Cuomo a week ago: Blame me. I'm in charge. Cuomo now: Governors don't do global pandemics.

Trumps solution to a global pandemic is......let each state fight for its own resources. Every man for himself at a time when tens of thousands are dying.

At a time that calls for top level leadership in the allocation of resources......Trump is taking a pass

Nope. This is no worse than a typical flu pandemic. You have been lied to and believed it. Gullible you are. Sad.
Trump believes it too. But you’ll still vote for him right? Sad.
Over Biden? Yes. My vote is irrelevant. I live in a Blue State.
Over somebody who didn’t lead the country to shut down. Good to hear you are in a blue state.
Take out NY and our cases are minute. NY is run by democrats. I do not ever see you vilify DeBlasio and Cuomo. You're a partisan hack. You knew I lived in Boston. It is in my profile. Don't play coy.
I’ve never bothered looking at your profile. Not partisan at all.
Laziness is a problem in this country.
Clearly he is right. The federal government should have made sure it didn’t enter the country. Instead we were short on tests and let everyone back in to spread it. Governors are forced to deal with the federal governments failure.
Yeah,you leftists woulda cheered Trump if he had completely closed our borders to everyone, including Americans abroad, back in January.
I’m independent. You think a closed country is better? I don’t. Americans abroad should have been tested upon reentry.
You are the one who said the govt should have made sure it didn’t enter the country.

Th only way to do that is completely close the borders.
Yes. That is a whole lot better than the whole country closed. Or are you enjoying this?
Where did I say I wanted the country closed?
So then closing the borders would have been a better option correct?
You are an idiot if you think that was a possibility.
Amazing how you dodge and dodge. We’d be in good shape had we closed up and tested those upon entry. Trump would look like a genius. Instead the country is closed. Not good leadership.
Wrong again...

This is a freaking microbe. It lives on surfaces for a week. If it didnt come in on a person it would certainly come in on products. THERE IS NO WAY IT WAS NOT COMING INTO THE US. You could have closed down everything and sat in corner sucking your thumb and it would have still came in...

The stupidity of the left is astounding...
yeah letting everyone in with no testing available worked real well.
And the testing OBAMA left us was working on this previously unknown virus? Nope... Epic fail..
This is the most epic fail of my lifetime. Nothing close to this bad happened under Obama.
So the chinese releaseing a virus that no one has immunities to is now Trumps fault? You really this fucking stupid?
So you say it was an attack by the Chinese? Well then that certainly is the job of the federal government to protect us rather than states.
Trumps solution to a global pandemic is......let each state fight for its own resources. Every man for himself at a time when tens of thousands are dying.

At a time that calls for top level leadership in the allocation of resources......Trump is taking a pass

Nope. This is no worse than a typical flu pandemic. You have been lied to and believed it. Gullible you are. Sad.
Trump believes it too. But you’ll still vote for him right? Sad.
Over Biden? Yes. My vote is irrelevant. I live in a Blue State.
Over somebody who didn’t lead the country to shut down. Good to hear you are in a blue state.
Take out NY and our cases are minute. NY is run by democrats. I do not ever see you vilify DeBlasio and Cuomo. You're a partisan hack. You knew I lived in Boston. It is in my profile. Don't play coy.
I’ve never bothered looking at your profile. Not partisan at all.
Laziness is a problem in this country.
I simply could care less where you are.
Trumps solution to a global pandemic is......let each state fight for its own resources. Every man for himself at a time when tens of thousands are dying.

At a time that calls for top level leadership in the allocation of resources......Trump is taking a pass

Nope. This is no worse than a typical flu pandemic. You have been lied to and believed it. Gullible you are. Sad.
Trump believes it too. But you’ll still vote for him right? Sad.
Over Biden? Yes. My vote is irrelevant. I live in a Blue State.
Over somebody who didn’t lead the country to shut down. Good to hear you are in a blue state.
Take out NY and our cases are minute. NY is run by democrats. I do not ever see you vilify DeBlasio and Cuomo. You're a partisan hack. You knew I lived in Boston. It is in my profile. Don't play coy.
Top 9 death states all run by Dimwingers.
Trumps solution to a global pandemic is......let each state fight for its own resources. Every man for himself at a time when tens of thousands are dying.

At a time that calls for top level leadership in the allocation of resources......Trump is taking a pass

Nope. This is no worse than a typical flu pandemic. You have been lied to and believed it. Gullible you are. Sad.
Trump believes it too. But you’ll still vote for him right? Sad.
Over Biden? Yes. My vote is irrelevant. I live in a Blue State.
Over somebody who didn’t lead the country to shut down. Good to hear you are in a blue state.
Take out NY and our cases are minute. NY is run by democrats. I do not ever see you vilify DeBlasio and Cuomo. You're a partisan hack. You knew I lived in Boston. It is in my profile. Don't play coy.
I’ve never bothered looking at your profile. Not partisan at all.
Laziness is a problem in this country.

Actually, cheapness is a problem in this country.
No U.S. business or agency spent the money to subscribe to BlueDot Pandemic Software that had a finger on the pulse of this pandemic in a timely manner!

