Zone1 Critical Race Theory: Experiencing It As Cognitive Dissonance

The bigger problem is, we are 157 years after the Civil War, and we are still having a debate about whether or not the Confederates were the bad guys or not.
Damn right! Damn Yankees! The South will rise again!!! :icon_sjung: (whistling Dixie)
We all know that leftists like to split hairs in order to hide the truth, and this is a perfect example.

The actual Critical Race Theory, a college-level theory that claims America is a systemically racist country and that whites are racist oppressors, is not being taught to impressionable and easily brainwashed children.

What IS happening is that children are being taught the TENETS of the theory, as if they are true. They aren’t being taught the theory per se, just what the theory is espousing.
CRT is a college level discipline. Even if it was taught to grade schoolers, they certainly wouldn't understand it.

The problem is, you want to conflate ANY instruction on race with CRT.
Hardly a week goes by where we don't hear of some blue-haired, nose-ringed, incel land whale, bragging about how he/she/it is teaching CRT to the kids, on whatever antisocial media platform, in the face of objections from parents and directives from the school boards.

So we're supposed t believe one of the most hyper-partisan liars on a message board, or our own lying eyes and ears?
Hardly a week goes by where we don't hear of some blue-haired, nose-ringed, incel land whale, bragging about how he/she/it is teaching CRT to the kids, in the face of objections from parents and directives from the school boards.

So we're supposed t believe one of the most hyper-partisan liars on a message board, or our own lying eyes and ears?
There’s a book out being used in the classroom that teaches thAt whites made a deal with Satan. That’s the type of anti-white racism being pummeled into the heads of our children.

We all know that leftists like to split hairs in order to hide the truth, and this is a perfect example.

The actual Critical Race Theory, a college-level theory that claims America is a systemically racist country and that whites are racist oppressors, is not being taught to impressionable and easily brainwashed children.

What IS happening is that children are being taught the TENETS of the theory, as if they are true. They aren’t being taught the theory per se, just what the theory is espousing.

Except the theory isn't really disputable.

Of course America is a racist country.
Of course, white privilege is going to benefit you, even if you belong to an immigrant group, like let's say, Germans. Or Jews.

Take Chicago when I was growing up. It was and still is one of the most segregated cities by design. Do you think this happened by accident?
Hardly a week goes by where we don't hear of some blue-haired, nose-ringed incel land whale, bragging about how he/she/it is teaching CRT to the kids, in the face of objections from parents and directive from the school boards.

So we're supposed t believe one of the most hyper-partisan liars on a message board, or our own lying eyes and ears?

Well, you really haven't provided any evidence of it, other than some actor on a tiktok.
So? You’re still an antisemitic bigot complaining that other people are prejudiced.
It's off topic, but I'm not against you because you are a "Semite". The Arabs are more "Semitic" than the European Jews that occupy Palestine.

My issue is the same issue I have with ALL religions, that you use the authority of an imaginary pixie in the sky to rationalize awful behavior.
False. It’s not just disputable, it’s intentionally dishonest.

Nonsense. That’s just liars lying.
It’s sad, isn’t it? The liberals are so brainwashed that they think this is a horrible country, which is how the Marxists running the show get them to be Ok with destroying it, and ruining hundreds of millions of people’s lives in the process.

I did just add the link to my post.

Okay, do you actually READ these articles before you post them?

It's unclear how many private schools have recommended or utilized the book. Fox News previously reported on another Manhattan private school that recommended the book for kids over 8 years old.

So private schools instead of public schools.. that's not promising.

It's unclear how many teachers have included the portion with the devilish character offering the whiteness contract. Rufo linked to several videos in which teachers or other staff read the book aloud in presentations purportedly intended for children.

One was for a presentation to preschool-aged children. That particular reading appeared to omit the pages with the apparently demonic contract, as did two

Okay, above is a link with the ACTUAL TEXT of the book. It actually PRAISES white people for fighting for equal rights.
It’s sad, isn’t it? The liberals are so brainwashed that they think this is a horrible country, which is how the Marxists running the show get them to be Ok with destroying it, and ruining hundreds of millions of people’s lives in the process.

Would it be a cheap shot to point out Marx was... Jewish?

The only ones I see ruining lives are the conservatives, shifting wealth away from the working class to the investor class, and using racial fear to get you to go along.


you're gonna be disappointed. You'll do exactly what you did in 1995 and 2011- think that winning gerrymandered seats in an election with low participation rates means people actually LIKE you now, and don't think your ideas are crazy.
There’s a book out being used in the classroom that teaches thAt whites made a deal with Satan. That’s the type of anti-white racism being pummeled into the heads of our children.

Wow I missed that story from last year. That is some horrific stuff.
CRT is a college level discipline. Even if it was taught to grade schoolers, they certainly wouldn't understand it.

The problem is, you want to conflate ANY instruction on race with CRT.
There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.
Booker T. Washington
Wow I missed that story from last year. That is some horrific stuff.
You have to follow conservative media. The liberal media tries to brush this stuff under the rug.

The libs have a hard task: brainwash white schoolchildren to think that they’re awful racists, and black schoolchildren that they‘re oppressed victims, all the while hiding what they’re doing from voters.
There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

I don't disagree. I'd love to see Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton go away.

But the fastest way to fix that is to fix the underlying problem. Reform the police, reform education, reform the justice system.

You have to follow conservative media. The liberal media tries to brush this stuff under the rug.

The libs have a hard task: brainwash white schoolchildren to think that they’re awful racists, and black schoolchildren that they‘re oppressed victims, all the while hiding what they’re doing from voters.

Wow, did you actually READ the book? Because it isn't what you are presenting it as.

Now, given you freak out about posters in a store.... you probably still won't like it.

But there's nothing in there about a deal with Satan that white people made.

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