Creepy Joe

They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.

Maybe their parents didn't know what was happening. Molesters are very clever you know. They disguise themselves like an innocent Uncle (Uncle Joe for instance) while they get off smelling hair and drooling on necks. Pretty sick behavior actually.

I don't doubt that there are real crimes Joe Biden should be figuratively hung for.

I don't believe his kind of harmless demonstrated affection is one of them.

If those of us who deplore the politics of personal destruction engage in it ourselves just because it involves a political opponent, we are no better than they are.

I want conservatives and Trump supporters to be better than they are.

Come on Foxy.....You know he's creepy......His actions with women go to his apparent disregard for his stated 'morality.'

He isn't creepy to me. He is way too liberal for me. He is way too politically manipulative, wishy washy, and dishonest for me. If he has committed malfeasance in his job, he should be held accountable for that. But I think he is probably a personable guy who would make a delightful, charming, dinner companion and somebody I wouldn't worry about being inappropriate with me, my daughter, my granddaughter, grand nieces, etc. etc. etc.

There is right and wrong hugging and affection and I deplore a world in which men have to be afraid of women and can no longer engage in the right kind of hugging and affection.

And I deplore a world that devotes massive amounts of media coverage and bandwidth to something as harmless and innocuous as Joe Biden kissing some woman on the head or whatever other politics of person destruction are employed instead of focusing on ideas, intentions, consequences, and results that actually matter to the country and the American people.
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They don't to me and their beaming parents are right there with them.

Maybe their parents didn't know what was happening. Molesters are very clever you know. They disguise themselves like an innocent Uncle (Uncle Joe for instance) while they get off smelling hair and drooling on necks. Pretty sick behavior actually.

I don't doubt that there are real crimes Joe Biden should be figuratively hung for.

I don't believe his kind of harmless demonstrated affection is one of them.

If those of us who deplore the politics of personal destruction engage in it ourselves just because it involves a political opponent, we are no better than they are.

I want conservatives and Trump supporters to be better than they are.

Come on Foxy.....You know he's creepy......His actions with women go to his apparent disregard for his stated 'morality.'

Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.
Lucy Flores: Joe Biden Can’t Recall Kissing Incident Because He’s ‘So Used to Behaving’ That Way

"Lucy Flores was getting ready to deliver a speech as the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada in 2014, when she alleges that former Vice President Joe Biden, who had come to campaign on her behalf, kissed her on the back of her head without her consent."

Slobbering old fart....

I'm sorry but I get so really REALLY tired of this kind of personal smear tactics. I know you're just posting what is being reported out there, but when does this stop? The unverifiable and unsupportable accusations dug up from years ago or some unfortunate choice of words or comment or action out of a person's entire life used to personally destroy him or her? In my opinion, that kind of tactic is in itself evil.

Yes there are some truly bad, criminal, evil, incompetent, untrustworthy people out there and those should be exposed and not be eligible for positions in which they can affect or control other people's lives. But otherwise, there are no saints to elect or appoint to anything anywhere in the world. We have all sinned and fallen short. He who is without sin, cast the first stone.

I have plenty of reasons to not vote for Uncle Joe for high office, but certainly something like kissing a woman on the back of her head is not among them. Can't we focus on a person's reasonably recent track record and what we believe he or or she can accomplish in office?
I don't care if he slobbers on grown women.

But he also slobbers on children.

The man is either on drugs or insane.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.
He is a fucking predator.
He uses the cameras to move in and grope women and children, knowing that they and their families aren't going to create a national incident by socking him in the mouth.

He's a fucking perv.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.

Actually a careful anaysis of that Billy Bush tape will show Trump never said he actually did it. I saw that as two guys enjoying a bit of private vulgar bragging--at least Trump was. As it turned out, Bush, who was eagerly egging him on, was taping the whole thing. And then made it public for purposes of personal destruction. With friends like that you don't need any enemies. But while I don't excuse the President for that, I would say that any guy who at some time hasn't had some 'locker room' kibbitzing that ranges into the sexually vulgar is a very unusual guy indeed. Or he has no male friends.

