Cruz is establishment

Is the dumbest conclusion I've seen drawn on this board. Seriously

The so-called called establishment HATES CRUZ and has since the day he was sent to DC. They blasted him near daily on all the pundit shows. Never backed him in his fights against Obama.

The only reason they support him all of the sudden is because they hate Trump more.

Pull your heads out of your collective asses and get a grip on yourselves.

He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You do know I do not like Trump either, so I am not being duped by him, and know what he is, but Cruz is also a insider and not a true rebel...

You believe Ted Cruz is the better candidate of everyone in the race, so vote for him, but do not try to tell everyone that Ted Cruz is not part of the establishment when all the evidence points to the fact he has been bought and owned by the Bush family for years now...

This election cycle is hold your nose and vote for the least worthless candidate, and to you it is Cruz...
Cruz is the only candidate that actually fought against the system.

All this bullshit about conservative purity is KILLING any chance for a potus to be elected from the conservative ranks for decades to come.
Many on this board don't care. They say burn it down. Well that's easy to say when you've already lived your life & you don't have long to deal with the consequences.
He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You do know I do not like Trump either, so I am not being duped by him, and know what he is, but Cruz is also a insider and not a true rebel...

You believe Ted Cruz is the better candidate of everyone in the race, so vote for him, but do not try to tell everyone that Ted Cruz is not part of the establishment when all the evidence points to the fact he has been bought and owned by the Bush family for years now...

This election cycle is hold your nose and vote for the least worthless candidate, and to you it is Cruz...
Cruz is the only candidate that actually fought against the system.

All this bullshit about conservative purity is KILLING any chance for a potus to be elected from the conservative ranks for decades to come.
Many on this board don't care. They say burn it down. Well that's easy to say when you've already lived your life & you don't have long to deal with the consequences.

Cruz is a liar. He's a Bush Family Banker Elite-owned Puppet. No different than Hillary Clinton.
Is the dumbest conclusion I've seen drawn on this board. Seriously

The so-called called establishment HATES CRUZ and has since the day he was sent to DC. They blasted him near daily on all the pundit shows. Never backed him in his fights against Obama.

The only reason they support him all of the sudden is because they hate Trump more.

Pull your heads out of your collective asses and get a grip on yourselves.

He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You miss the point entirely. Cruz has played a big game that he's the anti establishment anti the Washington cartel candidate.

He's been lying his ass off and scamming the public. Just like he pretends to be this holier than thou evangelical. All bullshit. He and his team lied their asses off about Carson leaving the race. Then they do their dirties with Marco Rubio with the photo shopping and the lie that Rubio slagged the Bible.

And then to top it off they tried to slut shame Melania. He's the biggest &^^$#( scumbucket in the race.
I don't blame him for the whore insinuations. That's on the superpac. I will drop him like a hot potato if he appears to be to pushy with the religious bullshit. Leave your God out of my tax equations
He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You do know I do not like Trump either, so I am not being duped by him, and know what he is, but Cruz is also a insider and not a true rebel...

You believe Ted Cruz is the better candidate of everyone in the race, so vote for him, but do not try to tell everyone that Ted Cruz is not part of the establishment when all the evidence points to the fact he has been bought and owned by the Bush family for years now...

This election cycle is hold your nose and vote for the least worthless candidate, and to you it is Cruz...
Cruz is the only candidate that actually fought against the system.

All this bullshit about conservative purity is KILLING any chance for a potus to be elected from the conservative ranks for decades to come.
Many on this board don't care. They say burn it down. Well that's easy to say when you've already lived your life & you don't have long to deal with the consequences.

Believe what you want, but Cruz history ( just like Trump ) tells a different story, and you can't be anti-establishment when the strings of the Bush family is attached to you...
He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You do know I do not like Trump either, so I am not being duped by him, and know what he is, but Cruz is also a insider and not a true rebel...

