Zone1 Critical Race Theory: Experiencing It As Cognitive Dissonance

Mostly, just bad grammar, lack of vocabulary, etc.

Did a black man frighten you once?

Yes, but then you have to ask WHY is education in trouble? Part of is because we don't fund it adequately, at least in certain communities. So you are going to get a better education in Evanston than Englewood.

Are they, though? The test scores would say differently.

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Here's the problem. Back in the 1970's, if you weren't the sharpest knife in the drawer, there were still plenty of good union jobs you could do. Today, not so much. The union jobs are gone and you need at least community college to get into the trades.

Now, I do see a lot of problems in modern education.
The top one being that we have a two-tiered system- one for well-off white kids in the burbs, and one for disadvantaged youth in the urban areas.
Teachers tend to teach to the test and not necessarily critical thinking skills.
Too many resources are spent on "Special Ed" to the point where kids are being classified as special ed to get more money.

The big problem that isn't there.. that we are teaching kids the uglier parts of American history.
Why do they have bad grammar and poor vocabulary? Did a White man piss in your corn flakes? Racist cocksucker.
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I recently saw a demonstration of how some people begin to mentally unravel when they come face to face with their own reality - it's called cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person’s belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein they try to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort,​
Often times, the urge to maintain these beliefs which are grounded in faulty logic and fantasy compels the individual who has been challenged to shut down and/or lash out.
I've additionally seen individuals outright lie about things, make up stories as a deflection and then go on the offensive against the person who introduced the information which caused them to feel the discomfort.

Black people are often "scolded" about an alleged lack of education or an attitude of not valuing education. Having the courage to attend school in such a hostile and dangerous environment may be commendable but doing so places enormous stressors on a child's mental health. Anyone's mental health actually,

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My problem with CRT comes down to one question: Will CRT be taught as the history of slavery and racism or will it be taught as “Look What White People Did”?

CRT may be a sound theory or it may not. But even if it is, HOW it is taught and presented matters much more than most people realize.
Why do they have bad grammar and poor vocabulary?

Because we are a dumbed down society with a short attention span.. obviously.

Did a White man piss in your corn flakes? Racist cocksucker.

I am about as pasty white as you can get... but 90% of our problems can be linked to white people acting badly.
Because we are a dumbed down society with a short attention span.. obviously.

I am about as pasty white as you can get... but 90% of our problems can be linked to white people acting badly.
Why are we dumbed down? Why are people dumber than 50 years ago.
My problem with CRT comes down to one question: Will CRT be taught as the history of slavery and racism or will it be taught as “Look What White People Did”?

CRT may be a sound theory or it may not. But even if it is, HOW it is taught and presented matters much more than most people realize.

Why can't it be taught as both?

It seems the problem you have is that you don't want anyone pointing a finger at you.
If leftists have their way, black kids will “graduate” from high school full of anger and resentment for whites, and whites will wrongly feel shame for something they themselves didn’t do - all the while less than half of them have even basic proficiency in math or English, and most of them totally unprepared for the working world, or college.

We already teach the history of slavery and the Civil Rights movement. If we add ANYTHING to the curriculum, it should be basic financial literacy, and then focus more on the academic subjects.

Libs really need to get their priorities straight, and stop screaming “raaaacist” at everyone who disagrees with them.

Rightist’s version of how to teach history: refer to slavery as “involuntary relocation” and slaves as “workers”, remove most content on women’s suffrage and Civil Rights…. (Thank you Texas).
So you don't think that the education system has anything to do with it?

Not really.

Now, here's the thing. I am a product of Catholic Education. While I am not religious today largely because of that, I will credit the nuns and brothers for giving me a pretty good education. But the key factor was parental involvement. My parents paid attention to what I was doing.

Today parents use TV and internet as babysitters.
The USA has far fewer dialects than in the past. TV has been the great destroyer of dialects since everyone hears Californian there. By default, Californian has become the American dialect.
Not dialects, accents.
Not really.

