Creepy Joe

Geez, I don't know what pulled your chain with me. You don't know me very well do you. :)
I know that everytime something the dems used to hurt republicans bites them in the ass someone comes on here and says Golly we must stop now.

Well nobody has ever questioned my engraved in granite old fashioned conservative credentials before. :)

All I am saying and have been saying for some time now that the politics of personal destruction is tearing the country apart and if nobody is willing to stop it just because the other side does it, we will continue to destroy very good people for something no more serious than kissing somebody on the head.

Again there are excellent reasons not to elect Uncle Joe. But that isn't one of them. There are surely crimes he could be hung for. But I just think we ought to start hanging the people for crimes they actually do instead of manufacturing them out of whole cloth.
Ahh yes that is why the Democrats ALWAYS walk all over the Republicans. Because the Republicans NEVER fight back. It is past time to fight back. It does NOT help Republicans or conservatives to remain silent when they are attacked, it does not help them NOT to fight back. The left will NEVER stop dirty tactics and while I agree we don't need to resort to them we ALSO do NOT need to defend the left when attacked by their own dirty tactics. I say let the left attack the left all they want.

I think you are looking past what I am writing. I am 100% in favor of standing up to liars and bullies.
So you know, given Biden's history that this dem female is lying?

No, she's probably telling the truth. He has been a touchy feely huggy kissy kind of guy all his life. It just wasn't/isn't any great big deal. When we make a big deal out of something that trivial, then it compromises the importance of actual crimes or wrongdoing. Joe Biden may in fact have committed some degree of malfeasance or a lot, but kissing a woman on the top of her head is really not part of that.
Pretty well known fact that Biden is a groper. Do a search. There's pictures upon pictures of that disgusting old turd grabbing little girls, getting his face all up on them, kissing them... this isn't an attack, people have seen this going on for a long time... go ahead... look...

joe biden groping little girls - Bing images
No, she's probably telling the truth. He has been a touchy feely huggy kissy kind of guy all his life. It just wasn't/isn't any great big deal. When we make a big deal out of something that trivial, then it compromises the importance of actual crimes or wrongdoing. Joe Biden may in fact have committed some degree of malfeasance or a lot, but kissing a woman on the top of her head is really not part of that.

Ol' Joe is a slobbering misogynist. Drooling on women's necks. YUCK!!!
I know that everytime something the dems used to hurt republicans bites them in the ass someone comes on here and says Golly we must stop now.

Well nobody has ever questioned my engraved in granite old fashioned conservative credentials before. :)

All I am saying and have been saying for some time now that the politics of personal destruction is tearing the country apart and if nobody is willing to stop it just because the other side does it, we will continue to destroy very good people for something no more serious than kissing somebody on the head.

Again there are excellent reasons not to elect Uncle Joe. But that isn't one of them. There are surely crimes he could be hung for. But I just think we ought to start hanging the people for crimes they actually do instead of manufacturing them out of whole cloth.
Ahh yes that is why the Democrats ALWAYS walk all over the Republicans. Because the Republicans NEVER fight back. It is past time to fight back. It does NOT help Republicans or conservatives to remain silent when they are attacked, it does not help them NOT to fight back. The left will NEVER stop dirty tactics and while I agree we don't need to resort to them we ALSO do NOT need to defend the left when attacked by their own dirty tactics. I say let the left attack the left all they want.

I think you are looking past what I am writing. I am 100% in favor of standing up to liars and bullies.
So you know, given Biden's history that this dem female is lying?

No, she's probably telling the truth. He has been a touchy feely huggy kissy kind of guy all his life. It just wasn't/isn't any great big deal. When we make a big deal out of something that trivial, then it compromises the importance of actual crimes or wrongdoing. Joe Biden may in fact have committed some degree of malfeasance or a lot, but kissing a woman on the top of her head is really not part of that.
Again for the slow, LET the damn democrats eat their own.
When I saw the thread title "Creepy Joe'' I thought the thread would be about that Morning Joe guy on MSNBC whose political career ended after a dead girl was discovered in his office.

Psycho Joe.

Un no but.....You got a link?
A link to what?