You believe Ted Cruz is the better candidate of everyone in the race, so vote for him, but do not try to tell everyone that Ted Cruz is not part of the establishment when all the evidence points to the fact he has been bought and owned by the Bush family for years now...

This election cycle is hold your nose and vote for the least worthless candidate, and to you it is Cruz...
Cruz is the only candidate that actually fought against the system.

All this bullshit about conservative purity is KILLING any chance for a potus to be elected from the conservative ranks for decades to come.
Many on this board don't care. They say burn it down. Well that's easy to say when you've already lived your life & you don't have long to deal with the consequences.

It was a charade.
As someone who always votes for the most liberal candidate, I'd take a Trump presidency over a Cruz presidency every day of the week.
He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You miss the point entirely. Cruz has played a big game that he's the anti establishment anti the Washington cartel candidate.

He's been lying his ass off and scamming the public. Just like he pretends to be this holier than thou evangelical. All bullshit. He and his team lied their asses off about Carson leaving the race. Then they do their dirties with Marco Rubio with the photo shopping and the lie that Rubio slagged the Bible.

And then to top it off they tried to slut shame Melania. He's the biggest &^^$#( scumbucket in the race.
I don't blame him for the whore insinuations. That's on the superpac. I will drop him like a hot potato if he appears to be to pushy with the religious bullshit. Leave your God out of my tax equations

The attack on Melania was a Cruz campaign strategy. This was devised and I'll be putting up a thread about it later. Oh and by the way that Super pac has the same address as Carly Fiorona.

You know the same Carly that mysteriously received half a million dollars from a Cruz super pac last summer. Unheard of. Cruz superpac giving to an opponent?
Trump and Bernie Sanders are the perfect two candidates that represent this old saying.

"What you see is what you get". Very few like this anymore. Ron Paul and Rand Paul fit into that category as well. But there are not many out there. And even though I don't agree with one bloody thing Bernie Sanders stands for I admire the crap out of him for taking on the Clintons and the DNC elite.

These few that I mentioned have one thing in common. Authenticity. I respect that.
You know what?

We live in an insane world where someone who has been a conservative his whole life is condemned as "Establishment". Meanwhile, a person who has never had a conservative thought in his head his entire life is the hero of these retarded pseudo-cons who are so far off the conservative reservation they don't know a conservative principle when a critical one whacks them upside the head.

Donald Trump is a poser. He's never been a conservative. That's why when he is asked questions relating to conservative causes, he comes across like an idiot. He has no idea how to answer such questions because he has been a liberal his whole life.

Cruz, on the other hand, has been right wing his whole life, and it shows. You can see the stark difference. But the retards have such a pall of self-delusion over their eyes they can't discern the real from the fake.


Conservative in name only. CINO. He and his wife are inside the beltway establishment elite and worse yet they are Wall Street 24/7.

Oh and did I mention he's a damn (*&^% LIAR.
You know what?

We live in an insane world where someone who has been a conservative his whole life is condemned as "Establishment". Meanwhile, a person who has never had a conservative thought in his head his entire life is the hero of these retarded pseudo-cons who are so far off the conservative reservation they don't know a conservative principle when a critical one whacks them upside the head.

Donald Trump is a poser. He's never been a conservative. That's why when he is asked questions relating to conservative causes, he comes across like an idiot. He has no idea how to answer such questions because he has been a liberal his whole life.

Cruz, on the other hand, has been right wing his whole life, and it shows. You can see the stark difference. But the retards have such a pall of self-delusion over their eyes they can't discern the real from the fake.


Conservative in name only. CINO. He and his wife are inside the beltway establishment elite and worse yet they are Wall Street 24/7.

Oh and did I mention he's a damn (*&^% LIAR.
I rest my case.
He was endorsed by Jeb Bush, which make him a Bush boy, and if you look over his past you will see the Bush family strings...

Ted Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz as prominent Republicans try to stop Trump

Yes, he's been a Bush Family lackey for years. I will not support any Candidate supported by the Bush Family.

I am truly amazed that more people have not checked out his establishment creds. His billionaire backers are completely establishment.

