Zone1 Critical Race Theory: Experiencing It As Cognitive Dissonance

What a bunch of psycho babble

1960 is the yardstick on race relations for liberals who prefer to live in the past instead of the present

Except that this still shouldn't BE an issue 62 years later.

There was also a reference to me in her diatribe. She has claimed repeatedly that I am lying about how my family arrived on these shores, penniless and uneducated, unable to speak English, and even in the midst of terrible antisemitism, by the next generation their children - all four on both sides - were college graduates. She HATES when someone shows how people can succeed, even in the face of horrible bigotry, and thus she calls reports of such “lies” and “deflection.”

except one generation later, they were able to speak English, and were allowed to assimilate. There was never any analog to Jim Crow for Jews. Blacks were getting lynched, Jews were whining they couldn't join a country club. Jews came to the country voluntarily because Europe kind of sucked for them, Blacks were brought over in chains. The two experiences are simply NOT the same.

If I stick you into a crowd of white people and tell someone to "find the Jew", they aren't going to be able to do it unless you self-identify. You stick a black person into a crowd of white folks, they are REALLY going to stand out.

Any remaining instances of racism in current times has been more than offset by favored treatment when it comes to hires, promotions, and admission to college. That she’s now complaining how much courage it takes for blacks to attend college in a “hostile environment” is her new excuse. Blacks in college have extra support to make sure they succeed, and this starts on Day 1. Right at Freshman Orientation, there are black student organizations reaching to blacks to offer help and provide resources.

Oh, please.

I think in my career, I've dealt with one person who got a promotion that should have been mine due to affirmative action.

I've dealt with half a dozen where someone got a promotion because they were friends with the boss, an idiot nephew of an owner, or sleeping with a manager. even ignoring the fact that people like you bring racist attitudes into HR and Admissions offices, you have the unconscious racism of people merely favoring people who remind them of themselves.

I've told this story before... but it bears repeating.

In 2012, we had three people leave the purchasing department I worked in.

A Chinese-American woman who had been with the company for nine years.
A Black woman who had been with the company two years.
A white intern who had been with the company for a few months.

Now, guess which one of these three our white manager re-arranged his schedule to attend lunch with before they left?

this same manager later let a black contractor go to make room for one of his drinking buddies on our team. The guy turned out to be totally useless before he was eventually fired after getting his fourth DUI.
There was also a reference to me in her diatribe. She has claimed repeatedly that I am lying about how my family arrived on these shores, penniless and uneducated, unable to speak English, and even in the midst of terrible antisemitism, by the next generation their children - all four on both sides - were college graduates. She HATES when someone shows how people can succeed, even in the face of horrible bigotry, and thus she calls reports of such “lies” and “deflection.”

Any remaining instances of racism in current times has been more than offset by favored treatment when it comes to hires, promotions, and admission to college. That she’s now complaining how much courage it takes for blacks to attend college in a “hostile environment” is her new excuse. Blacks in college have extra support to make sure they succeed, and this starts on Day 1. Right at Freshman Orientation, there are black student organizations reaching to blacks to offer help and provide resources.
Libs are confronted with the fact that overall blacks have failed to advance as expected

And the left has to blame that on someone or something beyond black control

For lefties it cant be as simple as stay in school, dont do drugs, stay off the police blotter and marry the father of the children
Libs are confronted with the fact that overall blacks have failed to advance as expected

And the left has to blame that on someone or something beyond black control

For lefties it cant be as simple as stay in school, dont do drugs, stay off the police blotter and marry the father of the children
Actually, it’s more complicated than that, and it’s because many, if not most, blacks HAVE advanced. They’ve done the things that all people do when they want to advance, which is to stay in school, don’t commit crimes, and only have babies once you’re married and can afford them.

It exposes the lie that blacks who fail to advance due so because racism. If that were the case, ALL blacks would be in the same position. But when a white brings this up, the rage comes out - racist!, racist! - all the while ignoring that most blacks are doing OK, and due to their choices in life.
Actually, it’s more complicated than that, and it’s because many, if not most, blacks HAVE advanced. They’ve done the things that all people do when they want to advance, which is to stay in school, don’t commit crimes, and only have babies once you’re married and can afford them.

It exposes the lie that blacks who fail to advance due so because racism. If that were the case, ALL blacks would be in the same position. But when a white brings this up, the rage comes out - racist!, racist! - all the while ignoring that most blacks are doing OK, and due to their choices in life.

Define doing okay.

You can have a good job and a degree, and still get pulled over by a racist cop for a DWB.

And, yes, you might get a job offer, but you have to send out twice as many resumes to get it.

40% of white kids are born out of wedlock now, but oddly, they do fine. Why is that?
Yes, by all means, don't accept any responsibility.

I think I’ve made it clear by now that I don’t accept responsibility for that shit and I never will.
Just blame someone else and continue to enjoy the privileges of being white.

If you want to wallow in a slimy pit of white guilt, that’s your choice. I’m not doin’ it.
Define doing okay.
Doing OK means not being on government assistance, and supporting oneself.
You can have a good job and a degree, and still get pulled over by a racist cop for a DWB.

And you can have a 3.7 GPA and excellent test scores, and still get rejected in favor of a black with a 3.2 GPA and OKish test scores because….black.

And, yes, you might get a job offer, but you have to send out twice as many resumes to get it.

And you still get get a job as the VP or Press Secretary above other better qualified whites because….black.
40% of white kids are born out of wedlock now, but oddly, they do fine. Why is that?

