Man fights off four car thieves in his driveway

I would pull a gun while being attacked. I would enter into situation where that was the foreseeable outcome. One person outside? I'd confront. A group? It all depends. Where am I? How dangerous is area. How ...

According to the OP only two attacked him and the other two waited in the car. They came out after the victim started to fight back. It's not like all four were standing there by his car and he seen them through his living room window.

On a personal note, complying with a criminal does not guarantee your safety. Our mailman was shot to death over a five dollar bill. He complied with everything the criminal demanded. Same thing with the gas station attendant around the corner from me. When the guy pulled out his gun, the attendant lifted his hands in the air and backed away from the cash register. The crook took the money and killed this poor guy before he left the store. He got $50.00 out of the robbery.

Life and being locked up like an animal is meaningless to these people. They simply don't value life, so you can't take any chances. And until we as a society fix our penal system so it actually works, if anything, it will only get worse.

The only way to reduce crime is a strong enough deterrent. A few years in prison is not much of a deterrent, but death certainly is.
Some things are worth the risk
Yes true. And if history of risk taking in situations like the one discussed is any guide, far too many people willing to takes the risk and woefully unprepared and ignorant of just what the risk entails.
Not as satisfying as handling business yourself if you’re capable
Am I the only one here who has fought with another who was holding a gun? I grabbed person and gun. We both had a hold on each other and the gun as we wrestled for our lives.

Most people will never ever be in that position. And they should thank their lucky stars. I was determined and lucky.

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