Cuban Media: Negro Obama Incited Rebellion And Disorder In Cuba

Obviously they are hedging their bets, in case a Republican were elected president.
If it weren't for the vintage 1950 American cars those poor people keep going, they would be riding donkeys. Your welcome.
The Cubans laugh at the lame propaganda of our far right racists is what's happening.

Splain that to me Lucy. Because of all the Canuck policies over the years with Cuba I am very familiar of what goes on in the country. Please explain to me your statement.
the people have been left in the dark about thing happening around the world about Obama. they have blacked out anything bad and made it seem like the whole wide world was just IN Love with that historical man who was sent to us from the heaven above to grace us all with his saintly self .

Here is part of that reason why

this media has become an enemy to us. people need to get their political news else where if they want anything of the truth
Somebody is beginning to come out of her latest drunken stupor.
The Cubans are laughing at the cry babying of our American far right, td.

What are they laughing at Jake?Because Trudeau kept lines open with Cuba over all these years, why don't you tell me your story of how Cubans feel. Because my lines were never ever cut to the island.

Tell me about it Jake.
Now that being said. I love and adore Cuba and all her families in America. When there was a huge anti Cuban movement one man believe it or not helped stop it all.

The Frugal Gourmet. He went into little Havana and brought the essence of Cuba out. It may sound crazy but when one understands food and culture the country can rejoice.

Way more to that story in the end. But the Frugmeister really helped educate the country on these new souls. And for me. I could finally get more recipes.


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