DUH! WTF do you think he was talking about? Read your post above!
A link to that? Fuck you. I'm not going to give you a link to something that is common knowledge. If you are that fucking ignorant use a search engine. I'm not doing your homework for you, jackass.
Lucy Flores: Joe Biden Can’t Recall Kissing Incident Because He’s ‘So Used to Behaving’ That Way

"Lucy Flores was getting ready to deliver a speech as the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada in 2014, when she alleges that former Vice President Joe Biden, who had come to campaign on her behalf, kissed her on the back of her head without her consent."

Slobbering old fart....
Creepy Trump.

This is no longer an issue in light of Trump’s inappropriate touching of women; if Trump can do it with impunity, so can everyone else.
Well nobody has ever questioned my engraved in granite old fashioned conservative credentials before. :)

All I am saying and have been saying for some time now that the politics of personal destruction is tearing the country apart and if nobody is willing to stop it just because the other side does it, we will continue to destroy very good people for something no more serious than kissing somebody on the head.

Again there are excellent reasons not to elect Uncle Joe. But that isn't one of them. There are surely crimes he could be hung for. But I just think we ought to start hanging the people for crimes they actually do instead of manufacturing them out of whole cloth.
Ahh yes that is why the Democrats ALWAYS walk all over the Republicans. Because the Republicans NEVER fight back. It is past time to fight back. It does NOT help Republicans or conservatives to remain silent when they are attacked, it does not help them NOT to fight back. The left will NEVER stop dirty tactics and while I agree we don't need to resort to them we ALSO do NOT need to defend the left when attacked by their own dirty tactics. I say let the left attack the left all they want.

I think you are looking past what I am writing. I am 100% in favor of standing up to liars and bullies.
So you know, given Biden's history that this dem female is lying?

No, she's probably telling the truth. He has been a touchy feely huggy kissy kind of guy all his life. It just wasn't/isn't any great big deal. When we make a big deal out of something that trivial, then it compromises the importance of actual crimes or wrongdoing. Joe Biden may in fact have committed some degree of malfeasance or a lot, but kissing a woman on the top of her head is really not part of that.
Again for the slow, LET the damn democrats eat their own.

What Democrats do regarding eating their own is up to them. I am speaking to Republicans/conservatives/libertarians--you know, the people that might have a chance to keep the country from being overrun totally by Marxists, socialists, and fanatical control freaks--in the hopes we can focus on issues instead of politics of personal destruction.

Republicans were so busy quarreling among themselves for the past two years, they did get tax reform done, but not much else. And because they refused to represent we the people and share our vision for what needs to happen, they lost their majority in the House. I think Justices Gorsuch and Cavanaugh saved the Republicans in the Senate--thinking Americans wanted more like them and knew the Democrats wouldn't allow it if they have the majority. But we can't count on that in 2020.
When I saw the thread title "Creepy Joe'' I thought the thread would be about that Morning Joe guy on MSNBC whose political career ended after a dead girl was discovered in his office.

Psycho Joe.

Un no but.....You got a link?
A link to what?

DUH! WTF do you think he was talking about? Read your post above!
A link to that? Fuck you. I'm not going to give you a link to something that is common knowledge. If you are that fucking ignorant use a search engine. I'm not doing your homework for you, jackass.

You just proved yourself below contempt. Common knowledge? Bullshit!

Goodbye moron!
I hope he runs. Uncle Don calling him creepy joe during a debate.......priceless. Five thousand pictures can’t be wrong. Next it will come out that he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. [emoji1787]

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Why did I know this "Creepy Joe" thread was about Joe Biden? lol!
I'm sorry but I get so really REALLY tired of this kind of personal smear tactics. I know you're just posting what is being reported out there, but when does this stop? The unverifiable and unsupportable accusations dug up from years ago or some unfortunate choice of words or comment or action out of a person's entire life used to personally destroy him or her? In my opinion, that kind of tactic is in itself evil.

Yes there are some truly bad, criminal, evil, incompetent, untrustworthy people out there and those should be exposed and not be eligible for positions in which they can affect or control other people's lives. But otherwise, there are no saints to elect or appoint to anything anywhere in the world. We have all sinned and fallen short. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.

I have plenty of reasons to not vote for Uncle Joe for high office, but certainly something like kissing a woman on the back of her head is not among them. Can't we focus on a person's reasonably recent track record and what we believe he or or she can accomplish in office?

