Crime & Race 2012

Great, Now I get to tech the ignorant how to interpret data.

So how do you interpret the data I gave you from the same source you used.

And how can I believe you when you lie like a fucking ratty rug?

I'll trade you one Breitbart for one FBI, dumbfuck.

FBI ? Overview


It's no wonder you dimwits hate me so much. You can't handle my supreme gay intelligence.
Great, Now I get to tech the ignorant how to interpret data.

So how do you interpret the data I gave you from the same source you used.

And how can I believe you when you lie like a fucking ratty rug?

I'll trade you one Breitbart for one FBI, dumbfuck.

FBI ? Overview


It's no wonder you dimwits hate me so much. You can't handle my supreme gay intelligence.

Yeah, uh I explained everything in the post that you both ignored and probably did not read. If intelligence is you thing then I figured you would have argued on the merits. Seeing as you simply ignored everything, however, I question your supreme gay intelligence. Likewise, I don't need to know that your gay. Just because you like it in the pooper does not mean that you need to advertise it. Indeed, what you do with your ass is your own business. in your defense you give us a video from Jared Taylor, one of the preeminent notorious white supremacists out there?

Sure, attack the man. Now attack the data! Disapproving of his views does not imply refutation of his facts! You seem to want to do the former but not the latter.

Here are his findings. Here is the reference . Now refute him!

The Color of Crime

Race, Crime, and Justice in America — Second, Expanded Edition, 2005

Major Findings:
• Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.

Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.

• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
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Feel better? Get that instant gratification out of the way? Want to move the discussion forward now as to why these numbers show what they show?

No, I don't debate pussies. You have no point, you are just attacking blacks and blaming them for all of the ills of the world. What is your point? What is your solution...PUSSY! You have avoided that question the entire thread.

If you are a racist, which I am sure you are...why not embrace it? Instead, you spew this pseudo-intellectual nonsense in what effort, to prove you don't like blacks? What is your solution, pussy? What is your point, pussy?

My theory is that black culture derived from radical black groups in the 50's, 60's, & 70's, so as to rebel against white people has proved to be a negative influence and created a situation where unlawful behavior is accepted among those who share this culture. What do I want to do about it? I don't see what I can do about it. I am nevertheless tired of being called a racist for presenting objective data.

And again, what is your point? Do you want a race war? Do you want segregation? What is your point?

Of course, no answer to this because you are a racist pussy pretending to debate. You won't express your true intentions and motivations because YOU ARE A PUSSY.

What white pride group are you a member of?
No, I don't debate pussies. You have no point, you are just attacking blacks and blaming them for all of the ills of the world. What is your point? What is your solution...PUSSY! You have avoided that question the entire thread.

If you are a racist, which I am sure you are...why not embrace it? Instead, you spew this pseudo-intellectual nonsense in what effort, to prove you don't like blacks? What is your solution, pussy? What is your point, pussy?

My theory is that black culture derived from radical black groups in the 50's, 60's, & 70's, so as to rebel against white people has proved to be a negative influence and created a situation where unlawful behavior is accepted among those who share this culture. What do I want to do about it? I don't see what I can do about it. I am nevertheless tired of being called a racist for presenting objective data.

And again, what is your point? Do you want a race war? Do you want segregation? What is your point?

Of course, no answer to this because you are a racist pussy pretending to debate. You won't express your true intentions and motivations because YOU ARE A PUSSY.

What white pride group are you a member of?

You think people post in forums to solve the worlds problems? I'm here to discuss. What are you here for? If the facts are annoying then you are free to post elsewhere. I'm looking for a different point of view to argue with. What are you looking for? And listen, calling people unfounded names in an internet forum says a hell of a lot more about the poster than the intended recipient.

I have already addressed what I hope to gain from this conversation. Indeed, I want to know why the disparities are so thick. You can participate, spam, flame, or leave for all I care. Which one is it?
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My theory is that black culture derived from radical black groups in the 50's, 60's, & 70's, so as to rebel against white people has proved to be a negative influence and created a situation where unlawful behavior is accepted among those who share this culture. What do I want to do about it? I don't see what I can do about it. I am nevertheless tired of being called a racist for presenting objective data.

