Cruz Comments on Middle East


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Ted Cruz says the Middle East was More Stable with Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi in Power

Ya think? About time an American political figure stood up and told the truth. Their demise was just another example of those in power here not understand the basics of societies in Muslim countries. They are tribal now and have been forever. You cannot create democratic societies in Muslim nations.

Let's see how much heat Cruz gets for speaking the truth. Full story @ Ted Cruz says the Middle East was More Stable with Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi in Power

But then, Ted attacks Rubio on Refugees and says he's wrong @ Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees
Ted Cruz says the Middle East was More Stable with Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi in Power

Ya think? About time an American political figure stood up and told the truth. Their demise was just another example of those in power here not understand the basics of societies in Muslim countries. They are tribal now and have been forever. You cannot create democratic societies in Muslim nations.

Let's see how much heat Cruz gets for speaking the truth. Full story @ Ted Cruz says the Middle East was More Stable with Saddam Hussein and Qaddafi in Power

But then, Ted attacks Rubio on Refugees and says he's wrong @ Cruz Attacks Rubio on Refugees

right-----and the cotton plantations of the OLD SOUTH were productive and
peaceful when black slaves worked in chains
I don't agree with him in regards to Saddam. He had to go, but we should have kept forces available to keep the new government propped up.

He's right on Qaddafi, and is about as credible as the daily kos.


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