Creator of Infamous Hockey Stick Graph Refuses to Turn Over Data to Court

yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

Science is science.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

But hey, you can cling to your fossil fuel funded "scientists" because it fits into your politics of stupidity & ignorance.

Oil is an abiotic fluid and not a "fossil fuel". They have struck oil over a mile underneath the ground. It's a natural process produced by the earth's crust. It is the second most prevalent fluid on earth.
Here uis just how ignorant your post is.

You look at statements msde in 1970 & then run in circles screaming OMG OMG OMG OMG never happened OMG OMG OMG.

Since 1970, steps have been taken to reduce pollution. Pollution from coal fired generation plants,. Vehicle emissdions.

You are sofa king stupid that you think nothing as been done.

HW Bush signed legislation that reduced emissions & stopped acid rain. Where the fuck were you?

The goals later set forth to reduce greenhouse gas emissions call for the reduction to put emissions back to 2005 levels. We are halk way there.

I love it when you assholes post your stupid posts & then follow it with "lol". I am "lol" at how uninformed you are & yet you think you are so smart. That is some funny chit.

Where will we be in 2050 or 2100? A ten year p=old chid today has a 50/50 change of living to 100 or more. Your ignorance is condemning your children & grandchildren to the threat of a more difficult life.

yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

So, you think a bunch of scientists got together, did no research and just voted whether MMGW is real. You aren't too smart. You are confusing the way your political party met & decided to be a denier party & then duped feeble minded jerkoffs like you.

Scientists did the research. They continue to do the research.

This is like the disaster movies where the scientists tell the government that the biggest earthquake in history will destroy the East Coast & the government ignores it because it is politically advantageous to do so,.

Our children's future is at risk. If we wait until the effects get too severe, we can n=do nothing to stop it. We can reduce the amount of warming by sacting now.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Stupid fucks like you elected an orange business cheat & fraud who will delay action in hopes he an funnel more monrey to corporations & the wealthy.
yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

So, you think a bunch of scientists got together, did no research and just voted whether MMGW is real. You aren't too smart. You are confusing the way your political party met & decided to be a denier party & then duped feeble minded jerkoffs like you.

Scientists did the research. They continue to do the research.

This is like the disaster movies where the scientists tell the government that the biggest earthquake in history will destroy the East Coast & the government ignores it because it is politically advantageous to do so,.

Our children's future is at risk. If we wait until the effects get too severe, we can n=do nothing to stop it. We can reduce the amount of warming by sacting now.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Stupid fucks like you elected an orange business cheat & fraud who will delay action in hopes he an funnel more monrey to corporations & the wealthy.

the data has been fudged

and btw a bunch of scientists did not get together

you live in lala land
BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

Science is science.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

But hey, you can cling to your fossil fuel funded "scientists" because it fits into your politics of stupidity & ignorance.

Oil is an abiotic fluid and not a "fossil fuel". They have struck oil over a mile underneath the ground. It's a natural process produced by the earth's crust. It is the second most prevalent fluid on earth.

speaking of oil

at the G20 summit they removed

the 2025 deadline for the end of fossil fuel subsidies


thanks to Trump
So, this officially ends the "Global Warming" debate. First, Climategate where they got caught lying and now this: they have no evidence at all.

It's settled, AGW is total BS
Yet another dumbass who does not know that Climategate was debunked.

And, there were more really ignorant people that thought your stupid post was a winner.

Where's the data?
So, this officially ends the "Global Warming" debate. First, Climategate where they got caught lying and now this: they have no evidence at all.

It's settled, AGW is total BS
Yet another dumbass who does not know that Climategate was debunked.

And, there were more really ignorant people that thought your stupid post was a winner.

Where's the data?

the question

where is the real data

not some made up points
yup none of it has come true loser

it was all phony fake based in lies

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

A new study found adjustments made to global surface temperature readings by scientists in recent years “are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data.”

“Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record setting warming,” according to a study published June 27 by two scientists and a veteran statistician.

The peer-reviewed study tried to validate current surface temperature datasets managed by NASA, NOAA and the UK’s Met Office, all of which make adjustments to raw thermometer readings. Skeptics of man-made global warming have criticized the adjustments.

Climate scientists often apply adjustments to surface temperature thermometers to account for “biases” in the data. The new study doesn’t question the adjustments themselves but notes nearly all of them increase the warming trend.

Basically, “cyclical pattern in the earlier reported data has very nearly been ‘adjusted’ out” of temperature readings taken from weather stations, buoys, ships and other sources.

In fact, almost all the surface temperature warming adjustments cool past temperatures and warm more current records, increasing the warming trend, according to the study’s authors.

