Crispie Bet The Farm On Trump....

The buzz is that Christie was pissed because Rubio left him a voice-mail asking for his support instead of coming to him hat in hand. That shows another piece of Fatso's judgement....did he really expect Rubio to instantly forgive being called "bubble boy" and a "robot" like brushing lint off his sport coat? So Christie supposedly called Trump to spite Rubio...the same kind of thoughtless anger that shut down that bridge to NYC during rush-hour. Now we know what Christie is and what he ain't....presidential material.

Rubio is a closet-gay fraud who isn't fit to be President. When are you gonna accept that? Time for you to move on.

Based on.......... ?
VP? Pretty formidable duo. Both won't take the Left's shit. They're pitbulls. Stay tuned.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.
VP? Pretty formidable duo. Both won't take the Left's shit. They're pitbulls. Stay tuned.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They didn't, and won't be anytime soon. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.
VP? Pretty formidable duo. Both won't take the Left's shit. They're pitbulls. Stay tuned.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:
VP? Pretty formidable duo. Both won't take the Left's shit. They're pitbulls. Stay tuned.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.
why is everyone shocked? Pillsbury is a politician, being a hypocritical whore is part of the job.

Crap all over Trump during the debates, then lick it off after he drops out.

no big deal.
He's hoping to be named Secretary of Pizza in Trumps cabinet .

This is the way I see it for Christie. If Trump becomes president, Christie becomes AG, and he keeps himself in the picture for the future. If Trump loses, then at least he didn't endorse Rubio or Cruz, whom he may be running against again in 2020. Granted he would have been better off just not endorsing anyone, but I don't really see this as a big issue.
We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.

You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.

That isn't the current reality. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. The Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed Americans on 'Jerry Springer' loony viciousness. It's what the People want. Many may not even know they want it, but they do.

Romney was a fish out of water. He was a good man who just wasn't fierce enough to properly respond to the daily vicious attacks. He tried to take the high road. But that just isn't gonna work these days. Trump and Christie won't make that same mistake.
You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.

That isn't the current reality. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. The Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed Americans on 'Jerry Springer' loony viciousness. It's what the People want. Many may not even know they want it, but they do.

Romney was a fish out of water. He was a good man who just wasn't fierce enough to properly respond to the daily vicious attacks. He tried to take the high road. But that just isn't gonna work these days. Trump and Christie won't make that same mistake.

It's not the current reality for RWer's, and you can see the difference just by watching the debates.
You seem to forget --- the job description is for "Chief Executive".
It isn't for "Tough Guy" or "WWE character".

Politics -- "Reality" TV. Know the difference.

Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.

That isn't the current reality. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. The Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed Americans on 'Jerry Springer' loony viciousness. It's what the People want. Many may not even know they want it, but they do.

Romney was a fish out of water. He was a good man who just wasn't fierce enough to properly respond to the daily vicious attacks. He tried to take the high road. But that just isn't gonna work these days. Trump and Christie won't make that same mistake.

"What the people/consumers want" is the same bullshit excuse used to sell SUVs, Windows 10 and any number of sleazy crap TV shows. It's code for "the lowest common denominator that we know has no redeeming social value but will sell based on a visceral emotional hook". It's cynical psycho-manipulation. Actually we have a single word for it: "marketing". Convincing the unwashed to buy a product they don't need.

And you're enabling it here.
Crispie Bet The Farm On Trump....

Aye, indeed he did. He must not know much about betting.

Although it isn't quite as pathetic as opening a casino and then going bankrupt with it.

Well Slugo, Christie is likely to be Vice President of the United States.

And you will still be an emasculated old troll on the internet, wondering why Marxism never caught on the way you wish it would..

But whatchagunnado? :dunno:
Romney was a genuinely good decent guy. Yet the Left was successful in painting him as an 'Evil Rich Racist.' He didn't fight back hard enough. He counted on the American Electorate rising above such miserable low class attacks. But guess what? They weren't, and still aren't. Romney tried to take the high road. And that really cost him.

Americans want the 'Jerry Springer' down & dirty. It's sad, but it is the reality. Most won't admit it, but it is what they want. It's what the Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed them on. And nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out the hard way. I don't think Trump and Christie would make that mistake. They're fierce pitbulls. They won't allow the Left's attacks to go unchallenged. They will fight back.

Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.

That isn't the current reality. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. The Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed Americans on 'Jerry Springer' loony viciousness. It's what the People want. Many may not even know they want it, but they do.

Romney was a fish out of water. He was a good man who just wasn't fierce enough to properly respond to the daily vicious attacks. He tried to take the high road. But that just isn't gonna work these days. Trump and Christie won't make that same mistake.

"What the people/consumers want" is the same bullshit excuse used to sell SUVs, Windows 10 and any number of sleazy crap TV shows. It's code for "the lowest common denominator that we know has no redeeming social value but will sell based on a visceral emotional hook". It's cynical psycho-manipulation. Actually we have a single word for it: "marketing". Convincing the unwashed to buy a product they don't need.

