other deniers laugh at PSI, because PSI is composed entirely of idiot greenhouse theory deniers like SSDD. Because they espouse such stupid pseudoscience, they have to make up the craziest lies to defend it. That's why anyone using PSI as a source instantly craters their own credibility.
So then you'll be all for a red team blue team exercise , however the likes of Michael Mann are not so happy.

We already have such an exercise. it's called peer review. Your side is demanding that handpicked Stalinist ideologues be given the power to blacklist science, which is un-American.

Even most other deniers laugh at PSI, because PSI is composed entirely of idiot greenhouse theory deniers like SSDD. Because they espouse such stupid pseudoscience, they have to make up the craziest lies to defend it. That's why anyone using PSI as a source instantly craters their own credibility.

You stalinists have corrupted that once revered process to the point that YOU will accept a paper reviewed by the mans wife. Sheesh. Talk about an epic fail.
So then you'll be all for a red team blue team exercise , however the likes of Michael Mann are not so happy.

We already have such an exercise. it's called peer review. Your side is demanding that handpicked Stalinist ideologues be given the power to blacklist science, which is un-American.

Even most other deniers laugh at PSI, because PSI is composed entirely of idiot greenhouse theory deniers like SSDD. Because they espouse such stupid pseudoscience, they have to make up the craziest lies to defend it. That's why anyone using PSI as a source instantly craters their own credibility.

You stalinists have corrupted that once revered process to the point that YOU will accept a paper reviewed by the mans wife. Sheesh. Talk about an epic fail.
It is rather touching how naive some people can be about the peer review process. It can be very hit and miss. Indeed it often than not consists of a group of people who peer review each other's papers in a kind of academic circle jerk.

Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals

Sent from my iPhone 25S GT Turbo
Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

Pointless to talk to is like talking to a 5 year liners and "why" questions are about all he can manage. I keep him on ignore mostly and talk to him every once in a while to see if he has grown up any. So far...he is still talking on the level of a 5 year old....why mommy...why?

Smart photons. DERP!

Photon follow their rules, that's what makes em "Smart"

Which rules do photons follow? You have a list?
Funny for someone who is wrong on many things. Like CO2 does not warm itself, it requires other molecules which can warm itself to warm. CO2 almost instantaneously re-emits energy absorbed at the same wave length while water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length than it receives because of energy consumption in warming of the molecule. (excitement phase, residency time in holding energy is much longer in water vapor)

SSDD is right on this.

Like CO2 does not warm itself, it requires other molecules which can warm itself to warm.


water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

That's awesome!

Still waiting for your proof.

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Show me.
View attachment 137703
Narrow banding is the hallmark of the inability to hold energy. Water vapor however, has a very large bandwidth and has an incredible ability to hold energy.

Thanks for the chart.
Do you have one that backs up your claim?

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled. where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water? CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously. it therefore does little or no work.

For instance.. LWIR is absorbed by the water molecule. Because it resides inside for a long period of time before it is re-emitted, it causes vibrations of the molecule and collisions with other molecules. This is work and expends some of the energy of the photon. The longer it resides the more energy is expended. The photon emitted will be of the lower temperature and thus a longer wave length.

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

You keep screaming about "smart photons" but it is not so much smart as it is the inter-dynamics of different molecules defined by the natural laws.
Last edited:
Like CO2 does not warm itself, it requires other molecules which can warm itself to warm.


water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

That's awesome!

Still waiting for your proof.

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Show me.
View attachment 137703
Narrow banding is the hallmark of the inability to hold energy. Water vapor however, has a very large bandwidth and has an incredible ability to hold energy.

Thanks for the chart.
Do you have one that backs up your claim?

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled. where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water? CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously. it therefore does little or no work.

For instance.. LWIR is absorbed by the water molecule. Because it resides inside for a long period of time before it is re-emitted, it causes vibrations of the molecule and collisions with other molecules. This is work and expends some of the energy of the photon. The longer it resides the more energy is expended. The photon emitted will be of the lower temperature and thus a longer wave length.