The Democrats started this bullshit now it's coming back to bite them in the ass. They start this shit then whine when THEY are caught in their own web. BTW creepy Joe has a lot more to worry about like his corrupt, unethical behavior while being Vice President, especially involving his son Hunter making deals after Joe illegally greased the wheels.

WATCH: Schweizer Details New Corruption Claims Against Joe Biden

"Schweizer then got into some specifics related to Biden and his son Hunter: "For example, there are three major deals involving the Chinese government and family members, close aides of the Secretary of State John Kerry and the Vice President Joe Biden. ... Basically, what happens is in 2013, Joe Biden flies to China to talk to them about very sensitive issues, the South China Sea, talking about trade issues, economic issues. Hunter Biden, his son, is with him on Air Force Two. Okay, that’s fine, that’s great. Here’s the problem: Ten days after they come back, after Joe Biden takes a pretty soft position towards the Chinese, Hunter Biden inks ... what becomes a $1.5 billion [private equity] deal."

The 'they started it' or 'they did it first' argument is one of the worst ever for anybody to use though. Unless somebody says enough and refuses to keep the Hatfield and McCoys type feud going, then that is all we are ever going to have.

On the other hand, standing up to the accusers and mud slingers and bullies is important to do too rather than meekly submit and hope they go away. They never will.

Evidence of corruption and malfeasance while a person is in office is absolutely fair game for investigation and legal action if a person is found to be guilty.

But this thread isn't about that. This thread is about smearing somebody for what is an absurdly impulsive action intended to harm nobody. Yeah report it, laugh about it, and move on. We should be grown up enough not to make a federal case out of it.
Isn't it telling that ONLY after a dem gets accused do you find fault with the attack, when it was republicans over and over not a peep from you.

Geez, I don't know what pulled your chain with me. You don't know me very well do you. :)
I know that everytime something the dems used to hurt republicans bites them in the ass someone comes on here and says Golly we must stop now.
I hope he runs. Uncle Don calling him creepy joe during a debate.......priceless. Five thousand pictures can’t be wrong. Next it will come out that he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. [emoji1787]

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Hey, 'Creepy Joe' is my creation....!!! I'd Love it if Trump actually used it!!
I hope he runs. Uncle Don calling him creepy joe during a debate.......priceless. Five thousand pictures can’t be wrong. Next it will come out that he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. [emoji1787]

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Hey, 'Creepy Joe' is my creation....!!! I'd Love it if Trump actually used it!!

I wouldn't. President Trump has no moral standing--and I suspect few others do either--to label him 'creepy' just because he is an affectionate hands on guy.

Any number of women and children, including many in the photos on the internet that some claim are evidence of 'creepy Joe' have come to his defense that they were not offended and that Joe has always been an affectionate guy. There has been zero suggestions of any form of molestation or improper sexual conduct other that those that fall into the 'political correctness' arena and those are entirely absurd.

Joe Biden is 76 years old and based on what I have observed of his behavior and his reputation AND lack of any accusations of improper sexual conduct, I do not believe for a minute there is ANY evidence that he is a sexual predator. This recent case of a woman complaining about him--it's funny she didn't complain at the time it supposedly happened--involves a woman who is a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and right now Biden is Sanders' strongest opponent.

I strongly suspect that is her motive for her current public revelation of her 'intense discomfort'. Give me a break.

Again I am not a Biden supporter and can't imagine voting for him for President or anything else if there is a supportable conservative running against him. And I suspect there are plenty of genuine criticisms that can be leveled against him that do involve his actions in public office.

But I am going to continue to speak out against this practice of politics of personal destruction because it is just wrong, hateful, evil, and destructive to the American people and the country. If good people don't start standing up and denouncing it, NO GOOD, QUALIFIED, COMPETENT person will ever be able to run for high office because all the opposition has to do is pay or encourage somebody to accuse him or her.

And that is just wrong.
I hope he runs. Uncle Don calling him creepy joe during a debate.......priceless. Five thousand pictures can’t be wrong. Next it will come out that he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. [emoji1787]

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Hey, 'Creepy Joe' is my creation....!!! I'd Love it if Trump actually used it!!

I wouldn't. President Trump has no moral standing--and I suspect few others do either--to label him 'creepy' just because he is an affectionate hands on guy.

