Cuomo: PRo-lifers, proGun, ProBible Conservatives not Welcome in New York! lol

really? perhaps you can show me any documentation that supports your claim. Well I know you can't, because it doesn't exist. but their is plenty of documentation that refutes your statement.

Here's the documentation.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

The states have stopped regulating the milita, i.e. calling it out and training it. The PEOPLE retain thier right to keep and bear arms, not the MILITA.

So you broke the amendment in half so crazies could shoot kids in the face.

Good work shitstain..good work.
Guns are not toys, they are tools. I didn't pull a single trigger in those incidents, and niether did millions of legal gun owners. Most of the non suicide deaths are in poor neighborhoods, caused by the progressive mantra of keeping people poor, dependent on the government, and hopeless. (and voting democratic).

You might as well have pulled the trigger, shitstain.

Feel good about it?

Keep projecting gun grabber. You have nothing of substance to argue with, so you go for the typical emotional bullshit so prevalent among progressive lemmings such as yourself.

I like having emotions.

It's one of the higher functions.

It's what makes me a mammal.

Unlike reptiles and insects. Which lack emotions.

Ain't that true you unemotional reptilian shitstain?
You might as well have pulled the trigger, shitstain.

Feel good about it?

Keep projecting gun grabber. You have nothing of substance to argue with, so you go for the typical emotional bullshit so prevalent among progressive lemmings such as yourself.

I like having emotions.

It's one of the higher functions.

It's what makes me a mammal.

Unlike reptiles and insects. Which lack emotions.

Ain't that true you unemotional reptilian shitstain?

having emotions and letting them control you are two different things, you worthless mole on the ass of a donkey. And yes, lemmings are mammals, so go dive off a cliff with the rest of your progressive asshats.

Also, you already used "shitstain" in your last posts, so -100 internet points for not coming up with an original insult.
Here's the documentation.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

The states have stopped regulating the milita, i.e. calling it out and training it. The PEOPLE retain thier right to keep and bear arms, not the MILITA.

So you broke the amendment in half so crazies could shoot kids in the face.

Good work shitstain..good work.

No, the states decided they didn't want to regulate millitias anymore. It doesnt remove the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms.
The best thing to happen would be for states to be able to declare who they will and will not let in their state. It will make the inevitable split that much easier.

Roll over and give up on the union. Just as founders would have wanted. You are a true patriot, Katzndogz. I salute you.

Here's the documentation.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

The states have stopped regulating the milita, i.e. calling it out and training it. The PEOPLE retain thier right to keep and bear arms, not the MILITA.

So you broke the amendment in half so crazies could shoot kids in the face.

Good work shitstain..good work.

yeah that's it...people who support the right to bear arms also support the right to shoot kids in the face.

good lord you are a fanatical tool
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life people not welcome in New York | Fox News

During a radio interview on Friday, Cuomo pointed out that Republicans were in the midst of a schism, where conservatives worked against moderate Republicans.

"Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves," he said. "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are."

The Department of Justus is launching an investigation into Cuomo's hate speech .....

NEVER, lol.

Libtards are the stupidest over-educated fools on the god damned planet.

LOL OP, you start out by misquoting him. Do you want us to argue/discuss your misquote or what he really said? He said extreme, EXTREME, conservatives have no place in the State of New York. I guess if you are a nutcase extremist conservative you would be offended. The vast majority who do not fit that description would probably agree with Cuomo.

No one in their right mind should agree this kind of hate speech...but then again there are libs whose only ethics are situational
No it doesn't.

No more than a ban on private ownership of a thermal nuclear device.

The 2nd amendment is the most corrupted of all amendments in the Constitution.

It was never meant to have "the people" using arms to hunt, settle differences, assassinate politicians and commit suicide.

It was meant to have a "citizen" part time military at the ready to repeal invasion from foreign invaders and squash insurrections.

really? perhaps you can show me any documentation that supports your claim. Well I know you can't, because it doesn't exist. but their is plenty of documentation that refutes your statement.

Here's the documentation.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

yep, and as madison, the author of the second clearly described, the militia was to be comprised of citizens with leaders of their own chosing and NOT under control of the government. The purpose of the militia was for protection against any foe, specifically metioned was the federal government. the intend of the founders was the citizens be arnmed to protect themselves. which would require this citizen milita, not controlled by the government to be as well armed as the regular amry. madison, infact went on to describe scenarious how this citizen militia would be capable of fending off the regular army should the government ever try to supress the rights of the people. and that is why they were specific in saying the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as usual, you gun grabbing liberal idiots have nothing
Keep projecting gun grabber. You have nothing of substance to argue with, so you go for the typical emotional bullshit so prevalent among progressive lemmings such as yourself.

I like having emotions.

It's one of the higher functions.

It's what makes me a mammal.

Unlike reptiles and insects. Which lack emotions.

Ain't that true you unemotional reptilian shitstain?

having emotions and letting them control you are two different things, you worthless mole on the ass of a donkey. And yes, lemmings are mammals, so go dive off a cliff with the rest of your progressive asshats.

Also, you already used "shitstain" in your last posts, so -100 internet points for not coming up with an original insult.

Shitstain works for you.

As does reptile.

You'd be a small brown a slink or something.

You know..because shitstains are brown..
Here's the documentation.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

The states have stopped regulating the milita, i.e. calling it out and training it. The PEOPLE retain thier right to keep and bear arms, not the MILITA.

