Cuba: Yet Another Obama Foreign Policy Success!

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
It is a weekly occurrence now. Obama concludes an agreement and the other party turns around and humiliates him. Putin has violated the Ukraine cease fire numerous times, Iran has already declared they wont talk to the US, and now Cuba is sending troops to help Russia in Syria.
Nice going, Barry-O. You've made us the laughingstock fo the world. How much longer until Mali decides to blockade us?
Dafuck does that have to do with normalizing relations with Cuba?
It's really gotten to the point of beyond embarrassment. Too bad the media won't hold him accountable.
Omg Cuban troops to Syria???!!! :eek::eek::eek:

I don't think I've ever care less about anything in my life...
In a sentence , explain why we should still have Alan embargo wh Cuba?
maybe they went there to negotiate a cuban cigar trade deal? we give u a million cuban cigars,,and u give us a few bombs and hot sexy ladies from ur nation.
In a sentence , explain why we should still have Alan embargo wh Cuba?
Because we oppose communist dictator thugs who oppress their own citizens and cause trouble throughout the world.
You're welcome.
It is a weekly occurrence now. Obama concludes an agreement and the other party turns around and humiliates him. Putin has violated the Ukraine cease fire numerous times, Iran has already declared they wont talk to the US, and now Cuba is sending troops to help Russia in Syria.
Nice going, Barry-O. You've made us the laughingstock fo the world. How much longer until Mali decides to blockade us?

What harm does it do us if Cuba helps in the fight against ISIS?
Look, if these other nations can't resist the temptation to meddle in Middle East affairs, the same weakness we've succumbed to for decades,

then more power to them. We should welcome them in, as we get out.
While I don't completely agree with all this cuba bullshit, I dont see the relevance with IS. Sounds like hackery.

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