Any number of women and children, including many in the photos on the internet that some claim are evidence of 'creepy Joe' have come to his defense that they were not offended and that Joe has always been an affectionate guy. There has been zero suggestions of any form of molestation or improper sexual conduct other that those that fall into the 'political correctness' arena and those are entirely absurd.

Joe Biden is 76 years old and based on what I have observed of his behavior and his reputation AND lack of any accusations of improper sexual conduct, I do not believe for a minute there is ANY evidence that he is a sexual predator. This recent case of a woman complaining about him--it's funny she didn't complain at the time it supposedly happened--involves a woman who is a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and right now Biden is Sanders' strongest opponent.

I strongly suspect that is her motive for her current public revelation of her 'intense discomfort'. Give me a break.

Again I am not a Biden supporter and can't imagine voting for him for President or anything else if there is a supportable conservative running against him. And I suspect there are plenty of genuine criticisms that can be leveled against him that do involve his actions in public office.

But I am going to continue to speak out against this practice of politics of personal destruction because it is just wrong, hateful, evil, and destructive to the American people and the country. If good people don't start standing up and denouncing it, NO GOOD, QUALIFIED, COMPETENT person will ever be able to run for high office because all the opposition has to do is pay or encourage somebody to accuse him or her.

And that is just wrong.

Those kids look terrified.

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I hope he runs. Uncle Don calling him creepy joe during a debate.......priceless. Five thousand pictures can’t be wrong. Next it will come out that he doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hey, 'Creepy Joe' is my creation....!!! I'd Love it if Trump actually used it!!

I wouldn't. President Trump has no moral standing--and I suspect few others do either--to label him 'creepy' just because he is an affectionate hands on guy.

Any number of women and children, including many in the photos on the internet that some claim are evidence of 'creepy Joe' have come to his defense that they were not offended and that Joe has always been an affectionate guy. There has been zero suggestions of any form of molestation or improper sexual conduct other that those that fall into the 'political correctness' arena and those are entirely absurd.

Joe Biden is 76 years old and based on what I have observed of his behavior and his reputation AND lack of any accusations of improper sexual conduct, I do not believe for a minute there is ANY evidence that he is a sexual predator. This recent case of a woman complaining about him--it's funny she didn't complain at the time it supposedly happened--involves a woman who is a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and right now Biden is Sanders' strongest opponent.

I strongly suspect that is her motive for her current public revelation of her 'intense discomfort'. Give me a break.

Again I am not a Biden supporter and can't imagine voting for him for President or anything else if there is a supportable conservative running against him. And I suspect there are plenty of genuine criticisms that can be leveled against him that do involve his actions in public office.

But I am going to continue to speak out against this practice of politics of personal destruction because it is just wrong, hateful, evil, and destructive to the American people and the country. If good people don't start standing up and denouncing it, NO GOOD, QUALIFIED, COMPETENT person will ever be able to run for high office because all the opposition has to do is pay or encourage somebody to accuse him or her.

And that is just wrong.

Those kids look terrified.

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They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.
They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.

Maybe their parents didn't know what was happening. Molesters are very clever you know. They disguise themselves like an innocent Uncle (Uncle Joe for instance) while they get off smelling hair and drooling on necks. Pretty sick behavior actually.
They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.

Maybe their parents didn't know what was happening. Molesters are very clever you know. They disguise themselves like an innocent Uncle (Uncle Joe for instance) while they get off smelling hair and drooling on necks. Pretty sick behavior actually.

I don't doubt that there are real crimes Joe Biden should be figuratively hung for.

I don't believe his kind of harmless demonstrated affection is one of them.

If those of us who deplore the politics of personal destruction engage in it ourselves just because it involves a political opponent, we are no better than they are.

I want conservatives and Trump supporters to be better than they are.
They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.

Maybe their parents didn't know what was happening. Molesters are very clever you know. They disguise themselves like an innocent Uncle (Uncle Joe for instance) while they get off smelling hair and drooling on necks. Pretty sick behavior actually.

I don't doubt that there are real crimes Joe Biden should be figuratively hung for.

I don't believe his kind of harmless demonstrated affection is one of them.

If those of us who deplore the politics of personal destruction engage in it ourselves just because it involves a political opponent, we are no better than they are.

I want conservatives and Trump supporters to be better than they are.

Come on Foxy.....You know he's creepy......His actions with women go to his apparent disregard for his stated 'morality.'

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