Cruz stands with Fiorina who said...

THIS video has absolutely nothing to do with what I am referring to.

Yes, it's Ted Cruz addressing the questions about the National Enquirer story. As I said, he addressed it SEVERAL times... there are videos of him on Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity as well... I didn't post all of them. The press conference with Carly Fiorina was later--- after DAYS of him being relentlessly hounded by the media. Now, just maybe you missed his earlier comments and only saw the presser with Carly? If that had been the ONLY time he had been asked and he let Carly answer, I would agree that was a pussy move... but that is not the case here.
This has been a pretty good thread so far because the poster BOSS has engaged in the legitimate political discourse that such message boards were meant for.

This trade with other countries is a complicated issue. Been an issue for centuries.

If Apple was required to make all its i-phones in America, instead of China, there would be more good jobs for Americans, but I have read that it would mean Americans would have to pay three times as much for their i-phones.

Who would that piss off?

Lots of Americans.

On the other hand, China sends its goods into America quite freely while it places restrictions, hindrances--lots of roadblocks--on American goods coming into China. That costs lots of American jobs.
Ummm That was not today. It was right after things hit..

Kat, your video is dated 3/29 and mine are dated 3/27 and 3/26.

Ok. So? He was right there. I see absolutely no reason why she stepped in to answer about HIS marriage. /shrug

Yes, he was right there and so was she. He had spent the past 3-4 days responding to this same exact question about this same exact story.
Ummm That was not today. It was right after things hit..

Kat, your video is dated 3/29 and mine are dated 3/27 and 3/26.

Ok. So? He was right there. I see absolutely no reason why she stepped in to answer about HIS marriage. /shrug

Yes, he was right there and so was she. He had spent the past 3-4 days responding to this same exact question about this same exact story.

It was about HIS marriage...not hers. How does she know about his marriage?
This has been a pretty good thread so far because the poster BOSS has engaged in the legitimate political discourse that such message boards were meant for.

Boss is a smart man....even if he is wrong on this. :lol:
China can buy materials here, ship them to China, build products with slave labor, ship them back and sell them cheaper than Americans can make them.

How is that possible?

it's not possible.

Our rules are set up to send wealth to China and other places. Americans need materials the prices are high through tariffs, if China needs materials it's dirt cheap.

Any foreign items sold in America should be a luxury item only.

The Socialists who took over America know Americans can't compete with slaves of Socialist societies.
We don't enable evil.

Politicians complain we don't have money, no problem, we tariff foreign products, all the money you need.
Ummm That was not today. It was right after things hit..

Kat, your video is dated 3/29 and mine are dated 3/27 and 3/26.

Ok. So? He was right there. I see absolutely no reason why she stepped in to answer about HIS marriage. /shrug

Yes, he was right there and so was she. He had spent the past 3-4 days responding to this same exact question about this same exact story.

It was about HIS marriage...not hers. How does she know about his marriage?

*sigh* Kat... You are off topic. There are other threads we can discuss this in if you like. But I've respectfully given you my opinion on the matter and it won't be changing.
Ummm That was not today. It was right after things hit..

Kat, your video is dated 3/29 and mine are dated 3/27 and 3/26.

Ok. So? He was right there. I see absolutely no reason why she stepped in to answer about HIS marriage. /shrug

Yes, he was right there and so was she. He had spent the past 3-4 days responding to this same exact question about this same exact story.

It was about HIS marriage...not hers. How does she know about his marriage?

*sigh* Kat... You are off topic. There are other threads we can discuss this in if you like. But I've respectfully given you my opinion on the matter and it won't be changing.

Same here (you stubborn man you). Soooooooo I will shut up.
THIS video has absolutely nothing to do with what I am referring to.

Yes, it's Ted Cruz addressing the questions about the National Enquirer story. As I said, he addressed it SEVERAL times... there are videos of him on Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity as well... I didn't post all of them. The press conference with Carly Fiorina was later--- after DAYS of him being relentlessly hounded by the media. Now, just maybe you missed his earlier comments and only saw the presser with Carly? If that had been the ONLY time he had been asked and he let Carly answer, I would agree that was a pussy move... but that is not the case here.