Bombshell study: Temperature Adjustments Account For ‘Nearly All Of The Warming’ In Government Climate Data

BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

So, you think a bunch of scientists got together, did no research and just voted whether MMGW is real. You aren't too smart. You are confusing the way your political party met & decided to be a denier party & then duped feeble minded jerkoffs like you.

Scientists did the research. They continue to do the research.

This is like the disaster movies where the scientists tell the government that the biggest earthquake in history will destroy the East Coast & the government ignores it because it is politically advantageous to do so,.

Our children's future is at risk. If we wait until the effects get too severe, we can n=do nothing to stop it. We can reduce the amount of warming by sacting now.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Stupid fucks like you elected an orange business cheat & fraud who will delay action in hopes he an funnel more monrey to corporations & the wealthy.

Hey, Dave, have ya got any figures about MMGW were geo-engineering is figured into the equation? You know, the Solar Radiation Management program where they have been spraying tons of heavy metal nano-particulates into the upper atmosphere and have done so in earnest since 1997? THAT program????

See Dave run.

Run, Dave, run.

Run to your safe place, Dave!
Science is science.

Yes it is...and when you are dealing with an observable, measurable quantity such as the movement of energy through the atmosphere, real science demands observed, measured, quantified data to support claims regarding said entity...So lets see it. Lets see a single piece of actual observed, measured, quantified data that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability....just one.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

Based on what? There is no actual evidence to support the hypothesis...what are they basing their agreement on?....if not actual data, then it must be money.
I posted a link to an experiment that high school kids can do that proves it

The greenhouse effect is PROVEN science.

Lets see that link. I would like to see what sort of side show hucksterism fooled you so completely.
Any number of research papers by a number of climatologists. Where the fuck have you been? What have you read?

Really? Then you should have little problem copying a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability. Lets see it. I am giddy with excitement.....literally on the edge of my seat.

Fuck that.

More like the sort of response I get from warmers when I ask for some actual data.

Common sense.

Common sense demands that you have some actual evidence in support of scientific claim to have seen some. I have been looking for decades and haven't seen the first shred...and I have looked deeply. Which is why I can confidently ask the question of you warmers...I have no fear of asking you for even one piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis....not the first second thought that one of you might actually produce such a piece of evidence because none exists...and you are just further proving the fact by your inability to do so.

You are soda king stupid that you think man can spew crap into the atmosphere for decades with zero effects.

Oh, we can have effects...we can pollute the air, we can cause all sorts of environmental damage...what we aren't doing, however, is altering the global climate. You guys always attempt to shift the discussion to pollution as if my skepticism of the man made climate change scam means that I don't think we can pollute our environment and cause serious damage. In fact, I am disgusted over how much money that could have been spent addressing actual, serious environmental issues has been wasted on the manmade climate change scam.

My God, just how fucking stupid can you get.

You should ask yourself that question. It is you who holds such a fervent belief without the first shred of actual evidence to support it. I mean look at yourself...calling me names when, if you could find a single piece of the data I have asked for, you could be bitch slapping me down...being a hero to all your warmer buds..

More CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures.

Yeah..that is what I am asking for...a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports that chain reaction. Got one?

All proven .

The only thing that is proven is that you can't provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence to even support what you believe is proven...much less prove it
BTW, your story has been debunked.

Just like I debunked your stupid post.

t one point, scientists predicted the death of many of our lakes due to acid rain. OMG OMG OMG It didn't happen OMG OMG OMG. Because we did something to stop it. It does not mean the predictions were not true at the time they were made.,

Pull your head of ioyt your ass. Become informed,. Help your children. Why do you hate your children?

only in your retarded mind has anything been "debunked"

face it man made global warming has been debunked

it has all been a fraud

The majority of scientists are wrong & only dumbass you is right.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad your children won't be laughing.

consensus is not science

you should really take the time to learn that

So, you think a bunch of scientists got together, did no research and just voted whether MMGW is real. You aren't too smart. You are confusing the way your political party met & decided to be a denier party & then duped feeble minded jerkoffs like you.

Scientists did the research. They continue to do the research.

This is like the disaster movies where the scientists tell the government that the biggest earthquake in history will destroy the East Coast & the government ignores it because it is politically advantageous to do so,.

Our children's future is at risk. If we wait until the effects get too severe, we can n=do nothing to stop it. We can reduce the amount of warming by sacting now.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI Stupid fucks like you elected an orange business cheat & fraud who will delay action in hopes he an funnel more monrey to corporations & the wealthy.

the data has been fudged

and btw a bunch of scientists did not get together

you live in lala land

The " Everyone is lying except me" argument. You & El Dumpster are twins.
I posted a link to an experiment that high school kids can do that proves it

The greenhouse effect is PROVEN science.

Lets see that link. I would like to see what sort of side show hucksterism fooled you so completely.

