Cruz will emerge as the front-runner...

...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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You must be deep inside the delusional rightwing bubble.

Cruz in no way 'reflects' American values.

Seeking to deny gay Americans their right to equal protection of the law is not an American value.

Seeking to deny women their right to privacy is not an American value.

Seeking to deny minority citizens their right to vote is not an American value.

And seeking to deny immigrants their right to due process is not an American value.

He might end up being the GOP nominee, but as with most republicans, Cruz is out of sync with the majority of the American people.

Hmmmmmmmm, you are off the reservation, aren't you!

1. Deny gay Americans? He only states what the constitution puts forth; these decisions are to be made by each individual state, not Washington.

2. A womans right to privacy? You have to explain that one, seriously. I have no clue what you are talking about, and I kind of think, you don't either!

3. Deny minorities the vote? Exactly how is that? If you are talking about voter ID, that has been discussed to death in other threads, and proven to be a red herring by libs; but if you want to try and wave that flag around again, go ahead while everybody laughs!

4. Seeking to deny immigrants due process? I think you mis wrote your point. What you really meant to say was, deny ILLEGALS. I am sure that is the word you intended to use, correct!

The truth is............if you are a democrat; no let me rephrase.........if you are a leftist, you can NOT be for a constitutionalist because you then cant transform America into a socialist utopia. You need the people to agree with your change, and they won't. Which is exactly why all of these changes that have been done were implemented by executive order and NOT legislation except for Obamacare.

I wonder how long it will take for some GOP candidate to stand up and point out, that all of the illegals who demanded Obama stop deportations and allow them to stay through his executive orders, were having him do it for them; none citizens, while going against the will of the American people? In other words, he is THEIR President, not ours!

That being said, should we now use the leftist strategy folks? Yes, let us try it-) The reason that democrats dislike Ted Cruz so much, is they HATE Hispanics. They are RACISTS, and just like them, that is my story, and from here forward, I am sticking to it!!!
This is exactly what a racialist race hater would say from the far right, "The reason that democrats dislike Ted Cruz so much, is they HATE Hispanics. They are RACISTS, and just like them, that is my story, and from here forward, I am sticking to it!!!"
This is exactly what a racialist race hater would say from the far right, "The reason that democrats dislike Ted Cruz so much, is they HATE Hispanics. They are RACISTS, and just like them, that is my story, and from here forward, I am sticking to it!!!"

Hey, you can't say that to me, I am Hispanic, and I am offended. Besides that, the democrats do hate Hispanics. Do they support Cruz? No! Rubio? No! They don't appreciate African Americans much either. Supporting Carson? No! They are supporting a rich white lady, and an avowed socialist. Both relics of a bygone era, and both whiter than the wind driven snow. And the right are the racists, lol. You guys better wake up.
And that is why real Americans laugh at you.

Sorry, but I am mid-America there my friend, and not a poster with 99,000 posts; an obvious democratic shill trying to convince people everybody thinks like a socialist. America doesn't think like you, because if we did, we would call ourselves the USSA. Keep trying to convince people they are on the fringe. You can see by the pols how pissed America really is; so much so that even Jebster is losing ground, Mr rino himself. You will have to face a conservative this time I believe, and I don't think it is going to work out to well for you libs.
You are a hack, and you deny what you are. I am lifetime Republican. You are not mainstream. Cruz is not mainstream. He has had a slight bump in the polls because the far right swarm is . . . swarming. They will settle down. As usual.
...after the first debate. First, he is the best candidate. Second, his views best reflect American values. Third, he was a debate champion for his under-grad. I see Cruz enter the top trier level. I see Bush fall from grace like Thompson did. Unfortunately I see Trump shine.

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Well,it's good of you to stand by your words even though they ended up being completely wrong.
This is exactly what a racialist race hater would say from the far right, "The reason that democrats dislike Ted Cruz so much, is they HATE Hispanics. They are RACISTS, and just like them, that is my story, and from here forward, I am sticking to it!!!"

Hey, you can't say that to me, I am Hispanic, and I am offended. Besides that, the democrats do hate Hispanics. Do they support Cruz? No! Rubio? No! They don't appreciate African Americans much either. Supporting Carson? No! They are supporting a rich white lady, and an avowed socialist. Both relics of a bygone era, and both whiter than the wind driven snow. And the right are the racists, lol. You guys better wake up.

