‘Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices

Gas is up all over the world and for some reason you think Biden rules the world.
Biden rules nothing.....not even his own bowels. No one respects EmperorShitzHizPantz who is bending over backwards to collude with Russia and Iran in a Oil for Nukes Death Deal colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah to give Iran Nukes to create a Nuclear Holocaust with in The Middle East.

Why do you support terrorists, and Quid Pro Joe who wants to give Iran Billions just like his puppet master Anti-Semite fraud of a Black Messiah did to buy Russian Weapons of Mass Destruction to annihilate Israel with?

Why is Biden colluding with Putin to carve out a loophole for Russia in the Iran Nukes for Oil Death Deal which will allow Russia to sell Iran Billions of dollars in weapons, and give Iran the money to buy them, and allow Russia to launder their Oil through Iran?
But this is all the Democrats have today.

Silly stuff like this.

most of the shit they post is so over the top nonsense you have to read it like 5 times to make sure you understood it correctly. Its why I have an ignore list of about 30 or 40 morons on it.
This is why the right’s lie that President Biden is ‘responsible’ for high gas prices is in fact a lie:

“…the key here is to think about the oil supply globally, rather than the US specifically. The commodities world is a heavily interconnected one, and oil is priced through a global market. So what happens in one area of the world can affect another.”

Incorrect. Thats why President Trump had us producing our own oil at a record pace and creating a surplus....so we WOULD NOT be thinking about the supply globally but rather as the US individually idiot. You commies are all in the wrong country this one is for real Americans.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
I never read this lump of bull shit that allows ones as your self to practice your delusion. Biden is the worst president in American president in history and with obama and clinton he had a lot of competition. How you ignore how he shuts down half way through a press conference then shuffles off with a stupid look on his face tells me all I want to know about this mindless idiot. You need to get a clue. So buy one.
I wonder what these Moon Bats were thinking when they supported this Biden piece of shit.

It is not like they didn't know. Even Obama warned them that Joe was a fuck up.

Liberalism is a mental disease that causes the patient to act in a very irrational manner. Like being beaucoup dinky dau. This what we see in these stupid Moon Bats. Compete mental illness.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.

Uncle Pootie has nothing to do with gas prices in America.

If it weren't for Sleepy Joe, we'd be energy sufficient and Russian oil wouldn't be needed.

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
He who must never be blamed must be protected at all costs.
Except to laugh in the fucking idiot's face.

EVERYONE knows gas prices were already up before the war.

These jackass Democrats think they're succeeding in gaslighting the entire country?

No, they're not. They're succeeding in getting the entire country pissed off. They're succeeding in generating hatred and further political division.

Democrats suck. Anyone who's a Democrat today is practically brain dead.

The blaming of Putin for domestic policy is VERY stupid, Biden is practically admitting Putin totally owns his sorry ass.
Laughing about it is not a counter.
Biden was responsible for shutting down the XL pipeline.
His handlers are all against oil as an evil fossil fuel.

So Joe does what he's told to do.
That cost the builders of The XL $9 Billion and cost America 50,000 jobs.

Fanatical Ideology of Religious Cults such as The Earth Worshiping Church of the Holy Melting Iceberg should never dictate sensible energy policies.
Trump didn't cause the pandemic...lol
Right, I agree.

But, is it possible for you to say that trump could have handled the pandemic in a more positive way?
Is that possible for you to say? Baby steps......Is it possible?

There is more to the pandemic than 'causing it'
Proper handling would have helped. Trump handled it wrong.
Massive Job losses are Dem governors faults--they shut down their own economies and then whined that federal taxayer have to bail their evil hypocrit asses out as they still went out while forcing everyone else to stay in.
A president with balls would have led the nation instead of deferring power.

trump specifically gave power to the Governors on shutdowns, then he wanted full power to make them reopen.
Then he can BLAME the Governors, which he did.
If he didn't want shut downs, then he should have been the leader you and russia voted for and NOT allowed the Governors the choice.

Right, I agree.

But, is it possible for you to say that trump could have handled the pandemic in a more positive way?
Is that possible for you to say? Baby steps......Is it possible?

There is more to the pandemic than 'causing it'
Proper handling would have helped. Trump handled it wrong.
What difference would it have made, had he handled things in a way acceptable to you?

Did Biden "handle"the pandemic to your liking?
A president with balls would have led the nation instead of deferring power.

trump specifically gave power to the Governors on shutdowns, then he wanted full power to make them reopen.
Then he can BLAME the Governors, which he did.
If he didn't want shut downs, then he should have been the leader you and russia voted for and NOT allowed the Governors the choice.

The president isn't our leader. He's our representative.

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