So you broke the amendment in half so crazies could shoot kids in the face.

Good work shitstain..good work.

Proof again of a liberal with ABSOLUTELY no understanding of the TRUE meaning of the Constitution.

The militia, at the time, was all able bodied citizens. The militia, at the time, was NOT federal armed forces. It was every man in the nation.

Secondly, the Founders knew that tyrants like you would naturally want to take guns away from law abiding citizens so that you could impose your tyrannical will...just as was done throughout history by all tyrannical leaders (you have proven your love of tyranny, so you would love Stalin, Hitler, and Mao...all gun grabbers) the Founders made it clear that all citizens should have guns, so that they could use them against a government seeking to impose tyranny...just as you libs desire to today. You see for a FREE STATE to exist, the people must have the TOOLS (GUNS) to protect their liberty....which you and your kind want to take away.
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really? perhaps you can show me any documentation that supports your claim. Well I know you can't, because it doesn't exist. but their is plenty of documentation that refutes your statement.

Here's the documentation.

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

yep, and as madison, the author of the second clearly described, the militia was to be comprised of citizens with leaders of their own chosing and NOT under control of the government. The purpose of the militia was for protection against any foe, specifically metioned was the federal government. the intend of the founders was the citizens be arnmed to protect themselves. which would require this citizen milita, not controlled by the government to be as well armed as the regular amry. madison, infact went on to describe scenarious how this citizen militia would be capable of fending off the regular army should the government ever try to supress the rights of the people. and that is why they were specific in saying the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as usual, you gun grabbing liberal idiots have nothing

Except..militias are under the control of the government.

You really should read the constitution.
The states have stopped regulating the milita, i.e. calling it out and training it. The PEOPLE retain thier right to keep and bear arms, not the MILITA.

So you broke the amendment in half so crazies could shoot kids in the face.

Good work shitstain..good work.

Proof again of a liberal with ABSOLUTELY no understanding of the TRUE meaning of the Constitution.

The militia, at the time, was all able bodied citizens. The militia, at the time, was NOT federal armed forces. It was every man in the nation.

Secondly, the Founders knew that tyrants like you would naturally want to take guns away from law abiding citizens so that you could impose your tyrannical will...just as is and was done throughout history by all tyrannical leaders (you have proven your love of tyranny, so you would love Stalin, Hitler, and Mao...all gun grabbers) the Founders made it clear that all citizens should have guns so that they could use them against a government seeking to impose tyranny...just as you libs desire to see, for a FREE STATE to exist, the people must have the TOOLS (GUNS) to protect their liberty....which you and your kind want to take away.

Nothing in the Constitution supports what you just posted.
Here's the documentation.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

yep, and as madison, the author of the second clearly described, the militia was to be comprised of citizens with leaders of their own chosing and NOT under control of the government. The purpose of the militia was for protection against any foe, specifically metioned was the federal government. the intend of the founders was the citizens be arnmed to protect themselves. which would require this citizen milita, not controlled by the government to be as well armed as the regular amry. madison, infact went on to describe scenarious how this citizen militia would be capable of fending off the regular army should the government ever try to supress the rights of the people. and that is why they were specific in saying the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as usual, you gun grabbing liberal idiots have nothing

Except..militias are under the control of the government.

You really should read the constitution.

then why mention people instead of militia? everytime "people" is mentioned in the constitution, it refers to an individual right.

perhaps you should learn to read the constitution.
Here's the documentation.

That part I enlarged is the part most of you folks leave out.

yep, and as madison, the author of the second clearly described, the militia was to be comprised of citizens with leaders of their own chosing and NOT under control of the government. The purpose of the militia was for protection against any foe, specifically metioned was the federal government. the intend of the founders was the citizens be arnmed to protect themselves. which would require this citizen milita, not controlled by the government to be as well armed as the regular amry. madison, infact went on to describe scenarious how this citizen militia would be capable of fending off the regular army should the government ever try to supress the rights of the people. and that is why they were specific in saying the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as usual, you gun grabbing liberal idiots have nothing

Except..militias are under the control of the government.

You really should read the constitution.

Proof again you know NOTHING of the history of our nation and Constitution. Why do you persist in proving your ignorance?

The militia, at the time, WAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF GOVERNMENT. They were local men who banded together for protection of their liberties. They had nothing to do with the government.
yep, and as madison, the author of the second clearly described, the militia was to be comprised of citizens with leaders of their own chosing and NOT under control of the government. The purpose of the militia was for protection against any foe, specifically metioned was the federal government. the intend of the founders was the citizens be arnmed to protect themselves. which would require this citizen milita, not controlled by the government to be as well armed as the regular amry. madison, infact went on to describe scenarious how this citizen militia would be capable of fending off the regular army should the government ever try to supress the rights of the people. and that is why they were specific in saying the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

So as usual, you gun grabbing liberal idiots have nothing

Except..militias are under the control of the government.

You really should read the constitution.

then why mention people instead of militia? everytime "people" is mentioned in the constitution, it refers to an individual right.

perhaps you should learn to read the constitution.

Oh Shallow has read it...he just is incapable of understanding it.
Except..militias are under the control of the government.

You really should read the constitution.

then why mention people instead of militia? everytime "people" is mentioned in the constitution, it refers to an individual right.

perhaps you should learn to read the constitution.

Oh Shallow has read it...he just is incapable of understanding it.

What did you expect swallow was educated by a brainwashing liberal school maybe on Manhattan

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