Cuban State Media: ‘Negro’ Obama ‘Incited Rebellion and Disorder’

His supporters won't grasp the fact Obungles once again looks like the jackass he is
Remember when BONOBO bowed down the that fucking raghead king?
This set the tone of his presidency.
The stupid bullshit 'family vacation' to Paris claiming he had "fundamentally changed the nature of the discourse on climate change". Ya fucking right!
The Chinese and East Indians laughed in his stupid face.
The Mullahs are still laughing. They used the 'agreement' with BONOBO for asswipe before the 'Pickle Lady's Lap Poodle' left Tehran.
Now the Cubans are laughing in his face.
The disastrous BONOBOCARE act he jammed down our throats.
Cash for junkers.
Closing Gitmo in his first year in office?
So far over ONE BILLION dollars of TAXPAYER'S money BONOBO and 'Michael' have spent on vacations.
Did you know 'Michael' flew back to the US on 'his' own chartered jet when he could have flown home on A1 a day earlier after their last vacation?
DEAR GOD! Is January EVER going to come?
His followers claim it was a big accomplishment, and when I asked what exactly did the traitor communist accomplish other than appeasing a tyrannical government, they never answered the question.

They never even admitted they violated any human rights let alone set any of the political prisoners free.

American socialists, easily the most ridiculous morons on the planet.

For 50 years America stood for something, human rights, now we don't, that's something.
Obama the man. Showed Cuba how he's a doormat



The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”

Cuban Media: 'Negro' Obama 'Incited Rebellion and Disorder'

His speech after the Brussels attacks was pathetic.

Let me get the cursory expectation out of the way and say killing people is bad. Yes, I mean that, it is actually bad. But let's not use this to hold anyone accountable, but it's bad.

Anyway, back to the main topic, the Castros are GREAT, I mean murdering thugs who tortured and enslaved their own people for over half a century, I LOVE them, they are my Homies!
So Obama flies down to Cuba to visit his communist 'brutha from anutha mutha',humbles himself, humbles the US, agrees the US is 'bad', and kisses Castro's ass....and what did he achieve, what respect did he attain?

"Cuban State Media: ‘Negro’ Obama ‘Incited Rebellion and Disorder’"

The Cuban govt basically, racistly ,calls him the 'N' word and slams him / his visit.


:clap: :thewave: :clap2:

Obama the man. Showed Cuba how he's a doormat



The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”

Cuban Media: 'Negro' Obama 'Incited Rebellion and Disorder'
What I find interesting about Obama's Cuba trip, are the derogatory statements by the Cubans against Obama. The Castro brothers publicly condemned him. What's up with that? There has to be something nefarious going...but then when it comes to politicians and dictators, there always is.

If R pols were as critical of BO as the Cubans have been, the MSM and libs everywhere would be melting down and shitting themselves with condemnation.
Fidel Castro blasts Obama's Cuba trip -
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs...


"Par time jobs? We still have record number of people in welfare. So you failed once again"

The Obama administration is counting being on Welfare as a 'Part Time job'.
He did the same thing to come up with his total number of 'jobs saved / created' in an attempt to justify spending / wasting $875 BILLION tax dollars on his failed Stimulus Bill.


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