Creepy Joe Biden goes to Europe and trashes America says our nation is an embarssment

Did you hear the dead silence when Pence spoke ? in front of European alliance?
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

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Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause

What alliances? Europe is overrun by Islam. Pass. They whine to us however whenever they need military help.

LOL...What a fucking moron

Triggered? Good. I love when Antisemites are triggered. This Jew is still alive and well.
Come get some
Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Rrump Jr.'s adultery partner, transitional fuckmate during his separation/divorce, whatever. She associates with a long list of proven liars and spent years on FOX News lying for a living. Her biggest contribution to FOX was wearing short skirts and flashing her legs.

?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.

LOL so because she is attractive she must be dumb and that was how she got her job on Fox? Honestly? You need to check yourself. Attack her all you want but not because she is a woman. That is sad and primitive.
My understanding is that she was fucking Donald Jr. and caused the breakup of his marriage. If true, that makes her an adulterous whore, right?

If true. But we don’t know the details and in America you’re innocent until proven guilty.
Seriously, this thread is full of unfounded malicious accusations about Joe Biden. Accusations I have made about Kimberly Guilfoyle are not unfounded, rather, they are based on uncontested news reports from multiple sources. You just object to the way in which I frame rhe facts or spin the story.
Did you hear the dead silence when Pence spoke ? in front of European alliance?
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

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Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause

What alliances? Europe is overrun by Islam. Pass. They whine to us however whenever they need military help.
Heip goes both ways. They are with us in Afghanistan and Syria, Africa and Iraq,
Joe Biden is undermining the administration on an international level - He’s the embarrassment - He’s like a crazy family member that talks bad about the family to other people - guess what? the Europeans, like most people, have no respect for someone undermines their own nation Kimberly Guilfoyle on Twitter

Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) February 17, 2019

Wow. Joe Biden is overseas telling Europeans that America is an embarrassment!

Seriously?! You do not speak for us, Joe. There are millions of proud, liberty-loving Americans who think YOU are the embarrassment! Joe Biden Tells Europe That America Is ‘An Embarrassment’

Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) February 17, 2019

Donald Trump is undermining his administration both in and out of the country. Trump is the crazy one as he continues to govern against the will of the people. Voters gave the Democrats the House for a reason. To put a check on Donald Trump. It is Trump who is launching a coup. He is trying to seize power that he does not have as Congress has the power of the purse according to the Constitution.

Kimberly Guilfoyle who is shacking up with Jr. Sara Carter is just a Trump bitch.

He speaks for the minority in this country. It is about making America safe for white supremacists and neo-nazis. People who love liberty oppose Trump. Sara Carter is another embarrassment.

Trump is making this country great again with a robust economy, secured borders, tax decreases, stronger military and you stupid hate filled TDS afflicted socialists assholes can't stand it.

You pathetic hate mongering little pukes long for the Obama days of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth, weak military, shitheads flooding across the border and the embarrassment of the weakest foreign policy our country ever had that kissed the ass of the Russians, Iranians and Communist dictators.
Trump Agrees to Let Kim Jong Un Have Pence as Manservant

By Andy Borowitz

June 14, 2018


Photograph by Mark Wilson / Getty
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—As new details emerge from this week’s summit in Singapore, the White House has confirmed that Donald J. Trump unilaterally offered to let Kim Jong Un have Mike Pence as his personal manservant.

The offer reportedly came after Kim spoke glowingly to Trump about the Vice-President’s obsequiousness, sources said.

“Even by North Korean standards, Pence puts my toadies to shame,” Kim reportedly said.

Once the necessary paperwork is squared away, Pence could begin bowing and scraping in Pyongyang as early as next week.

Going forward, Pence’s duties as senior sycophant to Trump are expected to be performed by Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California.

Although State Department insiders were taken by surprise by Trump’s offering of Pence, for whom the U.S. will receive nothing in return, the deal has been met with nearly universal approval.