And you're enabling it here.

No, i'm just acknowledging the current ugly state of things. Nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out. Trump and Christie will return the Left's viciousness. They'll fight fire with fire. I'm not saying i support the current ugly state of things, i'm just acknowledging it and dealing with it.
Meg Whitman? She was the one who started the down slide to Ebay.. Anything she says is garbage, even if it is true...
Ummm... yeah... when Meg joined e-bay the company had a handful of employees and around $4 million in revenue, when she left (10 years later) it had 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue, some slide.

The Donald isn't qualified to shine Meg Whitman's shoes when it comes to running a business.
Who said Romney was racist?

Does Romney not get to take ANY responsibility for his own abject failures? Like "Jeep moving to China"?

If it's the personal you want, Romney was perceived (accurately) as the elite upper-crust rich. And now you have a megalomaniac swaggering around who never tires of rehashing the perception, however realistic, that his richness makes Romney look like a guy sleeping on a public park bench.

There's a bright move in a challenging economy. :rolleyes:

Romney was a good decent man who should have been elected President. But he just didn't have it in him to stand up to the Left's vicious attacks. He's a nice guy. And he finished where nice guys most often finish.

Again -- what we're screening for is an Executive --- one who can execute -- not a "nice guy" or a "tough guy". A selection based on abilities and qualifications --- not how well they can swagger their nuts.

That isn't the current reality. I'm sorry, but it just isn't. The Government/Corporate Media has brainwashed Americans on 'Jerry Springer' loony viciousness. It's what the People want. Many may not even know they want it, but they do.

Romney was a fish out of water. He was a good man who just wasn't fierce enough to properly respond to the daily vicious attacks. He tried to take the high road. But that just isn't gonna work these days. Trump and Christie won't make that same mistake.

"What the people/consumers want" is the same bullshit excuse used to sell SUVs, Windows 10 and any number of sleazy crap TV shows. It's code for "the lowest common denominator that we know has no redeeming social value but will sell based on a visceral emotional hook". It's cynical psycho-manipulation. Actually we have a single word for it: "marketing". Convincing the unwashed to buy a product they don't need.

And you're enabling it here.

No, i'm just acknowledging the current ugly state of things. Nice guys do finish last. Romney found that out. Trump and Christie will return the Left's viciousness. They'll fight fire with fire. I'm not saying i support the current ugly state of things, i'm just acknowledging it and dealing with it.

Actually what you're doing is throwing up your hands and not dealing with it. "Dealing with it" would mean dissecting candidates' policies, not their "nice guy"-ness. That criterion -- policies -- kinda excuses Rump from the whole field, since he has no policies. All he has is blusterfluff. And that's the LCD factor. To the extent that anyone votes on such an emotional basis, those voters are the enablers who allow the charade to continue.
Those who thought Fatso had some principles and honor found out better when he endorsed the Donny, a man he'd previously called "unfit to be president". That act brought quick condemnation from his former backers including the editor of the NH Union Leader and his own finance committee chairwoman Meg Whitman.


The newspaper editor said: "Rather than standing up to the bully, Christie bent his knee. In doing so, he rejected the very principles of his campaign that attracted our support.”

Meg Whitman said: “The governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie’s donors and supporters to reject the governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.”

“Chris Christie is now ruined,” the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin wrote in an op-ed. “If it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over.”

And Trump's treatment of his new endorser after the introduction in Tennessee from Fatso? He told him to: "Get on the plane and go home....go home." :lol:

N.H. newspaper that endorsed Chris Christie: ‘Boy, were we wrong’
He has no farm left. He's at his career's end unless he's tied to Trump and Trump wins.
How utterly backwards do you have the scenario of "the donald" not taking shit. He does but he cannot take it because he feels he can only give it. You must be living inside the faux news bubble.
His famous words if someone says something against him..."I will sue him."
He is the biggest crybaby and phony the political right has put up since gwb.
"the donald" says things that are not true and wrong about others.
He is the fool.

VP? Pretty formidable duo. Both won't take the Left's shit. They're pitbulls. Stay tuned.
The guy with New York values will need someone with Southern values to even out the ticket.

We'll see. But one thing's for sure, Trump and Christie will not take the Left's shit. They won't passively sit back while they attack their children and so on. That's what Romney did. He was a nice guy, and that cost him. He was a milquetoast wuss. I think Trump and Christie would be very interesting.
Meg Whitman? She was the one who started the down slide to Ebay.. Anything she says is garbage, even if it is true...
Ummm... yeah... when Meg joined e-bay the company had a handful of employees and around $4 million in revenue, when she left (10 years later) it had 15,000 employees and $8 billion in annual revenue, some slide.

The Donald isn't qualified to shine Meg Whitman's shoes when it comes to running a business.

Didn't eBay go bankrupt though?

Oh wait --- that was the Rump Taj Mahal and a bunch of Rump hotels and Rump resorts.
I get those two mixed up.

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