‘Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices

No, you explained nothing. Simply claiming it is irrational isn’t giving us the underlying reasons it is irrational.

Gas has steadily risen since Veggie Joe came into office and attacked the oil industry on Day 1.

You are trying to excuse his actions by claiming the market is “irrational” without showing why you think that.

If you are unable to read what I wrote, I don't know what to tell you.
The "irrational" markets over reacted to both the covid mess and the Ukraine mess. Neither president is responsible for that other than the fact that they will not address it.

The markets harm the economy by these "irrational" moves.
Markets are exceptionally rational. They work based on unbreakable laws like the law of supply and demand. Policies that make supply more difficult and/or less profitable create a scarcity that increases the price of the energy available. Claiming that that is irrational shows a lack of understanding in what rational premises are in relation to markets
You said walls are “useless”.I guess you think Barry Hussein and your Vegetable Messiah are idiots for building walls around the mansions you helped pay for.
I said Trump's wall was breached numerous times using power tools, mouth breather. So don't sit there with your mouth open saying Trump's wall works when the fucking monstrosity can be easily cut open using a lithium battery powered Roto Zip, Clown.

Tomorrow morning, double up on those smart pills.
Why would I move? Everyone is trying to get here. You say walls don’t work yet you live inside walls. Why? And if you please why would I move?
You were saying that people were dropping a deuce on your lawn. Maybe you don't mind, if not stay. I'd move the hell out but hey to each his own, pal.
So you believe in socialism? Not the cuddly friendly form which is
a hybrid of capitalism with social programs such as Social Security and Medicare, but flat out Marxist socialism where the government runs businesses.

Did you recently graduate from college like AOC?

In order to better understand the inconsistency within this concept, one must break down the words ‘democratic’ and ‘socialism’ individually. Webster Dictionary defines democracy as “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” To put it shortly: a government made for the people, by the people. Socialism, on the other hand, is defined as “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.” What many people refuse to see is that, in order for socialism to be implemented, a government must be given an immense amount of power and authority so that it could properly oversee the distribution of goods and services. It doesn’t matter if the democracy aspect is present at all—if you want any form of socialism in your country, you are going to have to surrender many of your rights to a powerful government.…emphasis added
Markets are exceptionally rational. They work based on unbreakable laws like the law of supply and demand. Policies that make supply more difficult and/or less profitable create a scarcity that increases the price of the energy available. Claiming that that is irrational shows a lack of understanding in what rational premises are in relation to markets

Supply and demand has been no problem anywhere but the price of oil has went from $15 to $130. There is NOTHING rational about that.
Supply and demand has been no problem anywhere but the price of oil has went from $15 to $130. There is NOTHING rational about that.
When it comes to energy, any bump cause problems. And when it comes to politicians they can increase those bumps. Progs increase the bumps. Even with outside issues affecting things. Impeding energy exploration and production and transportation causes what we see. We can increase safety situations of course. We can also build newer plants to process oil. Clean up any older ones. ...If you drive on a busy highway and is going smoothly with three lanes each way, there is no accounting for accidents and disable vehicles. However, if the three lanes goes to two lanes with traffic the same then back up can occur with no accidents and disabled vehicles. That is what happens with the Progs. We can complain about Wal Mart. But if it was Prog Mart, A loaf of bread would be a luxury. And it is heading there. Wal Mart exists not from conservatism but because of Prog agendas with massive tax increases.
When it comes to energy, any bump cause problems. And when it comes to politicians they can increase those bumps. Progs increase the bumps. Even with outside issues affecting things. Impeding energy exploration and production and transportation causes what we see. We can increase safety situations of course. We can also build newer plants to process oil. Clean up any older ones. ...If you drive on a busy highway and is going smoothly with three lanes each way, there is no accounting for accidents and disable vehicles. However, if the three lanes goes to two lanes with traffic the same then back up can occur with no accidents and disabled vehicles. That is what happens with the Progs. We can complain about Wal Mart. But if it was Prog Mart, A loaf of bread would be a luxury. And it is heading there. Wal Mart exists not from conservatism but because of Prog agendas with massive tax increases.

Oil went to $145 under Bush.
You were saying that people were dropping a deuce on your lawn. Maybe you don't mind, if not stay. I'd move the hell out but hey to each his own, pal.
I was saying that’s why we need walls it was an analogy. I didn’t say I lived in a gated community and I said the value of the wall was to keep people from shitting in your driveway. That didn’t take a great deal of interpretation for someone who had actual reading skills
"Walls" is nothing more than code words for "we don't want to address the actual issue".

Business hiring illegals.
"Walls" is nothing more than code words for "we don't want to address the actual issue".

Business hiring illegals.
That is probably correct to an extent but, are expensive and easily cheated welfare system is also an incentive to bring people to this country so they can fall into our Safetynet. This is not a one issue, one variable problem but, a wall is part of a solution so that people are more driven to points of entry. Any wall, especially one with a door is reachable but, more difficult than the absence of a wall

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn [sic] know that.

It would be futile to expect an ignorant one-legged British faggot to have any grasp of how the disastrous policies of the incompetent criminal infesting America's highest government position, have been impacting the price of fuel, as well as the prices of all other necessities, since well before the Russia/Ukraine squabble broke out into war.

You should worry about your own degenerate shithole of a nation, and leave it to us Americans to worry about how our nation is to be run.

You have no useful knowledge, no say, and no standing whatsoever, with regard to America; and no reason at all to exist other than to remind us Americans why it is that we kicked the British filth out of our country nearly two and a half centuries ago.

How much profit do the oil companies make on ever gallon of gasoline?

How much “profit” does government make in taxes on gasoline, and on oil production leading up to it?

I don't have current numbers at hand, and I don't have time, right now to look for them, but last I looked, they were very revealing as to where the genuine greed really is.
It would be futile to expect an ignorant one-legged British faggot to have any grasp of how the disastrous policies of the incompetent criminal infesting America's highest government position, have been impacting the price of fuel, as well as the prices of all other necessities, since well before the Russia/Ukraine squabble broke out into war.

You should worry about your own degenerate shithole of a nation, and leave it to us Americans to worry about how our nation is to be run.

You have no useful knowledge, no say, and no standing whatsoever, with regard to America; and no reason at all to exist other than to remind us Americans why it is that we kicked the British filth out of our country nearly two and a half centuries ago.
I had no idea he was "one legged"
I had no idea he was "one legged"

It seems he stupidly failed to properly manage his diabetes, and as a result, had to have a leg amputated.

I, by the way, am about the same age, with the same underlying medical condition, and I am no where near the point he let himself deteriorate to, in spite of having suffered a broken leg a couple years ago in a work accident. Such amputations used to be common in diabetics, but with modern medical technology and knowledge, there's really no excuse for it now.


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