Crooked Hillary Named "Woman of the Year" by the Butthurt MSM


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
This is reminder that THE PERSON OF THE YEAR, The Donald, had to face the entire weight of the Crooked, Biased MSM, much as Atlas is depicted as carrying the weight of the world. Then he dropped kicked the MSM and won in a landslide! 2016 was a great year in politics!

Hillary Clinton: The Guardian person of the year 2016

The rigged "print media" which should not even exist since they make no money and provide fake news.

This is reminder that THE PERSON OF THE YEAR, The Donald, had to face the entire weight of the Crooked, Biased MSM, much as Atlas is depicted as carrying the weight of the world. Then he dropped kicked the MSM and won in a landslide! 2016 was a great year in politics!

Hillary Clinton: The Guardian person of the year 2016

The rigged "print media" which should not even exist since they make no money and provide fake news.


Now, THAT is some serious desperation at display. They just have to declare their butthurt for everyone to see.

Besides all her advantages, she could not take down a political NOBODY. She had to cheat against a socialist. What did she exactly accomplish this ye... ever?
I suppose it's a more appropriate choice than Bernie Sanders or Hulk Hogan. So why didn't Theresa May get it? (UK PM) (Joke)

Will the right in America ever learn MSM is corporate owned and operated and managed, they are basically with few exceptions an outlet for entertainment lacking substance. They aren't going to shoot themselves. You rarely find truth in media for if they presented reality listeners would not be able to stay content in their fictional bubble. I will admit Fox is the most fake of the media outlets but so what. Readers need to check web sites and honest journalists for an untainted glimpse of the world. Book below is worth a read. A few of us are old enough and mature enough to see the world, very few. lol

"A few days later, I met Donald Trump....I sized him up as a modern P. T. Barnum selling tickets to a modern variation of the Feejee Mermaid, one of the panoply of Barnum’s famous fakes that people decided were worth a bit of their money. Trump was full of himself. I quickly learned from others in town that he knew next to nothing about the casino industry, including the rules of the games. That would turn out to be important, as explained in two chapters near the end of this book.

In the nearly thirty years since then, I have followed Trump intensely; I’ve paid close attention to his business dealings and I’ve interviewed him multiple times. In 1990, I broke the story that, instead of being worth billions, as he’d claimed, Trump actually had a negative net worth and escaped a chaotic collapse into personal bankruptcy only when the government took his side over the bank’s, as you will read." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'

This too for another book and commentary. "Charles Koch once likened the choice between Trump and Clinton to choosing between cancer or a heart attack. Trump in turn boasted that the Kochs could not influence him because he didn’t “want their money or anything else from them.”

Trump kicks biographer off golf course
Will the right in America ever learn MSM is corporate owned and operated and managed, they are basically with few exceptions an outlet for entertainment lacking substance. They aren't going to shoot themselves. You rarely find truth in media for if they presented reality listeners would not be able to stay content in their fictional bubble. I will admit Fox is the most fake of the media outlets but so what. Readers need to check web sites and honest journalists for an untainted glimpse of the world. Book below is worth a read. A few of us are old enough and mature enough to see the world, very few. lol

"A few days later, I met Donald Trump....I sized him up as a modern P. T. Barnum selling tickets to a modern variation of the Feejee Mermaid, one of the panoply of Barnum’s famous fakes that people decided were worth a bit of their money. Trump was full of himself. I quickly learned from others in town that he knew next to nothing about the casino industry, including the rules of the games. That would turn out to be important, as explained in two chapters near the end of this book.

In the nearly thirty years since then, I have followed Trump intensely; I’ve paid close attention to his business dealings and I’ve interviewed him multiple times. In 1990, I broke the story that, instead of being worth billions, as he’d claimed, Trump actually had a negative net worth and escaped a chaotic collapse into personal bankruptcy only when the government took his side over the bank’s, as you will read." David Cay Johnston 'The Making Of Donald Trump'

This too for another book and commentary. "Charles Koch once likened the choice between Trump and Clinton to choosing between cancer or a heart attack. Trump in turn boasted that the Kochs could not influence him because he didn’t “want their money or anything else from them.”

Trump kicks biographer off golf course
Is this entire piece of bullshit off topic? I stopped reading at the second sentence.

Is this considered off topic?

I wonder if this thing is off topic

Hillary voted woman of the year for no legit reason, and he brings up an article about Trump's biographer.
Here's your "Congratulations! You've Got a Vajayjay" award....
Hillary Clinton: All time worst choke job

She spent $1.2 billion and has the entire media spreading her propoganda...and lost.

$1.2 billion absolutely pissed away.

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