‘Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices

Jan 6--Swamp FBI caused---Pelosi DC hitchmen used to murder
Stone, manafort, and Flynn were set up framed and harassed by the corrupt Swamp FBI. The FBI LIED, perjured, and manufactured fake evidence.
See, NEVER trumps fault.

Stone and Manafort are criminals with criminal minds.

Flynn is simply just an idiot that got wrapped up in trumps lies and he became less of a man when he cowered down to trump instead of being the General he was raised to be. Flynn is a complete pussy. He was set up by trump.
See, NEVER trumps fault.

Stone and Manafort are criminals with criminal minds.

Flynn is simply just an idiot that got wrapped up in trumps lies and he became less of a man when he cowered down to trump instead of being the General he was raised to be. Flynn is a complete pussy. He was set up by trump.
How is that Trump's fault?
See, NEVER trumps fault.

Stone and Manafort are criminals with criminal minds.

Flynn is simply just an idiot that got wrapped up in trumps lies and he became less of a man when he cowered down to trump instead of being the General he was raised to be. Flynn is a complete pussy. He was set up by trump.
Wow! Fascinating hypothesis! I can't wait to read more about it in the latest issue of Kook's Crackpot Journal.
Right, I agree.

But, is it possible for you to say that trump could have handled the pandemic in a more positive way?
Is that possible for you to say? Baby steps......Is it possible?

There is more to the pandemic than 'causing it'
Proper handling would have helped. Trump handled it wrong.
since the Potatos pandemic numbers are worse and he is now in charge, maybe we should focus on HIS PERFORMANCE.

is that possible for you to say? is it? Baby steps......is it possible?
I said Trump's wall was breached numerous times using power tools, mouth breather. So don't sit there with your mouth open saying Trump's wall works when the fucking monstrosity can be easily cut open using a lithium battery powered Roto Zip, Clown.

Tomorrow morning, double up on those smart pills.
Border walls work, Dumbass. The numbers have proven it.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Well, the dems would do the same if a goper were potus. And it's simply not deniable that Biden's first year was notable for trying to limit oil and gas leases because of environmental concerns, and then when ordered to issue the leases, his admin tried to impose an enviro tax to require producers to pay more for leases.

His moves have not YET hurt production, but unless he changes tack pretty darn quick, there will be less US oil down the road ... which is what the progs want.
Sorry bout that,

1. Let me frame this so a Libtard/Moron will understand
2. Biden Did That!
3. Everything bad happening, Biden Did That, WWIII that too, a duffas in the White House is able to do all kinds a terrible shit.
4. Understand now moron?

trump specifically gave power to the Governors on shutdowns, then he wanted full power to make them reopen.
Then he can BLAME the Governors, which he did.

Trump didn't cede that power to the states.

The Constitution did. See the Tenth Amendment. The federal government had no authority to act.

Of course, corrupt Democrapic governors violated the federal Constitution as well as the Constitutions of their respective states, illegally ruling unilaterally by executive order, instead of through the legislative or initiative processes.

The blame truly does belong to these criminal governors, that you would like to assign to Trump.
How did stopping an unopened pipeline put up prices ? Dopey fucker.
Because the shortage of oil, which the pipeline would help alleviate, is driving gasoline prices up
among other things and in general.

We all take it for granted you are no MENSA member, but, come on. Even you must understand
what supply and demand causes....dopey fucker.
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Because the shortage of oil, which the pipeline would help alleviate, is driving gasoline prices up
among other things and in general.

We all take it for granted you are no MENSA member, but, come on. Even you must understand
what supply and demand causes....dopey fucker.
He's a Marxist, and they literally do not respect the laws of supply and demand.
You must be butthurt over an election.
Fuckers stealing the election can do that..........and they purposely attack the country after fucking over the people from day 1.

You know DIRT BAGS........and I'm being nice today.

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