And again, what is your point? Do you want a race war? Do you want segregation? What is your point?

Of course, no answer to this because you are a racist pussy pretending to debate. You won't express your true intentions and motivations because YOU ARE A PUSSY.

What white pride group are you a member of?

You think people post in forums to solve the worlds problems? I'm here to discuss. What are you here for? If the facts are annoying then you are free to post elsewhere. I'm looking for a different point of view to argue with. What are you looking for? And listen, calling people unfounded names in an internet forum says a hell of a lot more about the poster than the intended recipient.

I have already addressed what I hope to gain from this conversation. Indeed, I want to know why the disparities are so thick. You can participate, spam, flame, or leave for all I care. Which one is it?
LOL...more dodging? You addressed nothing. You are a pussy racist hiding behind the idea of debate. You are afraid to embrace what you are. Pussy defined.

And again, what is your point? Do you want a race war? Do you want segregation? What is your point?

Of course, no answer to this because you are a racist pussy pretending to debate. You won't express your true intentions and motivations because YOU ARE A PUSSY.

What white pride group are you a member of?

You think people post in forums to solve the worlds problems? I'm here to discuss. What are you here for? If the facts are annoying then you are free to post elsewhere. I'm looking for a different point of view to argue with. What are you looking for? And listen, calling people unfounded names in an internet forum says a hell of a lot more about the poster than the intended recipient.

I have already addressed what I hope to gain from this conversation. Indeed, I want to know why the disparities are so thick. You can participate, spam, flame, or leave for all I care. Which one is it?
LOL...more dodging? You addressed nothing. You are a pussy racist hiding behind the idea of debate. You are afraid to embrace what you are. Pussy defined.


Remember, name calling is not refuting. And what did I doge? I have never been a part of a white supremacist group, I don't plan to be, nor will I ever. Why must I state this? Indeed, I have never made a racial argument. My argument was a cultural one.

Now, you can either sit there with your tin foil hat and question motives or be a part of the discussion. Somehow, based upon your past posts, I figure you are too ignorant to partake in the discussion. Indeed, if you had a legitimate argument of your own you would have used it by now. You have nevertheless fallen into the same trap most ignorant people do, and that is, thinking that name calling the person is refuting the evidence. I assure you that it is not.

I must admit that I do have a guilty pleasure in reading your posts. I enjoy all of your name calling, the wild accusations, and your tendency to ignore the facts. It simply reconfirms my assessments.
You think people post in forums to solve the worlds problems? I'm here to discuss. What are you here for? If the facts are annoying then you are free to post elsewhere. I'm looking for a different point of view to argue with. What are you looking for? And listen, calling people unfounded names in an internet forum says a hell of a lot more about the poster than the intended recipient.

I have already addressed what I hope to gain from this conversation. Indeed, I want to know why the disparities are so thick. You can participate, spam, flame, or leave for all I care. Which one is it?
LOL...more dodging? You addressed nothing. You are a pussy racist hiding behind the idea of debate. You are afraid to embrace what you are. Pussy defined.


Remember, name calling is not refuting. And what did I doge? I have never been a part of a white supremacist group, I don't plan to be, nor will I ever. Why must I state this? Indeed, I have never made a racial argument. My argument was a cultural one.

Now, you can either sit there with your tin foil hat and question motives or be a part of the discussion. Somehow, based upon your past posts, I figure you are too ignorant to partake in the discussion. Indeed, if you had a legitimate argument of your own you would have used it by now. You have nevertheless fallen into the same trap most ignorant people do, and that is, thinking that name calling the person is refuting the evidence. I assure you that it is not.