“At least Trump didn’t give away much this time,” one diplomat said.
?? Why are you attacking KG?
She put herself in the mix by attacking Joe Biden. You have to pay to play. She must miss being a celebrity and just a sex toy for some rich kid.

LOL so because she is attractive she must be dumb and that was how she got her job on Fox? Honestly? You need to check yourself. Attack her all you want but not because she is a woman. That is sad and primitive.
My understanding is that she was fucking Donald Jr. and caused the breakup of his marriage. If true, that makes her an adulterous whore, right?

If true. But we don’t know the details and in America you’re innocent until proven guilty.
Seriously, this thread is full of unfounded malicious accusations about Joe Biden. Accusations I have made about Kimberly Guilfoyle are not unfounded, rather, they are based on uncontested news reports from multiple sources. You just object to the way in which I frame rhe facts or spin the story.

Women deserve better. That marriage was done as I read it.
Nope! And am I willing to take your word for anything about it? Nope!
Then take this
Pence expected a round of applause, but recieved crickets.

About this website


Europe Treats Members of Team Trump with the Disdain They Deserve
Any remaining doubt that most of the world, particularly our allies in Europe, view the Trump administration as a global embarrassment of extreme idiocy were laid to rest this weekend at the Munich Security Conference.
Trump has done everything possible to destroy our European alliances yet expects applause

What alliances? Europe is overrun by Islam. Pass. They whine to us however whenever they need military help.

LOL...What a fucking moron

Triggered? Good. I love when Antisemites are triggered. This Jew is still alive and well.
Come get some

All you got? Norton? LOL. At least you admit you’re an antisemite. And you are. Your party is antisemitic and it is. You’re a liar and you are. Finally all the cards are on the table.
One man’s opinion is not fact. Europe is very close to becoming a caliphate. So I don’t really care what they think. TBH.
All you got? Norton? LOL. At least you admit you’re an antisemite. And you are. Your party is antisemitic and it is. You’re a liar and you are. Finally all the cards are on the table.
And he's a not all that bright Warren Commission butt-boy. All in all not a pretty picture.
Taken in context, Biden was referring to the policies coming out of the White House that are inconsistent with the core American values that have won the U.S. respect from others. And he's right. Those currently in the White House do everything they can to humiliate this country.

Treason is not one of America's core values. It never has been, and never will be.

For Mr. Biden to be out in a foreign land, promoting treason as an American value, and condemning his own country for defending itself against illegal foreign invasion, is outrageous and insane, as is your defense of him for doing so.

Regardless of your dramatic rhetoric, Biden did absolutely nothing treasonous. Criticism of a politician's policies is no where near treason. He was speaking at an international meeting. He committed no overt acts. He did nothing to promote treason. Moreover, the U.S. is not being invaded.

Check out the U.S. Constitution, Art. 3, Section 3.

This is the first time in my life that we have someone in the Oval Office who never passes up a chance to humiliate us on the world stage.
Joe Biden is admired in Europe
A link to a time America had a sane foreign policy

Mike Pence was mocked
The Groper can go fck himself.

I hope German moms kept their daughters away from him.

You do? German filth are such fanatically American-hating pigs (who parasite off of us while wishing for our destruction) I want German moms & daughters to be raped by their muslim whoremasters and I want Germany to be wiped off this planet. I've personally dealt with rotting, diseased sauerkraut-scheissen for years and Germans are the PURE in the sense that they are America's PUREST backstabbing enemies, WORSE than French cowards. I want German filth exterminated. That's the country that should have been nuked and they really need some more "Dresden therapy" to keep them in check. NEVER have I met a Eurotrash nationality that fills me with as much violent loathing as these German authoritarian little tin-plated culture of dictators with swaggering, self-righteous delusions of godhood. Jesus Christ, how I HATE them and their ugly, gargling language.
The Groper can go fck himself.

I hope German moms kept their daughters away from him.

