Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police (
3 Apr 2021

Crime is soaring in left-wing cities that have defunded the police.
Newsmax reported:
Movements to defund the police have grown since George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis. Defunding means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality.​
More than 20 major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, though the scale and circumstances vary.​
The results have not fared well in Los Angeles, Oakland, New York City, Portland and Austin. Homicides in Oakland, California, have risen 314 percent compared with the same time last year and law enforcement has seen a 113 percent increase in firearms assaults.
Here are the crime rate increases for major left-wing cities:
Now, Minneapolis is spending $6.4 million to hire new police officers.
The Defund the Police movement made Americans less safe.

"Crime soaring"? I'm Shocked. Time to pull up stakes and head for a red state near you, or better yet move to the country.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have changed their Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities into racist crime ridden shit holes.
Even the fine erudite leaders of the County of Tompkins and city of Ithaca New York have hired a released cop killer to redisgn it's police force.
Indeed, last year it was BLM and ANTIFA calling for the defunding of Police, while they were just terrorist gangs, and shouldn't have a voice in ANYTHING! We should NEVER NEGOTIATE with a terrorist, and these people are true domestic terrorists!
George Soros and the Mao CCP are working overtime to destroy America: defund the police, defund the prisons, defund the courts, dectiminalize crime, pass gun control and worse to make it difficult for the citizenry to protect itself.
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What is Biden doing about this? It should go without saying Democrats do not care if people suffer or die. The minorities they claim to represent suffer and die the most. And why do these Democratic shitholes hire supposedly racist cops?
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police (
3 Apr 2021

Crime is soaring in left-wing cities that have defunded the police.
Newsmax reported:
Movements to defund the police have grown since George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis. Defunding means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality.​
More than 20 major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, though the scale and circumstances vary.​
The results have not fared well in Los Angeles, Oakland, New York City, Portland and Austin. Homicides in Oakland, California, have risen 314 percent compared with the same time last year and law enforcement has seen a 113 percent increase in firearms assaults.
Here are the crime rate increases for major left-wing cities:
Now, Minneapolis is spending $6.4 million to hire new police officers.
The Defund the Police movement made Americans less safe.

"Crime soaring"? I'm Shocked. Time to pull up stakes and head for a red state near you, or better yet move to the country.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have changed their Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities into racist crime ridden shit holes.
Even the fine erudite leaders of the County of Tompkins and city of Ithaca New York have hired a released cop killer to redisgn it's police force.
Indeed, last year it was BLM and ANTIFA calling for the defunding of Police, while they were just terrorist gangs, and shouldn't have a voice in ANYTHING! We should NEVER NEGOTIATE with a terrorist, and these people are true domestic terrorists!
George Soros and the Mao CCP are working overtime to destroy America: defund the police, defund the prisons, defund the courts, dectiminalize crime, pass gun control and worse to make it difficult for the citizenry to protect itself.

I'd want triple the going rate to be a cop in a blue city along with a disclaimer that I cannot be held responsible for following the guidelines of the city nor for whatever might be necessary dealing with blue city minority riff raff.
...they are idiots
blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates and they think the police are the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--o, don't forget those EVIL statues !!!!!!!!!!
What is Biden doing about this? It should go without saying Democrats do not care if people suffer or die. The minorities they claim to represent suffer and die the most. And why do these Democratic shitholes hire supposedly racist cops?
What is Chairman Xiden doing about it? Why he is in his basement soiling himself

What else?
...they are idiots
blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates and they think the police are the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--o, don't forget those EVIL statues !!!!!!!!!!
They are not idiots. The democrats are continuing the diabolical genocide against blacks they began hundreds of years ago as they started the KKK.

Currently, most abortion clinics, about 86%, are strategically located in black neighborhoods. And in New York city, there have been more black abortions than births.

And with the government subsidizing single parent homes in the black population, it has ensured continued poverty and crime within the black culture.

Just declare martial law. No tasers, no tear gas, no pepper spray, etc, etc, etc,... Just use live rounds on the burners, looters, and murders.


Since American's desire to be ruled by sheepherder's, so be it they get slaughtered like sheep.
Protect yourself and good luck.
The problem is a local government issue, and needs to be resolved by them, sadly.
Gotta vote out the politicians that are hell bent in destroying the cities and states.
Eventually there will be a tipping point where that will happen.
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police
Crime Soaring In Left-Wing Cities That Defunded The Police (
3 Apr 2021

Crime is soaring in left-wing cities that have defunded the police.
Newsmax reported:
Movements to defund the police have grown since George Floyd died in police custody in Minneapolis. Defunding means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality.​
More than 20 major cities have reduced their police budgets in some form, though the scale and circumstances vary.​
The results have not fared well in Los Angeles, Oakland, New York City, Portland and Austin. Homicides in Oakland, California, have risen 314 percent compared with the same time last year and law enforcement has seen a 113 percent increase in firearms assaults.
Here are the crime rate increases for major left-wing cities:
Now, Minneapolis is spending $6.4 million to hire new police officers.
The Defund the Police movement made Americans less safe.

"Crime soaring"? I'm Shocked. Time to pull up stakes and head for a red state near you, or better yet move to the country.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have changed their Blue Sanctuary Plantation Cities into racist crime ridden shit holes.
Even the fine erudite leaders of the County of Tompkins and city of Ithaca New York have hired a released cop killer to redisgn it's police force.
Indeed, last year it was BLM and ANTIFA calling for the defunding of Police, while they were just terrorist gangs, and shouldn't have a voice in ANYTHING! We should NEVER NEGOTIATE with a terrorist, and these people are true domestic terrorists!
George Soros and the Mao CCP are working overtime to destroy America: defund the police, defund the prisons, defund the courts, dectiminalize crime, pass gun control and worse to make it difficult for the citizenry to protect itself.
these people deserve what they are getting...hooray for communism
It's going up some in H-town too, but not as bad as a lot of places.
Thing is, it ain't the cops they worry about here, it's that all the rest of us will not hesitate to shoot them full of holes.
Come to Oakland lol
I rather go to Iraq

I love watching all these leftist mega cities all burn in flames !!
Only Phoenix and Vegas did not defund .
Chicago did not defund .that is too bad

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