CT Homeowner Fights Off Four Carjacker Scumbags

Just because you disagree with me doesn’t mean I’m embarrassing myself. That’s just more of your holier than thou liberalism talking,

The fact of the matter is that by welcoming in illegals by the millions, honest Americans are put at risk. This became obvious during the height of the pandemic.

Here, I’ll give you a simpler analogy: You are In your house when you cut your arm with an electric knife, hitting a vital blood vessel, and bleeding out. The medics rush to your house, but when they arrive they find that an illegal has broken into your house, tripped over the knife, and now is bleeding out as well.

You‘re telling me that the medics should let you bleed out while they tend to the illegal who broke into your house? if yes, you’re an IDIOT.
You continue to make generalized assumptions about me in order to make perceived verbal attacks on me. You don't know me. You've grouped me with the left. I consider myself in the middle looking for solutions. I support Biden's attempts to deal with immigration effectively and not simply badmouth it , ignore it , neglect it, and mismanage it as the previous president did. That only brings it to a crisis level which is even more difficult to deal with. Like what is happening now. This did not occur overnight and it will only be solved through diligent work. That would include making it a felony to cross our borders instead of just a misdemeanor under federal law. Of course, if the immigrants say they are seeking asylum then according to international and US law they must have their day in court. That's the rub. It's not a simple situation. Without immigration the US would be a lot less than it is today. We are all immigrants, mankind did not evolve in the new world / western hemisphere. I prefer a system where all immigration was documented. At this point in time that is not feasible. It would be a good goal to reach. Biden is attempting to do just that.
Democrats keep reducing penalties for crimes because it costs money to process and house these losers. That reduces the amount of money Democrats can put in their pockets with bloated government pensions.
Democrats keep reducing penalties for crimes because it costs money to process and house these losers. That reduces the amount of money Democrats can put in their pockets with bloated government pensions.
Unfortunately the bottom line is a feature in today's decisions regarding imprisonment and other legal matters. We already have the largest prison population in the world. Difficult choices have to be made do we house and feed criminals or house and feed the elderly and inform ? These are difficult choices, glad I don't have to make them. Fund the schools or fund police ? This list goes on and on. Be grateful you don't have to make the hard choices. If it were up to me I'd put all the murderers on a deserted island and let them fend for themselves.
No Innocent Man Was Ever Lynched
For a sage you're not very smart, lots of innocent people have been lynched. One of the few lynchings that occurred in Omaha, Nebraska was a young black man for assaulting a white woman. After the fact it came to light that the woman lied. Will Brown August 28-29, 1919. The mob unwilling to wait for justice stormed the courthouse, dragged him out of the jail cell, hung him, shot him, dragged his body through the streets and then burned the body. All " nice touches " for an insane mob. And guess what, the black man wasn't capable of launching an attack as such, half his body was weak from a stroke or some other debilitating illness. So the real ( most likely white, because blacks would never do such a thing in those days, they knew better ) attacker got away with it and NO ONE was ever prosecuted for the lynching. In other words it was a total atrocity.
You might want to read some wild west history.

But I know what you mean.

These were local Aframs, so everyone knew that they were criminals. Even if they didn't do what they got hanged for, these thugs, as recent history proves, probably had done something equally punishable and gotten away with it. Their own community often turned these predators in to get rid of them.

Because we are mentored by dumbed-down college graduates, nobody asks what would otherwise be the obvious question. With a racist jury and racist judge, why take the law back to the people when the accused was going to get convicted and hanged anyway?

Think about it. The most obvious answer is that the judges were being bribed by rich landowners to sentence these thugs to a chain gang rather than waste a chance for cheap labor by executing them. So the citizens were actually waging class warfare with lynching.
Look at how these thugs appear out of nowhere to gang up on the homeowner they were trying to rob. And in the meantime, we have lib city DC lowering the criminal charge for carjacking!

is it wrong of me to think of those 4 in a morgue fulla lead?
Maybe the guy should have locked his car.
They could jus break the window...removing all the tires and the windshield would work in most cases but for those especially diligent ambitious youngens ya might also wanna set it on fire else you're not keepin up your end.

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