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

You keep screaming about "smart photons" but it is not so much smart as it is the inter-dynamics of different molecules defined by the natural laws.

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled.

The photon has cooled?

where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water?

Magic photons are SSDD's specialty. My photons are the standard type.

CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously.

In all directions. Even toward the ground, right?

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

What does "pressure differential of temperatures" mean?
I've read the reports & studies & I have read the denier crap. I decided to go with science. You can stick with the limbaughs, infowars, Glenn Beck, and Fox News.

Really? You decided to go with science? Science is all about observation, measurement, and quantification of data and using that to support a claim. Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW claim over natural variability? Just a single piece?
Any number of research papers by a number of climatologists. Where the fuck have you been? What have you read?

Fuck that.

Common sense.

You are soda king stupid that you think man can spew crap into the atmosphere for decades with zero effects.

My God, just how fucking stupid can you get.

More CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

All proven .
Years from now? Don't you know that Manhattan has been under water for nine years already?
The scientists who dispute AGW and any level of severity of AGW have not been debunked. Many are even on the alleged 97% list.
Anyone with an open mind and who wasn't swayed by fitting in with a political group or ideology would respect those differences to the point of yielding to ambivalence at the very least.
You have an agenda.
1970 Years from now?
1980 Years from now?
1990 Years from now?
2000 Years from now?
2010 Years from now?
2017 Years from now?


Here uis just how ignorant your post is.

You look at statements msde in 1970 & then run in circles screaming OMG OMG OMG OMG never happened OMG OMG OMG.

Since 1970, steps have been taken to reduce pollution. Pollution from coal fired generation plants,. Vehicle emissdions.

You are sofa king stupid that you think nothing as been done.

HW Bush signed legislation that reduced emissions & stopped acid rain. Where the fuck were you?

The goals later set forth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions call for the reduction to put emissions back to 2005 levels. We are halk way there.

I love it when you assholes post your stupid posts & then follow it with "lol". I am "lol" at how uninformed you are & yet you think you are so smart. That is some funny chit.

Where will we be in 2050 or 2100? A ten year p=old chid today has a 50/50 change of living to 100 or more. Your ignorance is condemning your children & grandchildren to the threat of a more difficult life.

yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.
1970 Years from now?
1980 Years from now?
1990 Years from now?
2000 Years from now?
2010 Years from now?
2017 Years from now?


Here uis just how ignorant your post is.

You look at statements msde in 1970 & then run in circles screaming OMG OMG OMG OMG never happened OMG OMG OMG.

Since 1970, steps have been taken to reduce pollution. Pollution from coal fired generation plants,. Vehicle emissdions.

You are sofa king stupid that you think nothing as been done.

HW Bush signed legislation that reduced emissions & stopped acid rain. Where the fuck were you?

The goals later set forth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions call for the reduction to put emissions back to 2005 levels. We are halk way there.

I love it when you assholes post your stupid posts & then follow it with "lol". I am "lol" at how uninformed you are & yet you think you are so smart. That is some funny chit.

Where will we be in 2050 or 2100? A ten year p=old chid today has a 50/50 change of living to 100 or more. Your ignorance is condemning your children & grandchildren to the threat of a more difficult life.

yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that
I've read the reports & studies & I have read the denier crap. I decided to go with science. You can stick with the limbaughs, infowars, Glenn Beck, and Fox News.

Really? You decided to go with science? Science is all about observation, measurement, and quantification of data and using that to support a claim. Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW claim over natural variability? Just a single piece?
Any number of research papers by a number of climatologists. Where the fuck have you been? What have you read?

Fuck that.

Common sense.

You are soda king stupid that you think man can spew crap into the atmosphere for decades with zero effects.

My God, just how fucking stupid can you get.

More CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

All proven .
Your making the same failed mistake every warmer does.. that all forcing effects are positive. Water vapor is not acting like you or your gods predicted and every single model has failed to predict what is actually happening. We are seeing just 1/2 of the warming that CO2 is supposed to be capable of in our atmosphere, BY ITS SELF(without any forcings).

your such an idiot.. Empirical Evidence shows your religion failed...
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Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

That's awesome!

