Credentials of the Founding Fathers of Evolution

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The Apostles of Evolution were no more educated in this nonsense than your garbage man

Meh; it's a theory. Interesting one too, but the foundings had no idea how it worked. Not that many today do; they think they came from monkeys, or even from apes. WRONG!!!

Evolution is settled science. Species have clearly evolved from earlier forms. The origin of the first living cell is still an absolute mystery that will probably never be solved.
Evolution is settled science. Species have clearly evolved from earlier forms. The origin of the first living cell is still an absolute mystery that will probably never be solved.
You're kidding; right?? Evolution is a robust topic taking many branches, forwards and backwards. It's an amazingly energetic part of Science; nothing settled in it at all.

metaphysical physiology someday if desired might be reverse engineered to categorize its origin though already intuitively known from the elements to molecular compounds - where arose physiologies spiritual content and its seemingly inseparable relationship to a particular organism will remain a study for many years into the future.
You're kidding; right?? Evolution is a robust topic taking many branches, forwards and backwards. It's an amazingly energetic part of Science; nothing settled in it at all.

Settled enough that the creationists do not have a leg to stand on. They being the only ones challenging the entirety of the concept that over the vastness of time single cell organisms became all of the living things on earth.
Evolution is settled science. Species have clearly evolved from earlier forms. The origin of the first living cell is still an absolute mystery that will probably never be solved.

Evolution is a FACT
God is a theory

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