Go back & find it yourself.

The only people that are fooled are ignorant Trumpsters like you.

I believe scientists.

You believe the fossil fuel industry.
Science is science.

Yes it is...and when you are dealing with an observable, measurable quantity such as the movement of energy through the atmosphere, real science demands observed, measured, quantified data to support claims regarding said entity...So lets see it. Lets see a single piece of actual observed, measured, quantified data that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability....just one.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

Based on what? There is no actual evidence to support the hypothesis...what are they basing their agreement on?....if not actual data, then it must be money.
There is plenty of evidence.

First you deniers ran in circles & crying about how they won't share data & now you claim is there is no data. Make up your minds because you are making yourselves look lime dumbasses
Go back & find it yourself.

Yeah...if had posted something so stupid, I wouldn't be eager to have it come back and visit me either.

The only people that are fooled are ignorant Trumpsters like you.
And yet, you can't provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports your belief that man is altering the global climate with CO2 emissions.

I believe scientists.

Since they haven't provide you with a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, upon what is their claim based?

You believe the fossil fuel industry.

I don't look to them for my position either...I look for evidence to support whatever claims are being made...there is no actual evidence supporting the claim that we are altering the global climate with our CO2 emissions.
There is plenty of evidence.

If there were, you would be slapping me down with it right now instead of making claims you can't support.

First you deniers ran in circles & crying about how they won't share data & now you claim is there is no data. Make up your minds because you are making yourselves look lime dumbasses

Prove me wrong me some observed, measured, quantified data that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...just one piece...or keep talking making claims you can't back up and look like a dupe.

By the way...I did a quick search for any post you have made that contains the word experiment...two showed up...the one where you claimed to have posted an experiment, and the post where you told me to go find it myself...

So in addition to being a will also lie if it suits never posted any experiment, you simply made the claim trying to save some face...
I posted a link to an experiment that high school kids can do that proves it

The greenhouse effect is PROVEN science.

Lets see that link. I would like to see what sort of side show hucksterism fooled you so completely.

Go back & find it yourself.

The only people that are fooled are ignorant Trumpsters like you.

I believe scientists.

You believe the fossil fuel industry.
SO you, like others here, can not provided empirical evidence of said process... hmmmmmm...
Science is science.

Yes it is...and when you are dealing with an observable, measurable quantity such as the movement of energy through the atmosphere, real science demands observed, measured, quantified data to support claims regarding said entity...So lets see it. Lets see a single piece of actual observed, measured, quantified data that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability....just one.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

Based on what? There is no actual evidence to support the hypothesis...what are they basing their agreement on?....if not actual data, then it must be money.
There is plenty of evidence.

First you deniers ran in circles & crying about how they won't share data & now you claim is there is no data. Make up your minds because you are making yourselves look lime dumbasses
You still haven't produced any Observed, Quantifiable, repeatable science to prove anything... come on.. someone so sure as you can do it... Or maybe not.. Old Fraud, Crick, Ian and others still haven't... lets see if you can..
Science is science.

Yes it is...and when you are dealing with an observable, measurable quantity such as the movement of energy through the atmosphere, real science demands observed, measured, quantified data to support claims regarding said entity...So lets see it. Lets see a single piece of actual observed, measured, quantified data that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability....just one.

And the vast majority of climate scientists agree that MMGW is real.

Based on what? There is no actual evidence to support the hypothesis...what are they basing their agreement on?....if not actual data, then it must be money.
There is plenty of evidence.

First you deniers ran in circles & crying about how they won't share data & now you claim is there is no data. Make up your minds because you are making yourselves look lime dumbasses

Where's the beef (data)?
So, this officially ends the "Global Warming" debate. First, Climategate where they got caught lying and now this: they have no evidence at all.

It's settled, AGW is total BS
Yet another dumbass who does not know that Climategate was debunked.

And, there were more really ignorant people that thought your stupid post was a winner.

Climategate was debunked.

When they talked about "hiding the decline", "Mike's nature trick" and preventing skeptics from publishing........they were just joking around.
Go back & find it yourself.

Yeah...if had posted something so stupid, I wouldn't be eager to have it come back and visit me either.

The only people that are fooled are ignorant Trumpsters like you.
And yet, you can't provide a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports your belief that man is altering the global climate with CO2 emissions.

I believe scientists.

Since they haven't provide you with a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, upon what is their claim based?

You believe the fossil fuel industry.

I don't look to them for my position either...I look for evidence to support whatever claims are being made...there is no actual evidence supporting the claim that we are altering the global climate with our CO2 emissions.
Where is your evidence that man can spew as much CO2 into the atmosphere as possible and it have no effect on our climate? Can't wait for this.

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