Cryin Chuck Schumer erupts, lashes out on MSNBC: McConnell is "despicable", Trump a "clown & bully"!

Trump betrayed the American people on the wall. President Trump...or President Betray Us?

As Ann Coulter says, no matter who you vote for you get the Koch Bros on immigration.

"No man is worth his salt in public life who makes on the stump a pledge which he does not keep after election; and, if he makes such a pledge and does not keep it, hunt him out of public life." - Teddy Roosevelt
Poor Donnie suffered $1 billion dollars in losses! Waaaaaah! Trump Steaks, Trump Airline, casinos! Waaaaaaah! Mr Art Of The Deal is a fucking train wreck as a hotshot businessman! Waaaaaaah!!! Trump couldn't sell ice cubes in the middle of the fucking Mojave Desert & profit from it!

Keep drinking the fucking Kool Aid, Trumptards!
McConnell seems to think the senate is part of the executive branch.
McConnell seems to think the senate is part of the executive branch.
So he is a great deal like Harry "pass the cheddar" Reid.
No. You have to go back to the Nixon administration to find people who ended their careers in shame for covering for a criminal president. No matter what happens this is McConnell's last ride and it is not going to end well for him.
McConnell seems to think the senate is part of the executive branch.
So he is a great deal like Harry "pass the cheddar" Reid.
No. You have to go back to the Nixon administration to find people who ended their careers in shame for covering for a criminal president. No matter what happens this is McConnell's last ride and it is not going to end well for him.
Need only go back to Harry "pass the cheddar" Reid for that. One of the most shameful Senators in US history.

Your obsession is going to kill you. If you want to talk about McConnell, then start talking about his corruption in ensuring that his family gets rich through his connections and legislation that favors China. He and Joe Biden are of a pod in that regard.

I'll not further your neurosis about Trump. If you wish to discuss governmental corruption and how we can best reduce government in our lives and hold ALL politicians to account for their bad behavior, I'm your guy. Your one "sour" note nonsense about Trump WILL be ignored by Me from this point forward. You are not sane when it comes to Trump.
As much as I don't like McConnell, just another lifer/corrupt politician, he is right.
The Democrats would put this country through a constitutional crises for THEIR OWN political gain.
It is way-way-way past time for the nation dividers in Washington to lose their seats so there is at least a small semblance of hope we might actually be represented by our government.
McConnell seems to think the senate is part of the executive branch.
So he is a great deal like Harry "pass the cheddar" Reid.
No. You have to go back to the Nixon administration to find people who ended their careers in shame for covering for a criminal president. No matter what happens this is McConnell's last ride and it is not going to end well for him.

You have to go back to the Nixon Administration to find people who committed crimes like those in the Obama Administration did! Lois Lerner using the IRS to target conservatives? The Obama White House falsely accusing journalists of crimes? Brennan and Clapper using our intelligence services to attempt to affect a Presidential election? Loretta Lynch conspiring with the Clinton's and James Comey to give Hillary a pass on her email scam? James Comey leaking confidential documents? Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for withholding information about Fast & Furious? And the biggest crook of all...Hillary Clinton...running a pay for play scheme through the State Department and the Clinton Foundation! NOTHING in the Trump Administration even comes CLOSE to what's gone on for the eight years that Barry was in office!
and here it is!


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