Creepy Joe Biden goes to Europe and trashes America says our nation is an embarssment

Joe Biden is undermining the administration on an international level - He’s the embarrassment - He’s like a crazy family member that talks bad about the family to other people - guess what? the Europeans, like most people, have no respect for someone undermines their own nation Kimberly Guilfoyle on Twitter

Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) February 17, 2019

Wow. Joe Biden is overseas telling Europeans that America is an embarrassment!

Seriously?! You do not speak for us, Joe. There are millions of proud, liberty-loving Americans who think YOU are the embarrassment! Joe Biden Tells Europe That America Is ‘An Embarrassment’

Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) February 17, 2019

Donald Trump is undermining his administration both in and out of the country. Trump is the crazy one as he continues to govern against the will of the people. Voters gave the Democrats the House for a reason. To put a check on Donald Trump. It is Trump who is launching a coup. He is trying to seize power that he does not have as Congress has the power of the purse according to the Constitution.

Kimberly Guilfoyle who is shacking up with Jr. Sara Carter is just a Trump bitch.

He speaks for the minority in this country. It is about making America safe for white supremacists and neo-nazis. People who love liberty oppose Trump. Sara Carter is another embarrassment.
Taken in context, Biden was referring to the policies coming out of the White House that are inconsistent with the core American values that have won the U.S. respect from others. And he's right. Those currently in the White House do everything they can to humiliate this country.

Treason is not one of America's core values. It never has been, and never will be.

For Mr. Biden to be out in a foreign land, promoting treason as an American value, and condemning his own country for defending itself against illegal foreign invasion, is outrageous and insane, as is your defense of him for doing so.

White Supremacists like you and Trump ARE a embarrassment to this country. We are not defending this country against any foreign invasion. We have people fleeing drug cartels who get their money and as a result from the US because of our appetite for drugs.
They aren't fleeing drug cartels. They ARE the drug cartels.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.
He is showing off what he learned from shitstain obama. If this is what is acceptable, no wonder Democrats hate Trump standing up for the country !

Next to Trump, Obama looks like George Washington. Trump is not standing up for this country. He is standing up for white supremacists and neo-nazis which have taken over the Republican Party.
What do you think George was about, he had zero problems being wealthy and a slave owner.

Figures you would criticize George Washington. Washington was influenced by his times. What is your excuse?
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.
Well that would be a comparable SNL skit on a progressive socialist version of what is done to Trump.
Please, point out where SNL hoped the tRump and his family dies of cancer.

I'll wait, I suspect it will be a while.
they voted for this brain dead piece of garbage in the WH now and don't have the balls to admit how wrong they were don't matter. For he is the last chance of a former Republic to a Democracy now tattering to Tyranny. If he gets half the stuff he promised it is a victory because Hillary was not elected. He would have more but there were Repubs who sold him out.
22 My only answer is HOW can you support a president who said he believes PUTIN our enemy more than he believes our FBI when it came to nuclear capabilities?? What kind of a FN idiot did you give America
The FBI has not been an American agency for years. Putin has given us better information than the FBI.

Who warned us about the Boston Bombers? That would be Putin. Who said these were innocent refugee boys? The FBI. How many people died? How many maimed?

How many people have been killed by Putin? Why don't you move to Russia and you can vote for Putin. I will take the FBI over Putin any day of the week.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.

LOL so because she is attractive she must be dumb and that was how she got her job on Fox? Honestly? You need to check yourself. Attack her all you want but not because she is a woman. That is sad and primitive.
Taken in context, Biden was referring to the policies coming out of the White House that are inconsistent with the core American values that have won the U.S. respect from others. And he's right. Those currently in the White House do everything they can to humiliate this country.

Treason is not one of America's core values. It never has been, and never will be.

For Mr. Biden to be out in a foreign land, promoting treason as an American value, and condemning his own country for defending itself against illegal foreign invasion, is outrageous and insane, as is your defense of him for doing so.

White Supremacists like you and Trump ARE a embarrassment to this country. We are not defending this country against any foreign invasion. We have people fleeing drug cartels who get their money and as a result from the US because of our appetite for drugs.
They aren't fleeing drug cartels. They ARE the drug cartels.

Thanks for showing your stupidity again.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.

LOL so because she is attractive she must be dumb and that was how she got her job on Fox? Honestly? You need to check yourself. Attack her all you want but not because she is a woman. That is sad and primitive.
My understanding is that she was fucking Donald Jr. and caused the breakup of his marriage. If true, that makes her an adulterous whore, right?
Did you hear the dead silence when Pence spoke ? in front of European alliance?
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

About this website


Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause
Speaking to European allies, Biden trashed America with an open hostility, violating the unspoken tradition of leaving political gripes at home when speaking in foreign nations.

Creepy Joe Biden Goes to Europe and Trashes America, Says Our Nation is an 'Embarrassment'

Biden is such a liar, he is one of those people who look and act just like that bs-ing car salesman we've all encountered at some point or other.


You are doing the right no favors by sensationalizing and reproducing doctored photos showing Creep Joe's habits.
You do not need to show photoshopped photos to make the case. There are 100's of REAL photos showing the same thing...but real.
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.

LOL so because she is attractive she must be dumb and that was how she got her job on Fox? Honestly? You need to check yourself. Attack her all you want but not because she is a woman. That is sad and primitive.
My understanding is that she was fucking Donald Jr. and caused the breakup of his marriage. If true, that makes her an adulterous whore, right?

If true. But we don’t know the details and in America you’re innocent until proven guilty.
Did you hear the dead silence when Pence spoke ? in front of European alliance?
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

About this website


Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause

What alliances? Europe is overrun by Islam. Pass. They whine to us however whenever they need military help.
Taken in context, Biden was referring to the policies coming out of the White House that are inconsistent with the core American values that have won the U.S. respect from others. And he's right. Those currently in the White House do everything they can to humiliate this country.

Treason is not one of America's core values. It never has been, and never will be.

For Mr. Biden to be out in a foreign land, promoting treason as an American value, and condemning his own country for defending itself against illegal foreign invasion, is outrageous and insane, as is your defense of him for doing so.

White Supremacists like you and Trump ARE a embarrassment to this country. We are not defending this country against any foreign invasion. We have people fleeing drug cartels who get their money and as a result from the US because of our appetite for drugs.
They aren't fleeing drug cartels. They ARE the drug cartels.

Thanks for showing your stupidity again.

Sir. With all due respect you should not call anyone stupid.
Joe Biden will make a great President

Obama’s third term
Did you hear the dead silence when Pence spoke ? in front of European alliance?
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

About this website


Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause

What alliances? Europe is overrun by Islam. Pass. They whine to us however whenever they need military help.

LOL...What a fucking moron

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