Zone1 Critical Race Theory: Experiencing It As Cognitive Dissonance

We've had white history taught every semester. Some call it American history.

Yes, all the really important stuff was done by white people...

I mean, yeah, I guess we can talk about how George Washington Carver invented peanut brittle or something, but if kids don't actually understand what George Washington did, they don't really understand history.

Now, I make a lot of snide comments about the "Founding Slave Rapists", and yes, THAT part of our story needs to be addressed, too.
Here's the problem with this argument. If we focus on the trivia and not the broad strokes of history, then we aren't getting a fuller understanding of it, then we are failing teaching about it.
Well it's very easy for you to view this as trivial since it's just something you've read about, while for black people this is just a part of our lives. It may not impact us 24/7 365 days a year but if you know anything about stalkers and the cat & mouse games they play with their victims, a racist event can popup at any given moment whether you're expecting it or not, irrespective of how much effort you put into not dwelling on it and to just go about your life without thinking about it too much or even anticipating the next incident.

Racism is pervasive and all encompassing even when we strive not to react so negatively to the things it causes to happen to us that we cannot function or progress in our lives both personally and professionally. On top of that, a bunch of ignorant, uneducated and oftentimes stupid people opining on "the problems with the black community" and black people in general, claiming that we just want to make white children feel guilty about things they had nothing to do with is really disingenuous when compared to the negative light black people have traditionally been cast in, even when the racists know the things they are saying are not true. It's no different than the behavior of the Republicans who seem to be unable to break free from the hold Trump has on them, not even in self-preservation.
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Well it's very easy for you to view this as trivial since it's just something you've read about, while for black people this is just a part of our lives. It may not impact us 24/7 365 days a year but if you know anything about stalkers and the cat & mouse games they play with their victims, a racist event can popup at any given moment whether you're expecting it or not, irrespective of how much effort you put into not dwelling on it and to just go about your life without thinking about it too much or even anticipating the next incident.

Racism is pervasive and all encompassing even when we strive not to react so negatively to the things it causes to happen to us that we cannot function or progress in our lives both personally and professionally. On top of that, a bunch of ignorant, uneducated and oftentimes stupid people opining on "the problems with the black community" and black people in general, claiming that we just want to make white children feel guilty about things they had nothing to do with is really disingenuous when compared to the negative light black people have traditionally been cast in, even when the racists know the things they are saying are not true. It's no different than the behavior of the Republicans who seem to be unable to break free from the hold Trump has on them, not even in self-preservation.
You see racism everywhere because you look for it. If something bad happens to me, I think “shit happens”, you see racism. If someone behaves like an asshole to me, I just believe they are an asshole, same situation and you believe they are a racist.
You see racism everywhere because you look for it. If something bad happens to me, I think “shit happens”, you see racism. If someone behaves like an asshole to me, I just believe they are an asshole, same situation and you believe they are a racist.
You are white. You don't face racism. Nobody looks for racism. The only people who believe this garbage is whites who don't face it. We know the difference between ---- happens and racist ---- happens. You don't.

And what happened to the no use of profanity rule in zone 1?
Well it's very easy for you to view this as trivial since it's just something you've read about, while for black people this is just a part of our lives. It may not impact us 24/7 365 days a year but if you know anything about stalkers and the cat & mouse games they play with their victims, a racist event can popup at any given moment whether you're expecting it or not, irrespective of how much effort you put into not dwelling on it and to just go about your life without thinking about it too much or even anticipating the next incident.

First, I'll be the first one to admit that racism still exists. So does sexism, ageism, homophobia, ableism, etc. And if you are going to go through life worried about what other people think about you, then you are going to be all kinds of miserable.

The other problem I see here is that you see racism as a vast conspiracy to keep you down, rather than just a moral failing of individuals.

Racism is pervasive and all encompassing even when we strive not to react so negatively to the things it causes to happen to us that we cannot function or progress in our lives both personally and professionally. On top of that, a bunch of ignorant, uneducated and oftentimes stupid people opining on "the problems with the black community" and black people in general, claiming that we just want to make white children feel guilty about things they had nothing to do with is really disingenuous when compared to the negative light black people have traditionally been cast in, even when the racists know the things they are saying are not true. It's no different than the behavior of the Republicans who seem to be unable to break free from the hold Trump has on them, not even in self-preservation.

But is it REALLY pervasive? So tell me, when was the last time you personally encountered actual racism? And I don't mean just some nitwit using a racial slur, I mean something that had a substantive effect on your life.

Two years ago, I didn't get a job because the morons I worked for decided they needed a "diversity hire". 12 years before that, I was downsized from a job because I had medical issues, which while they had no impact on my performance, My boss came straight out and said I was "too old" (at 46!) to retrain in a reorganization after HE lost the company's biggest account.
You are white. You don't face racism. Nobody looks for racism. The only people who believe this garbage is whites who don't face it. We know the difference between ---- happens and racist ---- happens. You don't.

Please. You guys claim racism when some minimum wage worker in a Muppets Mascot costume doesn't see two small black children.

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