I must admit that I do have a guilty pleasure in reading your posts. I enjoy all of your name calling, the wild accusations, and your tendency to ignore the facts. It simply reconfirms my assessments.
Well then, Pussy Boy, you haven't been paying attention...and you are still dodging.
Well, the 2013 data hasn't come out yet so I figured I would stick with 2012.

In 2012, African Americans Made up 13.6% of the total US Population, but were Responsible for ... ... ...

HALF of all US murders in 2012.
32% of reported forcible Rapes
34% of Aggravated Assaults
55% of Robberies
31% of Burglary's.
29% of Larceny/Theft
31% of Motor Vehicle Thefts
43% of Prostitutes
31% of Drug Abuse Violations
31% of Offenses Against Family & Children
34% of Disorderly Conduct
31% of Stolen Property Possession

Source: FBI ? Table 43

I would have liked to do the data on white people but the FBI considers Hispanics/Latinos as Whites for the purpose of the offender category but not the victim category. Funny how that works out huh?

For those of you who think the FBI is cooking the books the National Crime Victimization Survey numbers are nearly identical. See HERE

It's not that simple.

Blacks are much more likely to be convicted and sentanced for the same crimes as whites.

If the crime is black on white - even more so.
LOL...more dodging? You addressed nothing. You are a pussy racist hiding behind the idea of debate. You are afraid to embrace what you are. Pussy defined.


Remember, name calling is not refuting. And what did I doge? I have never been a part of a white supremacist group, I don't plan to be, nor will I ever. Why must I state this? Indeed, I have never made a racial argument. My argument was a cultural one.

Now, you can either sit there with your tin foil hat and question motives or be a part of the discussion. Somehow, based upon your past posts, I figure you are too ignorant to partake in the discussion. Indeed, if you had a legitimate argument of your own you would have used it by now. You have nevertheless fallen into the same trap most ignorant people do, and that is, thinking that name calling the person is refuting the evidence. I assure you that it is not.

I must admit that I do have a guilty pleasure in reading your posts. I enjoy all of your name calling, the wild accusations, and your tendency to ignore the facts. It simply reconfirms my assessments.
Well then, Pussy Boy, you haven't been paying attention...and you are still dodging.

Yet another case study in lack of self control, the propensity to engage in instant gratification, name calling in the absence of a legitimate point, and all around typical ignorance. Yes you are a jewel indeed.
Well, the 2013 data hasn't come out yet so I figured I would stick with 2012.

In 2012, African Americans Made up 13.6% of the total US Population, but were Responsible for ... ... ...

HALF of all US murders in 2012.
32% of reported forcible Rapes
34% of Aggravated Assaults
55% of Robberies
31% of Burglary's.
29% of Larceny/Theft
31% of Motor Vehicle Thefts
43% of Prostitutes
31% of Drug Abuse Violations
31% of Offenses Against Family & Children
34% of Disorderly Conduct
31% of Stolen Property Possession

Source: FBI ? Table 43

I would have liked to do the data on white people but the FBI considers Hispanics/Latinos as Whites for the purpose of the offender category but not the victim category. Funny how that works out huh?

For those of you who think the FBI is cooking the books the National Crime Victimization Survey numbers are nearly identical. See HERE

It's not that simple.

Blacks are much more likely to be convicted and sentanced for the same crimes as whites.

If the crime is black on white - even more so.

Great! Finally someone has made an interesting point! Now please lead me to the data that makes your point valid.
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The reason these statistics are important is because there is a huge problem in the black community and it's not the fault of whitey, and whitey does not have the solution. Race Pimps like Jackson and Holder want there to be less responsibility for blacks behaving badly. No, it's time to take stock and admit the truth.

Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide?

Know where the crime is, know where to go after criminals. Essentially the crime data has disproved the "racist white flight "myth. It demonstrates that the reason whites move out of black areas and want their children going to majority white schools is because they have made the objective (not subjective) decision to keep their children away from the culture that is most prone to violence.

So we need Red Lining, Segregation & School Vouchers then?
Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide?