Now, here's the thing. I am a product of Catholic Education. While I am not religious today largely because of that, I will credit the nuns and brothers for giving me a pretty good education. But the key factor was parental involvement. My parents paid attention to what I was doing.

Today parents use TV and internet as babysitters.
I think Terry McCauliff might disagree with you.
What about lowering standards like many states are doing?
….or dropping tests altogether? The prestigious TJ High School eliminated its entrance exam because the liberals were upset that there were too many Asians who scored well and got in and not enough blacks who did, so they just dropped the test. That has the effect of “dumbing down” the overall class.
….or dropping tests altogether? The prestigious TJ High School eliminated its entrance exam because the liberals were upset that there were too many Asians who scored well and got in and not enough blacks who did, so they just dropped the test. That has the effect of “dumbing down” the overall class.
The leftists here obviously know this. Getting them to admit it is another thing. Playing dumb is the game these days.
If leftists have their way, black kids will “graduate” from high school full of anger and resentment for whites, and whites will wrongly feel shame for something they themselves didn’t do - all the while less than half of them have even basic proficiency in math or English, and most of them totally unprepared for the working world, or college.

We already teach the history of slavery and the Civil Rights movement. If we add ANYTHING to the curriculum, it should be basic financial literacy, and then focus more on the academic subjects.

Libs really need to get their priorities straight, and stop screaming “raaaacist” at everyone who disagrees with them.
votes not jobs; more proof they dont care about blacks.
That right there is exactly what I’m talking about. There is no reason whatsoever to point a finger at me while teaching CRT or anything like it.

Yes, by all means, don't accept any responsibility.

Just blame someone else and continue to enjoy the privileges of being white.

….or dropping tests altogether? The prestigious TJ High School eliminated its entrance exam because the liberals were upset that there were too many Asians who scored well and got in and not enough blacks who did, so they just dropped the test. That has the effect of “dumbing down” the overall class.

Okay, but that begs the question, why do we have something as racist and exclusionary as "prestigious High Schools"? Especially since it is a public school that EVERYONE pays for, not just the "elites". Charter Schools, Magnet Schools, they are all just attempts to get around Brown v. Board of Education.
It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I recently saw a demonstration of how some people begin to mentally unravel when they come face to face with their own reality - it's called cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values, and is typically experienced as psychological stress when they participate in an action that goes against one or more of them. According to this theory, when two actions or ideas are not psychologically consistent with each other, people do all in their power to change them until they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person’s belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein they try to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort,​
Often times, the urge to maintain these beliefs which are grounded in faulty logic and fantasy compels the individual who has been challenged to shut down and/or lash out.
I've additionally seen individuals outright lie about things, make up stories as a deflection and then go on the offensive against the person who introduced the information which caused them to feel the discomfort.

Black people are often "scolded" about an alleged lack of education or an attitude of not valuing education. Having the courage to attend school in such a hostile and dangerous environment may be commendable but doing so places enormous stressors on a child's mental health. Anyone's mental health actually,

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What a bunch of psycho babble

1960 is the yardstick on race relations for liberals who prefer to live in the past instead of the present
What a bunch of psycho babble

1960 is the yardstick on race relations for liberals who prefer to live in the past instead of the present
There was also a reference to me in her diatribe. She has claimed repeatedly that I am lying about how my family arrived on these shores, penniless and uneducated, unable to speak English, and even in the midst of terrible antisemitism, by the next generation their children - all four on both sides - were college graduates. She HATES when someone shows how people can succeed, even in the face of horrible bigotry, and thus she calls reports of such “lies” and “deflection.”

Any remaining instances of racism in current times has been more than offset by favored treatment when it comes to hires, promotions, and admission to college. That she’s now complaining how much courage it takes for blacks to attend college in a “hostile environment” is her new excuse. Blacks in college have extra support to make sure they succeed, and this starts on Day 1. Right at Freshman Orientation, there are black student organizations reaching to blacks to offer help and provide resources.
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