Cubs have an excellent chance of being the new Boston Red Sox donw the road

You are luck Mel Gibson is not gay in 'Conspiracy Theory' or you could have cast as his wife?

Purple Sludge said; "Whut, were you?"
oG, sbuC, oG!

I followed the first 7 innings at home, then joined a bar crowd downtown for the final touch. The place went nuts. :thup:
George did not have her husband murdered.
dude everyone in LA knows she read the link.
Everyone knows no such thing.
nice game of dodgeball you play,thats why so many people have a problem with you is you never look at the facts.You wont read the link,just the title of the link.

I didnt jump in on the bashing of you in the flame zone recently when people were saying about you-J"ake is the worst'" since I havent had any bad run ins with you in years.Next time though I wont be so kind.

im done,you obviously dont want to look at the facts so this discussion has run its course.see you on the next sports thread.
oG, sbuC, oG!

I followed the first 7 innings at home, then joined a bar crowd downtown for the final touch. The place went nuts. :thup:

just hope they can make it past the cards.,thats going to be more difficult.if they can do that,i will then take them serious as a world series contender.
Down the road? If we learned anything from Back To The Future 2, it's that the Cubs will be winning the World Series this season.

wishful much as i would love to see that happen you got to be realistic.they arent going to post their first winning season in years and go and win the world series that same year.

the Pirates turned things around a couple years ago after two decades of futility and they STILL have not made it to the world series yet.

wow it looks like there is a real possiblity i might be eating my words on this.I said if they beat the cardinals i would take them serious as world series contenders,the fact they split with them in stank louis and have arrieta on the mound when they go back to chicago,they got a a very good chance it looks like.:thup:
cubbies just one win away from going to the NL championship game.Lets hope another collapse isnt in the works like the three games they lost against the padres in 84 when all they had to do was when one game to go to their first world series since 1945.
well so much for my dream matchup of a Cubs/Royals world series.Doesnt look good for the Cubs.:banghead:

Oh well,it was a long shot anyways.Their young and only going to get better,they'll be back.

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