It's the same K-Mart Blue Light Special mindset in this country that's to blame.
The same discount mindset that got us intertwined with China, in the 1st place!!
Clearly he is right. The federal government should have made sure it didn’t enter the country. Instead we were short on tests and let everyone back in to spread it. Governors are forced to deal with the federal governments failure.
Yeah,you leftists woulda cheered Trump if he had completely closed our borders to everyone, including Americans abroad, back in January.
I’m independent. You think a closed country is better? I don’t. Americans abroad should have been tested upon reentry.
You are the one who said the govt should have made sure it didn’t enter the country.

Th only way to do that is completely close the borders.
Yes. That is a whole lot better than the whole country closed. Or are you enjoying this?
Where did I say I wanted the country closed?
So then closing the borders would have been a better option correct?
You are an idiot if you think that was a possibility.
Amazing how you dodge and dodge. We’d be in good shape had we closed up and tested those upon entry. Trump would look like a genius. Instead the country is closed. Not good leadership.
I dodged nothing. You keep changing your story. First, you said keep it out by testing upon re entry. That clearly wouldn’t keep it out.

Then you moved to completely closing the borders. Something any thinking person knows is impossible.

This demonstrates you are nothing but a single digit IQ Dimsocialist troll.
Testing on entry wouldn’t work???? Letting everyone in with no tests available sure didn’t work.
NO it wont... You have roughly 3-14 days that this thing is dormant or building in the body. The levels would be so minute that any test would show negative.

You really dont have a clue how viruses work do you...?
Prove your claim.
Just wow... You really dont have a clue!

Persons with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection outside Hubei province, China.

Patient demographic characteristics and dates and times of possible exposure, symptom onset, fever onset, and hospitalization.

There were 181 confirmed cases with identifiable exposure and symptom onset windows to estimate the incubation period of COVID-19. The median incubation period was estimated to be 5.1 days (95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days), and 97.5% of those who develop symptoms will do so within 11.5 days (CI, 8.2 to 15.6 days) of infection. These estimates imply that, under conservative assumptions, 101 out of every 10 000 cases (99th percentile, 482) will develop symptoms after 14 days of active monitoring or quarantine.

Publicly reported cases may overrepresent severe cases, the incubation period for which may differ from that of mild cases.

Where does that say tests won’t detect it?
WOW... You really are totally clueless.

Take 30 bb's and put them in a pound of dried rice. Can you detect them? Can you see them? No on both counts but they are very different in reality. This is how a test looks for them. The test can see when you have 200bb's but not when you have 30bb's. Until the virus replicates enough mass to be seen it will show negative. This is why your testing everyone is a fools errand and why it will walk right by you and you will continue to be clueless.
Clearly he is right. The federal government should have made sure it didn’t enter the country. Instead we were short on tests and let everyone back in to spread it. Governors are forced to deal with the federal governments failure.
Yeah,you leftists woulda cheered Trump if he had completely closed our borders to everyone, including Americans abroad, back in January.
I’m independent. You think a closed country is better? I don’t. Americans abroad should have been tested upon reentry.
You are the one who said the govt should have made sure it didn’t enter the country.

Th only way to do that is completely close the borders.
Yes. That is a whole lot better than the whole country closed. Or are you enjoying this?
Where did I say I wanted the country closed?
So then closing the borders would have been a better option correct?
You are an idiot if you think that was a possibility.
Amazing how you dodge and dodge. We’d be in good shape had we closed up and tested those upon entry. Trump would look like a genius. Instead the country is closed. Not good leadership.
Wrong again...

This is a freaking microbe. It lives on surfaces for a week. If it didnt come in on a person it would certainly come in on products. THERE IS NO WAY IT WAS NOT COMING INTO THE US. You could have closed down everything and sat in corner sucking your thumb and it would have still came in...

The stupidity of the left is astounding...
yeah letting everyone in with no testing available worked real well.
And the testing OBAMA left us was working on this previously unknown virus? Nope... Epic fail..
This is the most epic fail of my lifetime. Nothing close to this bad happened under Obama.
So the chinese releaseing a virus that no one has immunities to is now Trumps fault? You really this fucking stupid?

Well first off, it looks like the virus came from an animal and made the jump to a human (normal in the virus world).
But no, the virus is not Trump's fault. But his incompetence and indifference in responding to the virus in the country that he is President of....IS.
Get it?
Your idiots were screaming he was xenophobic and a racist when he shut things down.. You all were screaming like little bitches because he closed down the US BEFORE the WHO and Democrats wanted. Now your screaming like little bitches becasue were opening up and you want to blame Trump for the bull shit democrats did when they were screaming like little bitches before and caused 38,000 deaths in NY.

You fuckwits have got screaming like little bitches down real good... Now fuck off jack.
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one out of every three Americans who has died from Covid-19 has been a New Yorker — 17,000 in all.
And the WHO along with other globalists like Bill Gates are spreading lies in an effort to help him. They forget that Americans have brains and some know how to use them.

The leftists put Gates on TV like he's a doctor and their sheep worship him. It's sad and hilarious at the same time.
Trumps solution to a global pandemic is......let each state fight for its own resources. Every man for himself at a time when tens of thousands are dying.

At a time that calls for top level leadership in the allocation of resources......Trump is taking a pass
Make up your fucking minds!

First it was "Trumps a dictator" and when it was placed back on the Governors they are now screaming "Trump needs to do this"...

Do you fuckwits have any clue how stupid you look?
An extremely short memory is a must for all leftists.

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