Still waiting for your proof.

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Show me.
View attachment 137703
Narrow banding is the hallmark of the inability to hold energy. Water vapor however, has a very large bandwidth and has an incredible ability to hold energy.

Thanks for the chart.
Do you have one that backs up your claim?

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled. where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water? CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously. it therefore does little or no work.

For instance.. LWIR is absorbed by the water molecule. Because it resides inside for a long period of time before it is re-emitted, it causes vibrations of the molecule and collisions with other molecules. This is work and expends some of the energy of the photon. The longer it resides the more energy is expended. The photon emitted will be of the lower temperature and thus a longer wave length.

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

You keep screaming about "smart photons" but it is not so much smart as it is the inter-dynamics of different molecules defined by the natural laws.

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled.

The photon has cooled?

where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water?

Magic photons are SSDD's specialty. My photons are the standard type.

CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously.

In all directions. Even toward the ground, right?

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

What does "pressure differential of temperatures" mean?

The emitted photon is at the wavelength temperature of the object which emitted it. Water is cooler than other black bodies, therefore a warmer bodies emit a photon which is absorbed by the cooler object, in this case water, which will emit a photon at its temperature wavelength. The residency time of the photon and the temperature differential (pressure) will determine how much energy is used up during its time of residency.

In short, water absorbs energy and it emits it at a longer wavelength as the graph I showed you shows. Use some cognitive thinking skills and do the damn math...
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That's awesome!

Still waiting for your proof.

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Show me.
View attachment 137703
Narrow banding is the hallmark of the inability to hold energy. Water vapor however, has a very large bandwidth and has an incredible ability to hold energy.

Thanks for the chart.
Do you have one that backs up your claim?

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled. where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water? CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously. it therefore does little or no work.

For instance.. LWIR is absorbed by the water molecule. Because it resides inside for a long period of time before it is re-emitted, it causes vibrations of the molecule and collisions with other molecules. This is work and expends some of the energy of the photon. The longer it resides the more energy is expended. The photon emitted will be of the lower temperature and thus a longer wave length.

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

You keep screaming about "smart photons" but it is not so much smart as it is the inter-dynamics of different molecules defined by the natural laws.

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled.

The photon has cooled?

where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water?

Magic photons are SSDD's specialty. My photons are the standard type.

CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously.

In all directions. Even toward the ground, right?

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

What does "pressure differential of temperatures" mean?

The emitted photon is at the wavelength of the object which emitted it. Water is cooler than other black bodies, therefore a warmer bodies emit a photon which is absorbed by the cooler object, in this case water, which will emit a photon at its temperature wavelength. The residency time of the photon and the temperature differential (pressure) will determine how much energy is used up during its time of residency.

In short, water absorbs energy and it emits it at a longer wavelength as the graph I showed you shows. Use some cognitive thinking skills and do the damn math...

The emitted photon is at the wavelength of the object which emitted it.

You might want to restate this, objects don't have wavelengths.

Water is cooler than other black bodies


In short, water absorbs energy and it emits it at a longer wavelength as the graph I showed you shows.

That graph didn't show water absorbing at one wavelength and emitting at another.

You didn't answer, what does "pressure differential of temperatures" mean?

And you ignored this....

CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously.

In all directions. Even toward the ground, right?
Like CO2 does not warm itself, it requires other molecules which can warm itself to warm.


water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Its basic molecular physics. A molecule will only vibrate when its energy balance is positive and energy is looking for a way to exit. CO2 can only vibrate for a 0.009 nanoseconds because its electrical bond does not allow excess energy to be retained. This means that the molecule is virtually incapable of internal warming. Water vapor will vibrate from 590 nanoseconds to over 3 seconds allowing the heating of the molecule and the residual energy is re-emitted at a slightly lower frequency due to the consumption of energy.

All one needs to do is look at the broad spectrum of water vapor emissions and ask yourself why it is..

That's awesome!

Still waiting for your proof.

