Crybaby Schumer Calls for Hearings on UnAmerican Court Ruling...

Elections can never be for show as long as the citizens have a vote.

There are other ways to get the word out now besides TV and newspaper adds, big money buys on TV I don't have the impact they once did.

Take Mass for example, coakly flooded TV with adds the last week, and her numbers went DOWN.

The abilty to 'buy' elections is not as it was.

How funny. I'm now seeing sudden naivete just because Republicans won a couple of elections. So you think all those special interest groups are just going to fade away for some strange reason? Hell, whereas before today they were just halting on blinking yellow, they just got a fucking green light from the USSC!!
Okay while I may have issues with parts of the decision myself, last time I checked the USSC is one of the three co-equal branches of Govt. and as such until this decision is overturned by another one Sen. Schumer's hearing will serve no purpose other than to complain and waste tax money.
How can a SCOTUS decision be 'unamerican?'

"Activist judges" don't mean liberal judges anymore. This decision was quite obviously skewed to favor big business over you and me, the electorate. It was a slap in the face of our so-called "independence" in a democratic republic.

It is not the true meaning of "activist" to honor your oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution.

A Justice is not an "activist" by faithfully and correctly ruling that the Constitution actually MEANS what its literal words say.

What the conservative judges decided, in effect, was that a corporation (regardless of size) is "collectively" an individual protected by the free speech part of The Bill of Rights. That decision and that broad definition opens the door wide for loopholes the results of which I truly hate to see down the road.
Ya sure thing, they are to busy losing health care bills and ruining the economy to actually do anything about this. Besides they are the incumbents they know full well the ruling HELPS them not the challenger.

Huh? If anything incumbents have that fact going for them anyway. It's the opposition which needs all the help they can get, and now they will--by partisan filmmakers doing one "special" after another and putting up television ads without having to hide behind some PAC.
Liberals really are so misguided and foolish at times. The "Evil Corporations" fully support both parties. The Democrats have conned many into actually believing that they only support Republicans but that really is just plain Bull Chit. Their own Leftist/Socialist Democrat President has received $Millions in campaign contributions from many "Evil Corporations." He has also given Billions in Tax Dollars to numerous "Evil Corporations" on Wall Street. Their President really does talk out of both sides of his mouth on that whole "Evil Corporation" thing. In fact the founders of Google are admitted staunch supporters of this President. Just because it's a big corporation doesn't mean it only supports Republicans. That's just a ridiculous DNC lie. This ruling helps the corporations and both political parties. Nothing more,nothing less.

You could have contributed the last sentence only and made your point. Instead, I foolishly read through your usual extremist partisan babble before I got to it.
The decision solidifies the US as a corporatocracy, or what Mussolini referred to his government as corporatism [Fascism].
hey a politicain could always rake the high road and accept no contributuins from corporate america and vote on the issue at hand with no riders and pork....

just because scotus says you can be a shill doesn't mean you have to be one....

Nice and admirable in theory. But in reality, the candidate with the bigger war chest has the better chance of winning.

Sad but true.
Okay while I may have issues with parts of the decision myself, last time I checked the USSC is one of the three co-equal branches of Govt. and as such until this decision is overturned by another one Sen. Schumer's hearing will serve no purpose other than to complain and waste tax money.

or maybe generate a little righteous indignation.
Schumer represents everything wrong with our Government. Why do people keep voting for that tool? He's been in Congress far too long. It's time for him to go.

If you can win in Massachusetts you can win anywhere, he better be looking over his shoulder. :lol::lol::lol:
How can anyone think this is a good thing? This means corportations will control everything. HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS IS A GOOD THING? Those damn dumb republicans.
i doubt maggie had a problem with obama buying a half hour of prime time tv that he could afford due to his massive war chest...mccain, who took the public option, could not afford that....

I'm betting she didn't bitch at the millions the obamalama received on untraceable credit cards either.. what a whiner she is..poke a liberal and they just squeal.. now back to their favorite saying...

elections have consequences.. you betcha!
How can anyone think this is a good thing? This means corportations will control everything. HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS IS A GOOD THING? Those damn dumb republicans.



i doubt maggie had a problem with obama buying a half hour of prime time tv that he could afford due to his massive war chest...mccain, who took the public option, could not afford that....

I'm betting she didn't bitch at the millions the obamalama received on untraceable credit cards either.. what a whiner she is..poke a liberal and they just squeal.. now back to their favorite saying...

elections have consequences.. you betcha!

Hell, Obama was given an Hour of Sell Time on ABCFuckingNews...

Let me Check... Nope, he didn't pay a Fucking Dime for it either.


It is not the true meaning of "activist" to honor your oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution.

A Justice is not an "activist" by faithfully and correctly ruling that the Constitution actually MEANS what its literal words say.

You obviously do not understand how the progressive hive mind works, anything that disagrees with the progressive world view is evil and that begins with pesky details like the rule of of law, after all progressives have no principles except "might is right".

That being said, from what I've read of the majority opinion the courts decision was arrived at in a strict constructionist fashion and thus compatible with the language and intent of the Constitution. The fact that authoritarian scoundrels like Chuck Schumer are so upset by it provides additional evidence that SCOTUS acted appropriately.

So cheers for Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Kennedy, Justice Alito, Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas on a job well done.
How can anyone think this is a good thing? This means corportations will control everything. HOW CAN YOU SAY THIS IS A GOOD THING? Those damn dumb republicans.

You just don't get it, it doesn't matter if it's a "good thing" or a "bad thing", the law was UNCONSTITUTIONAL, subjective judgments like "good" and "bad" have no place in the courts. We live in a nation of LAWS not in a nation ruled by the whims of men.

The appropriate response is to formulate a constitutional amendment not to attempt to demonize SCOTUS for doing it's job.
Okay while I may have issues with parts of the decision myself, last time I checked the USSC is one of the three co-equal branches of Govt. and as such until this decision is overturned by another one Sen. Schumer's hearing will serve no purpose other than to complain and waste tax money.

or maybe generate a little righteous indignation.

This ruling also overturns a lot of state laws regarding campaign contributions too. It's gonna be a mess.
I feel sorry for the stewardesses on the next plane he is on.
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Elections can never be for show as long as the citizens have a vote.

There are other ways to get the word out now besides TV and newspaper adds, big money buys on TV I don't have the impact they once did.

Take Mass for example, coakly flooded TV with adds the last week, and her numbers went DOWN.

The abilty to 'buy' elections is not as it was.

I was thinking that as well and even if they start flooding TV even more than they were, people are going to get really pissed that they have to deal with it.

Of course we won't have anymore average joes running for office, they won't be able to afford it and the risk for corporations placing one of their own to run initially is greater.

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