And I didn't say you said Biden was creepy.

I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.

Actually a careful anaysis of that Billy Bush tape will show Trump never said he actually did it. I saw that as two guys enjoying a bit of private vulgar bragging--at least Trump was. As it turned out, Bush, who was eagerly egging him on, was taping the whole thing. And then made it public for purposes of personal destruction. With friends like that you don't need any enemies. But while I don't excuse the President for that, I would say that any guy who at some time hasn't had some 'locker room' kibbitzing that ranges into the sexually vulgar is a very unusual guy indeed. Or he has no male friends.

And I didn't say you said Biden was creepy.

I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.

I did say Biden was creepy I did not say he was a sexual predator. As far as I'm concerned, coming up behind a strange woman, sticking your nose in her air and planting a smooch is creepy behavior. I would guess that most guys would be subject to the woman's ire and maybe even slugged for doing as much.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.

Actually a careful anaysis of that Billy Bush tape will show Trump never said he actually did it. I saw that as two guys enjoying a bit of private vulgar bragging--at least Trump was. As it turned out, Bush, who was eagerly egging him on, was taping the whole thing. And then made it public for purposes of personal destruction. With friends like that you don't need any enemies. But while I don't excuse the President for that, I would say that any guy who at some time hasn't had some 'locker room' kibbitzing that ranges into the sexually vulgar is a very unusual guy indeed. Or he has no male friends.

And I didn't say you said Biden was creepy.

I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.

I did say Biden was creepy I did not say he was a sexual predator. As far as I'm concerned, coming up behind a strange woman, sticking your nose in her air and planting a smooch is creepy behavior. I would guess that most guys would be subject to the woman's ire and maybe even slugged for doing as much.

Yea joes creepy maybe a closet pervert the recent claim made aginst him is hard to buy as it was what 2004 thats a long time and sounds phoney like the claims made aginst Brett Kavanaugh
I'm no Joe Biden fan by any stretch but this feels staged. They've known this about Biden for a long time. This is liberals eating their own. This is theatre with the goal being to soften up the public for the next play and it will have nothing to do with Joe Biden. Duh
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.

Actually a careful anaysis of that Billy Bush tape will show Trump never said he actually did it. I saw that as two guys enjoying a bit of private vulgar bragging--at least Trump was. As it turned out, Bush, who was eagerly egging him on, was taping the whole thing. And then made it public for purposes of personal destruction. With friends like that you don't need any enemies. But while I don't excuse the President for that, I would say that any guy who at some time hasn't had some 'locker room' kibbitzing that ranges into the sexually vulgar is a very unusual guy indeed. Or he has no male friends.

And I didn't say you said Biden was creepy.

I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.

I did say Biden was creepy I did not say he was a sexual predator. As far as I'm concerned, coming up behind a strange woman, sticking your nose in her air and planting a smooch is creepy behavior. I would guess that most guys would be subject to the woman's ire and maybe even slugged for doing as much.

Yea joes creepy maybe a closet pervert the recent claim made aginst him is hard to buy as it was what 2004 thats a long time and sounds phoney like the claims made aginst Brett Kavanaugh

I don't think at all that he is a closet pervert or somebody would have blown the whistle on him long ago. Most of those photos on the internet span a decade or are much older.

Again there are far more reasons to not vote for Joe Biden than there are to vote for him. But I just want America to get back to discussing issues and vision and how best to address our problems and ditch all this politics of personal destruction stuff. If we don't, if all it takes is accusations to get somebody disqualified or fired, who will ever be able to serve in the public sector again?
Everyone's creepy uncle doesn't have enough sense to understand offensive behavior. I hope hypocrite democrats keep defending him.
One of the funniest Joe Biden photos that we've invited folks to caption was this one. (I still don't think he is a perv or intended anything wrong with his affectionate style of interaction though.)

I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.
Biden is as corrupt as hell! Joe Biden Caught Being Involved In Billion Dollar Corruption With China - Black Eye Politics
I mean big time corrupt! As dirty as the floor of an adult movie theater.

