Cruz to restart Campaign if he Wins Nebraska Primary?

How does Cruz path to victory opens up by winning any remains states?

If the math is not there, it is not there!

I'm suddenly suspicious about whether he may have been trying to coax Kasich into a surrender.
I do not think he was just talking about Nebraska, so I'm taking The Hill's "story" with a grain of salt. On Becks show today he said:

"We launched this campaign intending to win. The reason we suspended our campaign was that with the Indiana loss, I felt there was no path to victory," he said Tuesday on Glenn Beck's radio program.
If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly."

The Hill is now running with the story that he's floating the possibility of restarting his campaign.

Full story here >>>>>> Cruz floats restarting campaign if he wins Nebraska primary

He just can't let it go. What's changed? Is there a bigger chance to win Nebraska now? Perhaps if the face transplant hadn't been rejected?

Have Big Name Republicans stopped calling him "Lucifer in the flesh"? Or other B.N.R's stopped saying that may be insulting Lucifer? Or B.N.R's not still saying things like "you could shoot Cruz on the floor of the Senate and no jury of Senators would convict." First B.N.R. also called him a "miserable son of a bitch" and he would be Pres. "Over my dead body" Another B.N.R said "Somebody should defend Ted Cruz after today, I'm not going to!" Has he started getting more than 20 people at his rallies?


He just needed some attention...

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