You do? German filth are such fanatically American-hating pigs (who parasite off of us while wishing for our destruction) I want German moms & daughters to be raped by their muslim whoremasters and I want Germany to be wiped off this planet. I've personally dealt with rotting, diseased sauerkraut-scheissen for years and Germans are the PURE in the sense that they are America's PUREST backstabbing enemies, WORSE than French cowards. I want German filth exterminated. That's the country that should have been nuked and they really need some more "Dresden therapy" to keep them in check. NEVER have I met a Eurotrash nationality that fills me with as much violent loathing as these German authoritarian little tin-plated culture of dictators with swaggering, self-righteous delusions of godhood. Jesus Christ, how I HATE them and their ugly, gargling language.
What an ass
Trump Agrees to Let Kim Jong Un Have Pence as Manservant

By Andy Borowitz

June 14, 2018


Photograph by Mark Wilson / Getty
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—As new details emerge from this week’s summit in Singapore, the White House has confirmed that Donald J. Trump unilaterally offered to let Kim Jong Un have Mike Pence as his personal manservant.

The offer reportedly came after Kim spoke glowingly to Trump about the Vice-President’s obsequiousness, sources said.

“Even by North Korean standards, Pence puts my toadies to shame,” Kim reportedly said.

Once the necessary paperwork is squared away, Pence could begin bowing and scraping in Pyongyang as early as next week.

Going forward, Pence’s duties as senior sycophant to Trump are expected to be performed by Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California.

Although State Department insiders were taken by surprise by Trump’s offering of Pence, for whom the U.S. will receive nothing in return, the deal has been met with nearly universal approval.

“At least Trump didn’t give away much this time,” one diplomat said.
Belongs in satire.
Belongs in satire.
Belongs in a trash can. Borowitz is a so called comedian and puts his droppings in the New Yorker, a real knee slapper
of a magazine if you like cartoons of apartment dwelling NY assholes taking their cats to the psychiatrist to talk about their mothers.
The Groper can go fck himself.

I hope German moms kept their daughters away from him.

You do? German filth are such fanatically American-hating pigs (who parasite off of us while wishing for our destruction) I want German moms & daughters to be raped by their muslim whoremasters and I want Germany to be wiped off this planet. I've personally dealt with rotting, diseased sauerkraut-scheissen for years and Germans are the PURE in the sense that they are America's PUREST backstabbing enemies, WORSE than French cowards. I want German filth exterminated. That's the country that should have been nuked and they really need some more "Dresden therapy" to keep them in check. NEVER have I met a Eurotrash nationality that fills me with as much violent loathing as these German authoritarian little tin-plated culture of dictators with swaggering, self-righteous delusions of godhood. Jesus Christ, how I HATE them and their ugly, gargling language.
What an ass
Quote: What an ass​

Real member of the Donkey Party, eh? :scared1:
Joe Biden is admired in Europe
A link to a time America had a sane foreign policy

Mike Pence was mocked
That is because Western Europe is deluged with feminist leaders and beta males political and military leaders. I really believe without the United States they would lose a war against Russia. No matter what you think of them they have real political leaders and military leaders who know they are warriors.
The Groper can go fck himself.

I hope German moms kept their daughters away from him.

You do? German filth are such fanatically American-hating pigs (who parasite off of us while wishing for our destruction) I want German moms & daughters to be raped by their muslim whoremasters and I want Germany to be wiped off this planet. I've personally dealt with rotting, diseased sauerkraut-scheissen for years and Germans are the PURE in the sense that they are America's PUREST backstabbing enemies, WORSE than French cowards. I want German filth exterminated. That's the country that should have been nuked and they really need some more "Dresden therapy" to keep them in check. NEVER have I met a Eurotrash nationality that fills me with as much violent loathing as these German authoritarian little tin-plated culture of dictators with swaggering, self-righteous delusions of godhood. Jesus Christ, how I HATE them and their ugly, gargling language.
What an ass
Quote: What an ass​

Real member of the Donkey Party, eh? :scared1:
That is too generous for an asshole like Will

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