Using his pull as VP in the Ukraine to get an investigation into his son's sorted relationship with a Ukrainian oil company squashed is the sort of thing he actually brags about to colleagues.
Joe Biden’s additional problems: Ukraine, China and his son

His personal over familiarity with females and his nuzzling and lack of any respect for the concept of personal space
is just a side show. It would be criminal if Biden is given a pass on his corruption because it's easier and funnier to
portray him as just Creepy Old Uncle Joe.
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I was just giving my analysis on the whole thing and agreeing with you that at times, his behavior would seem a bit creepy.
Biden is as corrupt as hell! Joe Biden Caught Being Involved In Billion Dollar Corruption With China - Black Eye Politics
I mean big time corrupt! As dirty as the floor of an adult movie theater.

Using his pull as VP in the Ukraine to get an investigation into his son's sorted relationship with a Ukrainian oil company squashed is the sort of thing he actually brags about to colleagues.
Joe Biden’s additional problems: Ukraine, China and his son

His personal over familiarity with females and his nuzzling and lack of any respect for the concept of personal space
is just a side show. It would be criminal if Biden is given a pass on his corruption because it's easier and funnier to
portray him as just Creepy Old Uncle Joe.

I think it possible that Joe has committed some malfeasance while in office and I can't imagine any circumstance that I would vote for him. My defense of him is in the intellectual honesty category and I do not believe it fair or honorable to accuse him of offenses that he did not commit.

It goes along with the old maxim where we are not saying he should not be hung. But we are hanging him for the wrong crime.
Lucy Flores: Joe Biden Can’t Recall Kissing Incident Because He’s ‘So Used to Behaving’ That Way

"Lucy Flores was getting ready to deliver a speech as the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada in 2014, when she alleges that former Vice President Joe Biden, who had come to campaign on her behalf, kissed her on the back of her head without her consent."

Slobbering old fart....

What Biden did does not rise to the level of sexual harassment. If that disqualifies Biden then it disqualifies Trump as well.
Pretty well known fact that Biden is a groper. Do a search. There's pictures upon pictures of that disgusting old turd grabbing little girls, getting his face all up on them, kissing them... this isn't an attack, people have seen this going on for a long time... go ahead... look...

joe biden groping little girls - Bing images

It is not a well known fact. Take your shit and shove it up your ass. You are a disgusting little twerp.
Pretty well known fact that Biden is a groper. Do a search. There's pictures upon pictures of that disgusting old turd grabbing little girls, getting his face all up on them, kissing them... this isn't an attack, people have seen this going on for a long time... go ahead... look...

joe biden groping little girls - Bing images

It is not a well known fact. Take your shit and shove it up your ass. You are a disgusting little twerp.
Leo, I may have been a bit harsh with you, however unintentionally. My conscience (and curiosity) got to me over the last 24 hours so I went through some video clips to evaluate Uncle Joe's interaction with people. And for the most part, he is harmlessly hands on with people, and in most cases there is nothing to criticize as far as I am concerned. But here and there I have to admit I did observe some controlling behavior.

There was one clip for instance in which he seems to be greeting Hillary at the airport or someplace, gave her a welcoming hug. No problem with that. But then he kept his arms around her waist, restraining her from creating distance between them, and was not releasing her after it was obvious that the embrace was inappropriately long to her. And in others it was obvious that his embrace was also more controlling than many people might find comfortable.

Conclusion: No evidence of predatory sexual behavior or harassment evident, and I do not believe Joe Biden is sexually inappropriate with anybody. I do not believe he is a pervert. But he on occasion, however unconsciously it might be, is inappropriately physically controlling. And that does stray a bit into the creepy category.

Foxfyre: I never said Biden was a sexual predator I said he was acting creepy. Trump certainly wasn't immune from being called creepy or a sexual predator with revelations about him touching some women's junk even when they were apparently OK and aware of it.
He is a fucking predator.
He uses the cameras to move in and grope women and children, knowing that they and their families aren't going to create a national incident by socking him in the mouth.

He's a fucking perv.

You are a pervert you little pig. Making false accusations.

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