If Bernie Sanders were a relic of a bygone era, he wouldn't be packing them in like he is. It's just not reported because the corporate media won't allow it because he speaks out against the TPP. He's not a socialist, but a democratic socialist. A socialist would advocate government taking over corporations. We are experiencing the opposite. Corporations taking over government via funding politicians, which is really getting out of control since citizens united ruling. Bernie's also speaking out openly against the TPP. Republicans are for it almost 100%. If they were so worried about the constitution like they pretend to be, they'd be against it also. Link below. Now post some links of cowboy cruz packing them in.

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders speaks at Portland rally live updates
I am lifetime Republican. .

Who admits to voting for Gore, Kerry, Obama twice and support Hillary. I think you need to let go of that lifetime Republican title. If you were ever a Republican, then you switched some time ago.

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I am lifetime Republican. .

Who admits to voting for Gore, Kerry, Obama twice and support Hillary. I think you need to let go of that lifetime Republican title. If you were ever a Republican, then you switched some time ago.
Show where I admitted to all of that. Your lies are growing, ghook. To the thread. Cruz will crash and burn by December.
I really, really, REALLY, find it funny that a supposed republican can NOT read what is obvious in the pols. Almost all of the leaders are ANT establishment, and put together they dwarf ANY republican establishment candidates ratings. You have Trump still at 1, Cruz now at 2, Fiorina at 4. Why? Because the conservatives aren't going to take you garbagski any longer. The only one who has a remote chance to win is Rubio, and he leans further right than moderate.

And just in case you didn't know, we no longer send checks to the republican party, we send them to individual candidates. Besides getting a conservative as the republican nominee, we are going to fund the most conservative candidate running against John Mcain in Arizona, and do everything in our power to get Johnny B. boy thrown out this election cycle with money. In fact, their is talk that if the house seems solid, they might vote for the democrat in good ole Johnnys district, just to prove you guys are just as phoney as the libs, and get a REAL speaker in there. You clowns want to play politics, lets see how far you establishment people get with the base, and their money against you. Flake is next by the way! Beating the democrats is hard, but what is harder is defeating a bunch of cronie capitalists like you and friends.
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We in the mainstream GOP don't care, because you don't have a majority and cannot get a majority. You are about 25 to 30% of those who will vote in the primaries. The wierd far right reactionary wing of the GOP and their outlier wannabee WrHINOs can yell all the want. Doesn't matter.

You can't our party, so you will have to form your own. Being defeated would be worth (think 1964) if it gets rid of you folks for a generation.
We in the mainstream GOP don't care, because you don't have a majority and cannot get a majority. You are about 25 to 30% of those who will vote in the primaries. The wierd far right reactionary wing of the GOP and their outlier wannabee WrHINOs can yell all the want. Doesn't matter.

You can't our party, so you will have to form your own. Being defeated would be worth (think 1964) if it gets rid of you folks for a generation.

It is going to be worth the price of admission to watch Jeb and his boy Lindsey float off into the ether. And don't worry about a thing, within another election cycle, you guys will be carrying our water around.
We in the mainstream GOP don't care, because you don't have a majority and cannot get a majority. You are about 25 to 30% of those who will vote in the primaries. The wierd far right reactionary wing of the GOP and their outlier wannabee WrHINOs can yell all the want. Doesn't matter.

You can't our party, so you will have to form your own. Being defeated would be worth (think 1964) if it gets rid of you folks for a generation.

It is going to be worth the price of admission to watch Jeb and his boy Lindsey float off into the ether. And don't worry about a thing, within another election cycle, you guys will be carrying our water around.
:lol: wont' happen, you don't have the numbers

but if you knock out Jeb and Chris for Kasich and Rubio to step in, all the more power to you ~ we get who we want and rid of you!
Somebody like Cruz = 5 million more voters come out in 2016. Like me, they all stayed home the last 2 times around. An establishment candidate means 5 million conservatives stay home on election day.
Somebody like Cruz = 5 million more voters come out in 2016. Like me, they all stayed home the last 2 times around. An establishment candidate means 5 million conservatives stay home on election day.
Did the University of Colorado professors tell you that?

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