Cuts in Payments to Doctors Threaten Access to Care


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Just as millions of people are gaining insurance through Medicaid, the program is poised to make deep cuts in payments to many doctors, prompting some physicians and consumer advocates to warn that the reductions could make it more difficult for Medicaid patients to obtain care
As predicted, the large number of new medicaid patients (courtesy of the Obamacare exchanges) are finding it very difficult to find physicians due to low reimbursement. Initially, fees were increased to entice physicians to accept new medicaid patients. Now, with fees falling, patients "have insurance", but have no access, with the exception of emergency rooms.
I can't wait to see what the government spend on Medicaid is going to be with all the additional users
This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer
The biggest scam ever pulled on the people of this country and you have Obama to thank for it. I've never lived under a President who intentionally set out to hurt us.
Where it doesn't cut access, it will cut quality of care. These government savings come from passing costs onto the private market and always come at a price.
This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch. Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
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This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch, Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
View attachment 35397
If there are places you like better because of their healthcare, move. That wouldn't be a bad thing is all those who felt the same way did.
What I'm hearing locally is that the two doctors who have accepted new Medicare patients will, if the cuts stand, continue treating those they are at present but will accept no new Medicare patients. As existing Medicare patients leave (one way or another) they will not be replaced. Only visible alternative is a clinic in a city 45 miles away to which there is no direct bus service.
This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch, Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
View attachment 35397
If there are places you like better because of their healthcare, move. That wouldn't be a bad thing is all those who felt the same way did.

Ah, the old "If you don't like it move" crap.
So you enjoyed getting fucked over by the healthcare industry? What's that say about you?
One of the most common defenses used for not raising the minimum wage is that businesses will raise their prices for their goods to cover their increase in wages. This train of thought should be consistent when it comes to the annual raises in the cost of healthcare. Healthcare insurance usually mirrors the cost of healthcare. Below is a 10 year chart before Obamacare. Healthcare insurance increased 131% in a ten year span. Almost all businesses help pay for their employees healthcare plan, we should assume that the increases in healthcare insurance paid by businesses were passed on to the consumer, right?
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This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch. Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
View attachment 35397

Because we already have a system were individuals are decoupled from actually paying for anything, ObamaCare squared it, Single Payer will push us into Third World status
This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch. Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
View attachment 35397

Because we already have a system were individuals are decoupled from actually paying for anything, ObamaCare squared it, Single Payer will push us into Third World status
Ah, so you feel completely helpless about the cost of healthcare and the fact the US's citizens and businesses are getting screwed over? The countries listed on the chart all have better healthcare than the US and at a much more competitive cost.
So it's we're getting screwed over but damn it, those who are screwing us over have the freedom to screw us over and that's what counts!
This is what we said would happen. The Commicrats wanted use government to destroy our healthcare system so they could say the only solution is government run single payer

Well if the healthcare in the US was destroyed, that would mean we'd have to start from scratch. Why would that be such a bad thing?
Mirror Mirror on the Wall 2014 Update How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund
View attachment 35397

Because of the push for socialized medicine through single payer. With socialism, those doing the funding rarely get a proportional equivalent to what they pay compared to what those doing little to no funding get. Use Social Security as an example.
The biggest scam ever pulled on the people of this country and you have Obama to thank for it. I've never lived under a President who intentionally set out to hurt us.
No one is cutting your medicaid

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