CRIMINALLY Triggered: Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen ... Calls For military Coup?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....


House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Mad Max...Psycho Steve...they're all going b@t-shmidt crazy....
Worth reading for serious followers of politics. dimocrap scum needn't bother --

Diplomacy 101 Versus Politics Writ Small - American Greatness

The high professional quality of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin’s performance at their Monday press conference in Helsinki contrasts sharply with the obloquy by which the bipartisan U.S. ruling class showcases its willful incompetence.

Though I voted for Trump, I’ve never been a fan of his and I am not one now. But, having taught diplomacy for many years, I would choose the Trump-Putin press conference as an exemplar of how these things should be done. Both spoke with the frankness and specificity of serious business. This performance rates an A+.

H/T; Ace of Spades HQ
If there purpose was to issue that they are threats to world peace and stability, it's a youbetcha A+
Sedition. Cohen should be kicked out, even if he DID try to backpedal after the backlash.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
Nice try but you shouldn't defend a Congressman for calling for the violent overthrow of a POTUS.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
From what you quoted he is saying the Military should rescue trump from Putin. I disagree. trump's passport should just be revoked for throwing his allegience directly to Putin.
G5000 dropped kicked Edgetho through the goal posts. Again.

Cohen is calling for the military to help Trump gain an acceptable recognition of his duties and roles.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
From what you quoted he is saying the Military should rescue trump from Putin. I disagree. trump's passport should just be revoked for throwing his allegience directly to Putin.
Reading Comprehension is obviously not your strong suit - Another victim of liberal public school failure.

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