Know where the crime is, know where to go after criminals. Essentially the crime data has disproved the "racist white flight "myth. It demonstrates that the reason whites move out of black areas and want their children going to majority white schools is because they have made the objective (not subjective) decision to keep their children away from the culture that is most prone to violence.

So we need Red Lining, Segregation & School Vouchers then?

Redlining is a natural occurrence. White people leave, blacks flourish and the property rates drop along with the cities tax revenue. Why? Because of the increased crime, trash, and drugs in the area. No one redlines on purpose.

Segregation isn't necessary. It also happens naturally. No one wants to live in a black run area and have their children go to a majority black school. This is not because they hate black people. Its because where you find black people you find crime, violence, poor schools and drugs.

Vouchers? Now there's an idea. Indeed, even black people don't want their children growing up in black neighborhoods and going to black schools. That's why when a black family earns a decent deal of money they, like whites, flee to the whitest place they can find. Not because they hate black people, but because they want a better life.
Because you say so right? No no no, lets ignore the two economists with Ph.D.'s and Nobel Peace Prizes and listen to "KissMy" because evidently his "facts" without cited authority or data surpass those who have studied the issue.

No - Because the facts say so. TV propaganda does not have to be rooted in facts. So learn the facts or be a drone controlled by propaganda like one tribe vs another. The facts are contrary to the group think of the self proclaimed economic experts, many of who should demand a refund on what they paid their education.

Welfare & Entitlement Spending Way Up Under Bush & Down Since Obama Took Office Because Raising Minimum Wages CUTS Government Spending.



The faster & higher you raise the minimum wage, the slower the dollar loses it's value. Because most of the people on the government dole are working at a real job. Prices ALWAYS rise before wages because Government & Banks create money. Wages do not push or drive inflation & wage price spiral is a hoax. Higher minimum wages get workers off the government dole so government does not have to print more money causing inflation. Also higher minimum wages means Government does not have to guarantee bank home or business loans causing inflation because underpaid workers default at high rates.


Raising Wages increases employment & CUTS Government Spending. Socialism is when employers make government tax payers pay for their workers so they can drive others out of business & pocket everyone else's wealth. If you don't like the minimum wage then pass a law banning employment of someone on the government dole. Because I already pay my workers & should not have to keep subsidizing yours, harming my business. Employment rises as wages & minimum wages rise.


What does any of this have to do with the historic effect of the minimum wage on blacks? Or did you get so caught up in your own nuttiness that you forgot what the topic was?

You have a comprehension problem.

No - Because the facts say so. TV propaganda does not have to be rooted in facts. So learn the facts or be a drone controlled by propaganda like one tribe vs another. The facts are contrary to the group think of the self proclaimed economic experts, many of who should demand a refund on what they paid their education.

Welfare & Entitlement Spending Way Up Under Bush & Down Since Obama Took Office Because Raising Minimum Wages CUTS Government Spending.



The faster & higher you raise the minimum wage, the slower the dollar loses it's value. Because most of the people on the government dole are working at a real job. Prices ALWAYS rise before wages because Government & Banks create money. Wages do not push or drive inflation & wage price spiral is a hoax. Higher minimum wages get workers off the government dole so government does not have to print more money causing inflation. Also higher minimum wages means Government does not have to guarantee bank home or business loans causing inflation because underpaid workers default at high rates.


Raising Wages increases employment & CUTS Government Spending. Socialism is when employers make government tax payers pay for their workers so they can drive others out of business & pocket everyone else's wealth. If you don't like the minimum wage then pass a law banning employment of someone on the government dole. Because I already pay my workers & should not have to keep subsidizing yours, harming my business. Employment rises as wages & minimum wages rise.


What does any of this have to do with the historic effect of the minimum wage on blacks? Or did you get so caught up in your own nuttiness that you forgot what the topic was?

You have a comprehension problem.


The question still stands. Indeed, there is a cost incurred when we hire low skilled labor at a governmentally fixed wage. The question can only then be to what extend does those costs produce unemployment? You argue none?

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