Crooked Election speculation

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?
Funny how the same leftists who demanded 4 years of constant investigations into election tampering & everything else when DT won are now claiming there is no such thing as election fraud & investigations are un-American.
Nice try prog, go sell it your fellow fascist/marxist morons. Burn Loot Murder might buy your BS
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?
Yes a crooked election is very unAmerican and that’s why we’ll stop it.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow
This is the only thing you've said that actually makes sense and I absolutely agree with. This would include most of the Dem party, MSM, Hollywood, pro athletes and all the useful idiots who buy into the leftist delusions.
Bye bye & don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out
Why go to Russia when they can bring Russia here? We dodged a bullet with Trump but now I worry about the next right wing authoritarian who might actually be smart enough to destroy American democracy.
Why go to Russia when they can bring Russia here? We dodged a bullet with Trump but now I worry about the next right wing authoritarian who might actually be smart enough to destroy American democracy.
They would feel very much at home in Russia or Poland and Hungary. But I suspect they are paid by Putin to sew distrust in the democratic institutions of the US. They are the enemy within.
Why go to Russia when they can bring Russia here? We dodged a bullet with Trump but now I worry about the next right wing authoritarian who might actually be smart enough to destroy American democracy.
They would feel very much at home in Russia or Poland and Hungary. But I suspect they are paid by Putin to sew distrust in the democratic institutions of the US. They are the enemy within.
Authoritarians don't want to live in someone else's right wing dictatorship. They know they would be the outsiders and subject to persecution. They want their own particular ethnic/nationalist tribe to run everything.
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?

Perhaps ignorant Brits, who know nothing about America, and who have no standing here, should worry about their own shithole of a country, and let us worry about ours.
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?
Kinda like Pelosi and Co. over the last four years, huh?
I think you were one of them that was leading the charge, Thomas
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?

Perhaps ignorant Brits, who know nothing about America, and who have no standing here, should worry about their own shithole of a country, and let us worry about ours.
dont be to hard on them,,, some of them like tommy are still really mad about 1776,,,
Why go to Russia when they can bring Russia here? We dodged a bullet with Trump but now I worry about the next right wing authoritarian who might actually be smart enough to destroy American democracy.
thats funny that you idiots still think republicans are right wing,,,
Why go to Russia when they can bring Russia here? We dodged a bullet with Trump but now I worry about the next right wing authoritarian who might actually be smart enough to destroy American democracy.

The only threat of authoritarianism is from the left.
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?

Moron......joe biden is the actual puppet of doofus.........his family has the Chinese hand so far up their behinds their nails are clicking on the back of their teeth, dittos the democrat party, whose relationship with China started in the 1990s with the clinton crime family.......

Europe is so need the United States to give you a living....and now that you cheered for China and are fucked.
It strikes me that this nonsense is very un American and plays into the hands of Mr Putin.
Those of us with a fondness for the US find it very distressing.
Perhaps those who continually criticise America should pack their bags and fuck off to Moscow ?

Moron......joe biden is the actual puppet of doofus.........his family has the Chinese hand so far up their behinds their nails are clicking on the back of their teeth, dittos the democrat party, whose relationship with China started in the 1990s with the clinton crime family.......

Europe is so need the United States to give you a living....and now that you cheered for China and are fucked.
Yup, and guns make you safer.
Yep... seeds sewn by Russian trolls. Hate to put this on a second thread but it’s appropriate...



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