Creature: City of Americans


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an urbanization-paranoia fable (my last one I can rather confidently say finally!) inspired by C.H.U.D.

Signing off (after about 15 years of Internet-blogging!),



Snake-Eyes and his trusted dog Cyclone were investigating a strange occurrence of toxic-waste related abominations and mutations arising from the sewers of New York City in modern-day America. Snake-Eyes and Cyclone were valued members or team-mates of the secret American paramilitary crusaders known as 'G.I. Joes.' Snake-Eyes and Cyclone wandered around the sewers of the city looking for signs or traces of evil.


America was about Wall Street and pluralism, and TrumpUSA was about eCommerce, NATO, and the World Bank. Everyday, countless brokers entered into the trading-floors of the NYSE and made important deals and trades which kept the global business community functioning properly. No one cared about toxic-waste and how or why it could be creating genetic-abominations in city sewers, transforming sewer-dwelling creatures into ravenous man-eating 'leviathans.'


Some say we should blame the age-old philosophers, politicians, and poets for forgetting to talk about the ethical gravity of civilization excess and waste. Where were the legendary poems and stories and theorems about the impact of civilization's toxic-waste? Snake-Eyes and Cyclone now had to do what no intelligent agent had done so far in U.S. history (or world history!) --- detangle the 'mythos' of toxic-waste and urban sewage. If they succeeded, they'd certainly be the kind of G.I. Joe heroes their unit expected. However, the sewers of the city are something like an 'ugly cauldron' --- much worse than racism, chickenpox, or even celebrity scandals!


Snake-Eyes and Cyclone saw something truly awful down there in NYC sewers --- a behemoth of a toxic-waste engendered demon from hell, a mutated lizard-creature with multiple humanoid hands and a skull-like head. Snake-Eyes and Cyclone simply referred to this abomination as 'The Thing.' They knew they couldn't reason with it, so Snake-Eyes froze it with his liquid-nitrogen 'ice-gun' while Cyclone was barking fiercely to distract it. After Snake-Eyes froze The Thing, he incinerated it completely and it was turned into ashes (in a cage). Snake-Eyes and Cyclone then fled to Canada for much needed R&R. Snake-Eyes drank whiskey while Cyclone danced around him.


An angel of the Lord appeared to Snake-Eyes in a dream and told him that he and Cyclone would be safe forever, especially since they had performed this great heroic urban deed regarding the eradication of a toxic-waste engendered abomination/leviathan. Snake-Eyes thanked this angel and explained that he intended to retire to Canada (Prince Edward Island) with his dog Cyclone and read poetry and paint and try to forget about his encounter with 'The Thing.' The angel gently comforted Snake-Eyes and told him that toxic-waste would be dealt with politically by the U.S. government.


As Snake-Eyes and Cyclone watched the new American sci-fi horror film Alien: Covenant, they thought about their dreaded ordeal regarding toxic-waste in NYC's sewers and how mankind was more than obligated to deal with the very real evil of mismanaged industrialization and capitalism. Snake-Eyes and Cyclone both concluded that Alien: Covenant was a modernism symbol (or 'totem' perhaps) of real 'evolutionary psychiatry'(!).


GOD: Snake-Eyes and Cyclone have really proven themselves...
SATAN: Yes, they dealt properly with 'The Thing.'
GOD: They were equally-inspired by the symbolism in Alien: Covenant!
SATAN: The modern world is a cauldron of troubles...
GOD: Yes, racism, terrorism, capitalism-corruption, media-scandals, and eco-pollution.
SATAN: Mishandled toxic-waste is a real sign of human weakness...
GOD: Yes, it behoves the Trump Administration to deal with such frailties.
SATAN: Many consider Trump a 'token capitalist.'
GOD: Perhaps Trump will prove everyone wrong with wise political policies.
SATAN: He did a good job negotiating with North Korea and South Korea.
GOD: Yes, he also oversaw a vital alliance between North/South (Korea) during the Olympics.
SATAN: The PyeongChang Games in South Korea will be considered Trump's first success!
GOD: Perhaps you're correct, but I worry about more abominations surfacing...
SATAN: If the G.I. Joes inspire America (as Snake-Eyes and Cyclone did), all will be well.
GOD: Toxic-waste and eco-pollution are evidence that human civilization is juvenile!
SATAN: Maybe we need Armageddon...
GOD: The AntiChrist will surface and lure humanity away from urbanization optimism.
SATAN: Let's go watch Alien: Covenant on Netflix!




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