Cruz fires off letter to Kerry demanding info on political campaign against Netanyahu


Scott Walker Leads GOP Race In Latest Iowa Poll

International Business Times ^
A year out from the Iowa caucuses, potential presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has taken the lead among Republicans, an Iowa Poll published Saturday indicates. With 15 percent support, Walker leads a number of other potential candidates for the Republican ticket, including Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush, the Des Moines Register reported. Walker is the No. 2 candidate among potential caucus attendees who support an establishment candidate as well as those who prefer one who is anti-establishment, the Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll indicated. Following close behind, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky...
That's wonderful news, if you're a Dem that is. Only Jeb, Canada Ted, or Rick two-fer felony Perry would be better.

This is why your a fucking Socialist pig.... you know nothing except vote for the Hildebeast, or in your case the socialist scum bag Bernie Sanders.... like THAT would ever happen! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Unlike you I vote for the Dem, and someone who can actually win a national election.

Yes, we know Communist = DemocRAT.... proven over and over again!
The Commies are like you. They also have no one to vote for, who can actually win.

Scott Walker Leads GOP Race In Latest Iowa Poll

International Business Times ^
A year out from the Iowa caucuses, potential presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has taken the lead among Republicans, an Iowa Poll published Saturday indicates. With 15 percent support, Walker leads a number of other potential candidates for the Republican ticket, including Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee and Jeb Bush, the Des Moines Register reported. Walker is the No. 2 candidate among potential caucus attendees who support an establishment candidate as well as those who prefer one who is anti-establishment, the Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa poll indicated. Following close behind, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky...
That's wonderful news, if you're a Dem that is. Only Jeb, Canada Ted, or Rick two-fer felony Perry would be better.

This is why your a fucking Socialist pig.... you know nothing except vote for the Hildebeast, or in your case the socialist scum bag Bernie Sanders.... like THAT would ever happen! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Unlike you I vote for the Dem, and someone who can actually win a national election.

Yes, we know Communist = DemocRAT.... proven over and over again!
The Commies are like you. They also have no one to vote for, who can actually win.

The Libertarians and the Tea Party are as realistic as the Communists, meaning 'not'.
We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding folks what little pricks, like yourself, did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!

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We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding what little pricks, like yourself did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!

That's wonderful news, if you're a Dem that is. Only Jeb, Canada Ted, or Rick two-fer felony Perry would be better.

This is why your a fucking Socialist pig.... you know nothing except vote for the Hildebeast, or in your case the socialist scum bag Bernie Sanders.... like THAT would ever happen! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Unlike you I vote for the Dem, and someone who can actually win a national election.

Yes, we know Communist = DemocRAT.... proven over and over again!
The Commies are like you. They also have no one to vote for, who can actually win.

The Libertarians and the Tea Party are as realistic as the Communists, meaning 'not'.

The Manchurian Republican now argues for our benefit with a FELLOW TRAVELER! apropos
We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding what little pricks, like yourself did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!


Doesn't seem to fit what the Tea party stands for as I posted, BUT we KNOW you Pond Scum Democrats LIE with every post, so please continue! We need a late night laugh from a low 2 digit IQ'd subversive! :321:
Come on ladies, if I'm so far off mark, prove it, refute me, debate me, you piss ants have nothing when confronted with the truth!
We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding what little pricks, like yourself did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!


Doesn't seem to fit what the Tea party stands for as I posted, BUT we KNOW you Pond Scum Democrats LIE with every post, so please continue! We need a late night laugh from a low 2 digit IQ'd subversive! :321:
We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding what little pricks, like yourself did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!


Doesn't seem to fit what the Tea party stands for as I posted, BUT we KNOW you Pond Scum Democrats LIE with every post, so please continue! We need a late night laugh from a low 2 digit IQ'd subversive! :321:

WE LOVE "BONER" WE WANT HIM FOR THE OBOMANATIONS AID DE CAMP! You get dumber with each post...thank GOD!

We know your prediction, Vigilante; Perry or Santorum will not even make it to Iowa.

The mainstream will choose Bush or Christie.

Yes, we will be reminding what little pricks, like yourself did with you scum being able to push Dole, McLame, and McRomney.... You have a splendid track record!

You ever think of looking at men that actual have CORE REPUBLICAN values.... I see that the CONSERVATIVES have started a FREEDOM caucus within the Republican party.... These are their values, instead of RETREAT and SURRENDER! READ the last line SUBVERSIVE, you are HISTORY, get the fuck out of the way!


Doesn't seem to fit what the Tea party stands for as I posted, BUT we KNOW you Pond Scum Democrats LIE with every post, so please continue! We need a late night laugh from a low 2 digit IQ'd subversive! :321:

WE LOVE "BONER" WE WANT HIM FOR THE OBOMANATIONS AID DE CAMP! You get dumber with each post...thank GOD!

It's s so funny because the Right still has a small but very real antisemitic strain, e.g., skin heads and holocaust deniers and supporters David Duke. And then there's the famous Nixonian paranoia that a shadowy cadre of Jewish bankers run the world. Who could forget Nixon's coining of the phrase "Liberal Jew run media".

Back in the days of Henry Ford a much larger faction of the Right (and Left) were openly against Jews. Then Israel became a vital geopolitical asset in the Middle East, and a vital player in the Republican's plan to increase American influence over the Persian Gulf ... and, consequently, the anti-zionists on the right were moved to the margins. But jew-haters have always been more at home on the Right because the Right believes that we live in a Christian nation, as opposed to the Left, who believe that all groups are equally valuable. The only thing that Jew haters hate more than Jews is liberal tolerance.
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It's s so funny because the Right still has a small but very real antisemitic strain that stems from skin heads and holocaust deniers who supported David Duke and believe a shadowy cadre of Jewish bankers run the world. In fact, back in the days of Henry Ford a much larger faction of the Right (and Left) were openly against Jews. Then Israel became a necessary asset in our geopolitical interests in the Middle East ... and the anti-zionists on the right were moved to the margins. But these people have always been more at home on the Right who believed that we live in a Christian nation, as opposed to the Left, who believe that all groups are equally valuable.

You forget the OWS crowd with their anti-Semitic strain?

Occupy Wall Street Does anyone care about the anti-Semitism - Right Turn - The Washington Post

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