I mean seriously what else is there to know. They are Washington Inside the Beltway AND Wall Street.

"Campaign chairman Chad Sweet compared Cruz's ability to make campaign calls to her time at Goldman Sachs stating, "There are very few spouses who can get on the phone on a cold call to a prospective donor and make a more compelling case in a personal and effective way than Heidi Cruz"

Heidi Cruz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is NO ONE in this race that isn't "inside" or in the "club"
Shit Trump owns the fucking club.

You've all been duped by a bored billionaire. If it wasn't so scary it'd be hilarious

You do know I do not like Trump either, so I am not being duped by him, and know what he is, but Cruz is also a insider and not a true rebel...

You believe Ted Cruz is the better candidate of everyone in the race, so vote for him, but do not try to tell everyone that Ted Cruz is not part of the establishment when all the evidence points to the fact he has been bought and owned by the Bush family for years now...

This election cycle is hold your nose and vote for the least worthless candidate, and to you it is Cruz...
Cruz is the only candidate that actually fought against the system.

All this bullshit about conservative purity is KILLING any chance for a potus to be elected from the conservative ranks for decades to come.
Many on this board don't care. They say burn it down. Well that's easy to say when you've already lived your life & you don't have long to deal with the consequences.

That's accurate.

For all of the bitching and moaning and "fuck my life" horseshit you cons dish out every day of your pathetic lives, a few of you actually realize how wonderful life is in these United States.

The new Messiah Trump supporters have almost all given up on rationally defending him and have retreated to "he's not perfect". No shit. As if that is a news flash and deserves a very small demerit. Almost all of Trump's Chumps have admitted they don't have the first clue of what he would do in office and even go so far as to argue "he didn't mean that" when he says something particularly stupid which is quite often.
As someone who always votes for the most liberal candidate, I'd take a Trump presidency over a Cruz presidency every day of the week.
Not me. Cruz will be a disaster. A trump presidency will be a joke and a disaster.

I honestly think the man has a mental illness. No smack there; just listen to him repeat the subject 2-3 times. My doddering old great aunt used to do the same thing
Trump and Bernie Sanders are the perfect two candidates that represent this old saying.

"What you see is what you get". Very few like this anymore. Ron Paul and Rand Paul fit into that category as well. But there are not many out there. And even though I don't agree with one bloody thing Bernie Sanders stands for I admire the crap out of him for taking on the Clintons and the DNC elite.

These few that I mentioned have one thing in common. Authenticity. I respect that.

I forget, Trump said that the federal government responsibility was defense, healthcare and education the day before yesterday.

So does that mean that you are for the Feds controlling healthcare?
Cruz is a career politician with a brief stint as a corporate lawyer.
The corporate lawyers couldn't stand his voice either so they pointed him into politics...

It was not the voice but the fact he ( Ted Cruz ) look like the anal child of Richard Nixon and Grandpa ( Sam Dracula ) from The Munsters... He is just a creepy looking guy, but Trump is looking more like a Oompa Loompa!



Just creepy as hell!
Cruz is establishment

Even Rush admitted this on his show this week. While Cruz is a conservative he was desperate to become a member of the GOP establishment club and kissed a lot of GOP asses trying to gain membership. It was only when the GOP establishment rebuffed him that he adopted this anti-establishment costume. Rush said that's why many in the GOP establishment dislike the guy now because they know he's a hypocrite when he bloviates about the establishment.
Cruz is a career politician with a brief stint as a corporate lawyer.

No his first seat was his Senate seat. 2012. He was an excellent lawyer though. A fabulous AG for Texas. I'll give him that.

Oh for chrissakes.
Between 1999 and 2003, he was the Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, an Associate Deputy Attorney Generalat the United States Department of Justice, and domestic policy advisor to George W. Bush on the 2000 George W. Bush presidential campaign. He served as Solicitor General of Texas, from 2003 to 2008, appointed by Texas Attorney General,Greg Abbott.

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