I think I agree with this. The seed of doubt has been cast on Cruz and if he vehemently denies--its a case of "methinks he doth protesteth too much".......he lets Carly Fiorina answer once, and he's a pussy. Can't win...which is why there needs to be names of people and those people coming forward and witnesses and more and other were in abundance with Bill Clinton...that pussy-lovin ole Southern Scots-Irish boy.

The Cruz affair thing reminds me of the ole saying about a guy being accused of having sex with a goat. He sues for slander, wins the case...even the goat says it never happened...but the guy still goes to his grave a goat-fucker.
China can buy materials here, ship them to China, build products with slave labor, ship them back and sell them cheaper than Americans can make them.

How is that possible?

it's not possible.

Our rules are set up to send wealth to China and other places. Americans need materials the prices are high through tariffs, if China needs materials it's dirt cheap.

Any foreign items sold in America should be a luxury item only.

The Socialists who took over America know Americans can't compete with slaves of Socialist societies.
We don't enable evil.

Politicians complain we don't have money, no problem, we tariff foreign products, all the money you need.

The only problem is, we are a consumer nation. We do not produce things. Most of our products come from foreign sources... so these tariffs will be paid for by the American consumer... BOOM... Cost of living goes through the roof. Then what? You still have no jobs but now, things cost a butt-load more across the board.

There is no "magic bullet" here... no "quick fix" that will resolve this problem. It is complex and diverse. Much greater economic minds than ours have been grappling with this growing problem for decades. It will take patience and a concerted effort to turn the mighty ship around. That doesn't happen overnight.... it takes years. It takes a combination of things happening together. We have to make strong trade agreements with people who play fairly and treat their people decently. We have to control organized labor and governmental mandates to employers. We have to present incentives for corporate investors to return their money and productions to the US instead of outsourcing. We have to get control of our monetary policy and stop printing fiat currency. We need to audit the Federal Reserve. In certain circumstances, we may need to have stronger tariffs. We have to get control of illegal immigration. ALL of this is contributing to the problem and ALL of it needs to be undertaken in a "Marshal Plan" type effort to reverse what has happened.
I've been promoting slapping tariffs on China for years , the thing is, Trump has made statements showing he is aware if this and plans to implement similar ideas.

The people who run the economy know exactly how to fix it if they want to, all we get is propaganda.

America still has tons of manufacturing.
I think all we have to do is get control of our ridiculous trade agreement with China and we would see a massive turn-around here
I've been promoting slapping tariffs on China for years , the thing is, Trump has made statements showing he is aware if this and plans to implement similar ideas.

The people who run the economy know exactly how to fix it if they want to, all we get is propaganda.

America still has tons of manufacturing.
I think all we have to do is get control of our ridiculous trade agreement with China and we would see a massive turn-around here

There is a lot more crazy shit happening in our trade agreement with China. A friend of my sister was making custom designed play wear for children and selling her items on Etsy. She had lots of business rolling in and she came across this source in China which could reproduce her items cheaper than she could make them... just send them the patterns and specs... so she did. Everything was chugging along and one day she is browsing the web and runs across a Chinese company selling her items! And get this, the company was actually using pictures of HER children modeling the items which they ripped off from her Etsy site! She contacts an attorney... he informs her... nothing you can do, they are a Communist country.

So I agree with you on our trade deal with China, it needs a serious looking at. But that isn't going to bring back the American manufacturing sector... and yes, it's gone. We still manufacture some things but nothing near what we once did. Mostly because we've priced our labor out of the market. Which is what Fiorina is talking about. We've got to get control of that. We simply can't compete while paying people $30 an hour to build washing machines. The math doesn't work. We can't load all the perks of Socialist society on the back of free market capitalists and expect free market capitalism to work.

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