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

Show me.
View attachment 137703
Narrow banding is the hallmark of the inability to hold energy. Water vapor however, has a very large bandwidth and has an incredible ability to hold energy.

Thanks for the chart.
Do you have one that backs up your claim?

water vapor absorbs, warms and re-emits at a slight longer wave length

tell me, when a photons energy is used to create heat (work) it can not be re-emitted at the same wave length because it has cooled. where are you getting magical photons from that do not expend energy in water? CO2 simply re-emits the photon instantaneously. it therefore does little or no work.

For instance.. LWIR is absorbed by the water molecule. Because it resides inside for a long period of time before it is re-emitted, it causes vibrations of the molecule and collisions with other molecules. This is work and expends some of the energy of the photon. The longer it resides the more energy is expended. The photon emitted will be of the lower temperature and thus a longer wave length.

A photon emitted at 12um, absorbed by water vapor for 1 second will be re-emitted at about 15um, at 3 seconds it will be re-emitted at about 24um. This process is totally dependent on ambient air temp and the pressure differential of temperatures.

You keep screaming about "smart photons" but it is not so much smart as it is the inter-dynamics of different molecules defined by the natural laws.

Hahahaha. There is nothing correct in that last comment. Usually you get something a little bit right, probably by accident, but this time everything was wrong and by a large margin.

Were you drinking or something?
I've read the reports & studies & I have read the denier crap. I decided to go with science. You can stick with the limbaughs, infowars, Glenn Beck, and Fox News.

Really? You decided to go with science? Science is all about observation, measurement, and quantification of data and using that to support a claim. Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW claim over natural variability? Just a single piece?
Any number of research papers by a number of climatologists. Where the fuck have you been? What have you read?

Fuck that.

Common sense.

You are soda king stupid that you think man can spew crap into the atmosphere for decades with zero effects.

My God, just how fucking stupid can you get.

More CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

All proven .

None proven. Show us empirical evidence. Not computer models, DATA! GO!
Here uis just how ignorant your post is.

You look at statements msde in 1970 & then run in circles screaming OMG OMG OMG OMG never happened OMG OMG OMG.

Since 1970, steps have been taken to reduce pollution. Pollution from coal fired generation plants,. Vehicle emissdions.

You are sofa king stupid that you think nothing as been done.

HW Bush signed legislation that reduced emissions & stopped acid rain. Where the fuck were you?

The goals later set forth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions call for the reduction to put emissions back to 2005 levels. We are halk way there.

I love it when you assholes post your stupid posts & then follow it with "lol". I am "lol" at how uninformed you are & yet you think you are so smart. That is some funny chit.

Where will we be in 2050 or 2100? A ten year p=old chid today has a 50/50 change of living to 100 or more. Your ignorance is condemning your children & grandchildren to the threat of a more difficult life.

yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

Science is science.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

But hey, you can cling to your fossil fuel funded "scientists" because it fits into your politics of stupidity & ignorance.
I've read the reports & studies & I have read the denier crap. I decided to go with science. You can stick with the limbaughs, infowars, Glenn Beck, and Fox News.

Really? You decided to go with science? Science is all about observation, measurement, and quantification of data and using that to support a claim. Can you show me a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW claim over natural variability? Just a single piece?
Any number of research papers by a number of climatologists. Where the fuck have you been? What have you read?

Fuck that.

Common sense.

You are soda king stupid that you think man can spew crap into the atmosphere for decades with zero effects.

My God, just how fucking stupid can you get.

More CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

All proven .

None proven. Show us empirical evidence. Not computer models, DATA! GO!

I posted a link to an experiment that high school kids can do that proves it

The greenhouse effect is PROVEN science.
So, this officially ends the "Global Warming" debate. First, Climategate where they got caught lying and now this: they have no evidence at all.

It's settled, AGW is total BS
Yet another dumbass who does not know that Climategate was debunked.

And, there were more really ignorant people that thought your stupid post was a winner.
yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

Science is science.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

But hey, you can cling to your fossil fuel funded "scientists" because it fits into your politics of stupidity & ignorance.

yes but your spouting fake science

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