Zone1 Critical Race Theory: Experiencing It As Cognitive Dissonance

Actually its whats left over from the European (colonizer) mindset.

We Indians are merciless savages as stated in the Declaration of Independence.
Why would you expect a merciless savage to be civil? More colonizer mindset.
I don’t care what type of nasty person you are IRL. In this zone, you don’t get to call people “stupid” simply because they refuse to submit to your false woke claims.
and that is the problem.
You edited a few words I said out of context, and that type of deceit is also not permitted in Zone 1.

(One always knows when the libs have lost their argument when they resort to deceit.)
Why is it that everything people say CRT is about, is shit i learned in school?
Its because that isnt what CRT is, you lying quacks.

Correct ... And it's because Critical Race Theory is just a shoddy attempt to add Race to Critical Theory.

It's Marxism and Class Warfare expanded to include Race and Racial Division ...
In attempts to cast a wider net and capture more people who lack skills in Critical Thinking and must be led to what they believe.


Correct ... And it's because Critical Race Theory is just a shoddy attempt to add Race to Critical Theory.

It's Marxism and Class Warfare expanded to include Race and Racial Division ...
In attempts to cast a wider net and capture more people who lack skills in Critical Thinking and must be led to what they believe.

CRT has as much being in our schools as the KKK.

Black racists and their swlf-hating white enablers think that the answer to racism is to adhere to a competing brand of racism. It isn't. The answer to racism is to STOP BEING RACIST.
You have to follow conservative media. The liberal media tries to brush this stuff under the rug.

The libs have a hard task: brainwash white schoolchildren to think that they’re awful racists, and black schoolchildren that they‘re oppressed victims, all the while hiding what they’re doing from voters.
Can I possibly remind you once again that this shit ISN'T LIBERAL. The people who demand it be taught ate not liberal. The approach to it that it must be accepted uncritically is not liberall, and the Marxist roots from which this abomination arose is not liberal.

Liberalism is predicated on egalitarianiam, not tribalism, and is not an authoritarial ideology.

The authoritarians who promote CRT are anything BUT liberal.
Of course the majority on welfare are white. That’s because there are more whites, period. But in terms of percentages, blacks are more likely to be on welfare - and that would be expected, given the 72% out of wedlock rate.

The problem is, you consider being poor a moral failing... and not a failing of our society in general. There's no sin in being poor.

So? Blacks who got into prestigious programs and grad schools with grades below whites with much better grades could still go to college - just a college for which their grades would have them admitted regardless of race.

But you kind of miss the point, don't you. The problem is we've given these "prestigious programs" more merit than they are worth. The graduates of Yale and Harvard become our leaders merely because they went to Yale and Harvard.


Yale and Harvard, everyone!!

So if you are going to give these institutions outsized influence, you'd better make sure they reflect the entire country, not just select groups. When the rich kid has to go to UIC with his mediocre grades and the black kid gets into the prestigious program, that would actually be, you know, fair.

The point is that these people, and MANY others, are chosen for jobs and promotions because of “wokeness” - let’s pick a black person! It is racist for a president to announce that whites will be excluded from consideration for a prestigious role.

Okay- Except that Barrett was only chosen because she was a woman, as was Sandra Day O'Connor.
Clarence Thomas had a pathetically thin judicial resume when Bush Sr. selected him, but I'm betting you didn't whine about that the way you are whining about Justice Jackson, who has a pretty good resume.

So Thomas and Barrett were affirmative action hires, who used their race and gender to hide their extreme views.

And you were fine with it.
Can I possibly remind you once again that this shit ISN'T LIBERAL. The people who demand it be taught ate not liberal. The approach to it that it must be accepted uncritically is not liberall, and the Marxist roots from which this abomination arose is not liberal.

Liberalism is predicated on egalitarianiam, not tribalism, and is not an authoritarial ideology.

The authoritarians who promote CRT are anything BUT liberal.

Well, no one is teaching CRT in grammar school, it's a college level academic theory.

The problem isn't that kids are hearing about the parts of American History that paint white people in an unfavorable light, it's that they don't hear enough of it.

For instance, I recently watched a documentary on Debt Peonage in the South, which was introduced after Reconstruction Ended. To put it in context, I went to a fairly elite Catholic School in Chicago (one attended by multiple mayors) and received a degree in history from UIC. Yet I had heard very little about it.

Short version, hundreds of thousands of black people were forced back into servitude after the Civil War through debt peonage. They would be forced to work off a fine. Except they would never actually get out of debt, because their debt holder could charge them for food, shelter, etc. Now, these were not murderers and rapists. These kinds of sentences were handed out for walking along the railroad tracks, leaving a job without notice, vagrancy, or public intoxication.

This practice didn't stop in the US until 1942, when the Federal Government finally outlawed it, not because it was overcome by a sense of decency, but because they realized that in the upcoming global propaganda war, this was the kind of things Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could point to make what they were doing look less bad.
Sorry. It is racist to select a black person who is less qualified than a white person due to race.
hmmm…kinda dodged the less qualified white option on that one.
And why is it you only challenge ME all the time? I read out and out racist comments from others - some really horrible, like blacks are inferior, and blacks are subhuman, etc., etc., - and yet you target me and let the other comments go by without a mention.
Oh I have, in a lot of threads (like the ones on Ahmad Arbery). But it’s a waste of air. Do you call them out?

And don’t tell me you don’t see them. For some reason, you see everything I write.

Unless you are posting exclusively in race, no I don’t. But we both happen to take an interest in the topic.
Well, no one is teaching CRT in grammar school, it's a college level academic theory.

The problem isn't that kids are hearing about the parts of American History that paint white people in an unfavorable light, it's that they don't hear enough of it.

For instance, I recently watched a documentary on Debt Peonage in the South, which was introduced after Reconstruction Ended. To put it in context, I went to a fairly elite Catholic School in Chicago (one attended by multiple mayors) and received a degree in history from UIC. Yet I had heard very little about it.

Short version, hundreds of thousands of black people were forced back into servitude after the Civil War through debt peonage. They would be forced to work off a fine. Except they would never actually get out of debt, because their debt holder could charge them for food, shelter, etc. Now, these were not murderers and rapists. These kinds of sentences were handed out for walking along the railroad tracks, leaving a job without notice, vagrancy, or public intoxication.

This practice didn't stop in the US until 1942, when the Federal Government finally outlawed it, not because it was overcome by a sense of decency, but because they realized that in the upcoming global propaganda war, this was the kind of things Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could point to make what they were doing look less bad.
I never learned that either.
You realize that CRT is not teaching about historical events like slavery, Ruby Bridges and the Civil Rights Movement yes? I have taught in schools that addressed all these topics for better than two decades and have never heard from, nor heard ABOUT, a single parent who was upset these issues were addressed. It's history.
CRT is not being taught in your school.
We've had white history taught every semester. Some call it American history.
No, dopey. You’ve had history taught. That adjective “white” you try to apply before the word “history” is simply your effort to revise it.

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