FIrst, who says they do fine? Second, it’s only 29%.
And you still get get a job as the VP or Press Secretary above other better qualified whites because….black.
You can also get stopped for driving
You can be denied employment
You can be denied housing
You can be accused of a crime
You can be killed by police
You can also get stopped for driving
You can be denied employment
You can be denied housing
You can be accused of a crime
You can be killed by police
Wow. Lie after lie.
Doing OK means not being on government assistance, and supporting oneself.

You do realize the majority of people on welfare are white, right? And that's just talking about traditional welfare, and not the payments we give to white people to keep them out of poverty like social security and medicare. We spend 600 Billion a year on "Welfare" and 2.5 TRILLION a year on "entitlements", and of course, you are upset about the welfare.

And you can have a 3.7 GPA and excellent test scores, and still get rejected in favor of a black with a 3.2 GPA and OKish test scores because….black.

And so? If that was the ONLY college available, you might have a point. So you didn't get into Harvard, but UIC would be HAPPY to take you with a 3.7GAP and excellent test scores.

And you still get get a job as the VP or Press Secretary above other better qualified whites because….black.

Working on the assumption that other veeps were "qualified".

You really can't complain about Kamala Harris after you put Dan Quayle one heartbeat away. Or tried to put Sarah Palin one heartbeat away.

Vice-Presidents aren't chosen for their qualifications, they are chosen to motivate certain constituencies Quayle and Palin were picked because they were loved by Christian Conservatives, not because they were smart.
You do realize the majority of people on welfare are white, right? And that's just talking about traditional welfare, and not the payments we give to white people to keep them out of poverty like social security and medicare. We spend 600 Billion a year on "Welfare" and 2.5 TRILLION a year on "entitlements", and of course, you are upset about the welfare.
Of course the majority on welfare are white. That’s because there are more whites, period. But in terms of percentages, blacks are more likely to be on welfare - and that would be expected, given the 72% out of wedlock rate.
And so? If that was the ONLY college available, you might have a point. So you didn't get into Harvard, but UIC would be HAPPY to take you with a 3.7GAP and excellent test scores.
So? Blacks who got into prestigious programs and grad schools with grades below whites with much better grades could still go to college - just a college for which their grades would have them admitted regardless of race.

Working on the assumption that other veeps were "qualified".

You really can't complain about Kamala Harris after you put Dan Quayle one heartbeat away. Or tried to put Sarah Palin one heartbeat away.

Vice-Presidents aren't chosen for their qualifications, they are chosen to motivate certain constituencies Quayle and Palin were picked because they were loved by Christian Conservatives, not because they were smart.
The point is that these people, and MANY others, are chosen for jobs and promotions because of “wokeness” - let’s pick a black person! It is racist for a president to announce that whites will be excluded from consideration for a prestigious role.
You can also get stopped for driving
You can be denied employment
You can be denied housing
You can be accused of a crime
You can be killed by police
Waaaaa. I didn’t get unemployment benefits! It must be because I’m Jewish, not because I didn’t qualify for them.

Waaaaa. I didnt get picked for the job! It must be because I’m Jewish, and not because a gentile was better qualified.

Waaaa. I didn’t get approved for the apartment I wanted. It must be because I’m Jewish, and not because my income to expense ratio was out of kilter.

Waaa. I was accused of a crime. must be because I’m Jewish, and not because I assaulted someone, robbed a store, or shot someone.

Waaaaa. i was killed by the police because I was Jewish, and not because I was high on drugs and defying police orders, and presented myself as a threat.
Of course the majority on welfare are white. That’s because there are more whites, period. But in terms of percentages, blacks are more likely to be on welfare - and that would be expected, given the 72% out of wedlock rate.

So? Blacks who got into prestigious programs and grad schools with grades below whites with much better grades could still go to college - just a college for which their grades would have them admitted regardless of race.

The point is that these people, and MANY others, are chosen for jobs and promotions because of “wokeness” - let’s pick a black person! It is racist for a president to announce that whites will be excluded from consideration for a prestigious role.
Is it racist that blacks are excluded from prestigious roles? Deciding to break a glass ceiling by stating you will nominate a black woman is no more “ist” than stating you will nominate a woman as two prior presidents have done. No one called them sexist either. And no one questioned why there hadn’t been one on the courts before…the real “ism”.

As long as the person is fully qualified and has merit, it doesn’t really matter when it comes to political nominations but rightists are on a tear and will shred her no matter what while conveniently forgetting their own “isms”.
Is it racist that blacks are excluded from prestigious roles? Deciding to break a glass ceiling by stating you will nominate a black woman is no more “ist” than stating you will nominate a woman as two prior presidents have done. No one called them sexist either. And no one questioned why there hadn’t been one on the courts before…the real “ism”.

As long as the person is fully qualified and has merit, it doesn’t really matter when it comes to political nominations but rightists are on a tear and will shred her no matter what while conveniently forgetting their own “isms”.
Sorry. It is racist to select a black person who is less qualified than a white person due to race.

And why is it you only challenge ME all the time? I read out and out racist comments from others - some really horrible, like blacks are inferior, and blacks are subhuman, etc., etc., - and yet you target me and let the other comments go by without a mention.

And don’t tell me you don’t see them. For some reason, you see everything I write.
Because being a POC and being Jewish is the same thing.
Your stupidity knows no bounds.
Blaming things that happen on race or religion is just an excuse.

And calling me stupid is not allowed in Zone 1. Learn how to behave with civility.
Blaming things that happens on race or religion is just an excuse.
Actually its whats left over from the European (colonizer) mindset.
And calling me stupid is not allowed in Zone 1. Learn how to behave with civility.
We Indians are merciless savages as stated in the Declaration of Independence.
Why would you expect a merciless savage to be civil? More colonizer mindset.

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