‘Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
It isn't Putin's fault that gas prices are high AF. Why would we bash Putin?...lol
It seems he stupidly failed to properly manage his diabetes, and as a result, had to have a leg amputated.

I, by the way, am about the same age, with the same underlying medical condition, and I am no where near the point he let himself deteriorate to, in spite of having suffered a broken leg a couple years ago in a work accident. Such amputations used to be common in diabetics, but with modern medical technology and knowledge, there's really no excuse for it now.

im diabetic as well. under control though. I run every day so I don't have to get on insulin.

just pills at this point.
Well, we as a Nation, got used to 4 years of deflecting BLAME.

Pandemic.......Chinas Fault, even Fauci but NEVER trump.
Massive Job Losses.....(D) Governors Fault.....certainly not trump.
Worst Handling of Pandemic..... Hell not, not trumps inept ability to adapt...blame who.....anyone but trump.
Jan 6th.......Antifas Fault.....changed to FBI inciting the crowd....but NEVER trump.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all these stooges were sent to prison. Only the Best.

NOTHING, absolutely NEVER blame trump. The Cult.
Trump didn't cause the pandemic...lol
I'll give you just one...

Since you think Putin caused all of this by invading Ukraine, Veggie Joe's policy that reversed Trump's sanction on Nordstream 2 and gave it to Putin so he could fund his invasion of Ukraine is causing it.

Spin away.....
I'll give it a whirl. Nord stream 2 was not, is not, and now probably never will be operational. Kind of hard to create revenue from a pipiline that hasn't transported a single cubic meter of gas wouldn't you say?
I was saying that’s why we need walls it was an analogy. I didn’t say I lived in a gated community and I said the value of the wall was to keep people from shitting in your driveway. That didn’t take a great deal of interpretation for someone who had actual reading skills
Comparing a wall on your property to keep people from shitting in your driveway to a wall on our southern border running thousands of miles is the stupidest things I've seen on this board in a long time.

The subject was Trump's wall. Look into your own reading skills, Einstein.

Cynical, craven’ Republicans out to bash Biden, not Putin, over gas prices​

Doesnt really matter: Biden’s messaging is working better and stronger than GOP messaging trying to blame him. He is working the messaging extremely effectively.

1. gas prices are Putin’s fault
2. Support Biden and the US, or be labeled a Putin bootlicking sack of antiAmerican crap.

We are seeing this messaging work very well. They have no counter for it
Except to laugh in the fucking idiot's face.

EVERYONE knows gas prices were already up before the war.

These jackass Democrats think they're succeeding in gaslighting the entire country?

No, they're not. They're succeeding in getting the entire country pissed off. They're succeeding in generating hatred and further political division.

Democrats suck. Anyone who's a Democrat today is practically brain dead.

The blaming of Putin for domestic policy is VERY stupid, Biden is practically admitting Putin totally owns his sorry ass.
Except to laugh in the fucking idiot's face.

EVERYONE knows gas prices were already up before the war.

These jackass Democrats think they're succeeding in gaslighting the entire country?

No, they're not. They're succeeding in getting the entire country pissed off. They're succeeding in generating hatred and further political division.

Democrats suck. Anyone who's a Democrat today is practically brain dead.

The blaming of Putin for domestic policy is VERY stupid, Biden is practically admitting Putin totally owns his sorry ass.
Gas is up all over the world and for some reason you think Biden rules the world.
That is probably correct to an extent but, are expensive and easily cheated welfare system is also an incentive to bring people to this country so they can fall into our Safetynet. This is not a one issue, one variable problem but, a wall is part of a solution so that people are more driven to points of entry. Any wall, especially one with a door is reachable but, more difficult than the absence of a wall

As long as the jobs are here, they will get here. You know that.
Well, we as a Nation, got used to 4 years of deflecting BLAME.

Pandemic.......Chinas Fault, even Fauci but NEVER trump.
Massive Job Losses.....(D) Governors Fault.....certainly not trump.
Worst Handling of Pandemic..... Hell not, not trumps inept ability to adapt...blame who.....anyone but trump.
Jan 6th.......Antifas Fault.....changed to FBI inciting the crowd....but NEVER trump.
Stone, Manafort, Flynn, all these stooges were sent to prison. Only the Best.

NOTHING, absolutely NEVER blame trump. The Cult.

What a crock of shit. Pandemis is China and Faucis fault. Trump didn't develop or release the bioweapon.
Massive Job losses are Dem governors faults--they shut down their own economies and then whined that federal taxayer have to bail their evil hypocrit asses out as they still went out while forcing everyone else to stay in.
Trump handled the pandemic well--the dems on the other hand---worsened the crisis for political stunts
Jan 6--Swamp FBI caused---Pelosi DC hitchmen used to murder
Stone, manafort, and Flynn were set up framed and harassed by the corrupt Swamp FBI. The FBI LIED, perjured, and manufactured fake evidence.
As this thread proves, the Trump cult officially supports Putin, just like their Orange Messiah.

We're talking about the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and its horrible mismanagement of our economy

We're not talking about what happened four years ago.

We're talking about prices at the pump TODAY.

We're talking about the DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION that's right around the corner.

And meanwhile the feckless bastards are trying to gaslight us about Ukraine.

Joe Biden knew damn well what Victoria Nuland did in Ukraine, because HE PROFITED FROM IT, and for some reason he hired her AGAIN. Maybe the senile old coot couldn't put 2 and 2 together and realize she was going to do the SAME THING AGAIN.

Isn't it comforting to know your gas prices are directly tied to a deluded corrupt bunch of interventionists?

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Why is EmpeorShitzHizPantz colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah on a Nukes for Oil Death Deal with Iran and Russia which will allow Russia to continue to sell weapons to Iran and have financial transactions with Iran, and lead to Iran having Nukes with which to create a Nuclear Holocaust in The Middle East with, which they have promised to do?

Why is Biden sharing intel with China who then shared it with Russia? Why is Biden owned by China, Russia and Iran? Why did he and his sons take so much money from Russia, China and Iran?

Why is Biden offering Iran Billions of Dollars just like Obama did to buy Russian Weapons with to make war in The Middle East?

Why is quid pro Joe colluding with Russia, Iran and China to allow Russia to circumvent sanctions against them, continue to sell Iran Billions in weapons, help them develop Nukes, and help them refine their ICBMS to deliver them?

Let's Make The Middle East Glass Again?

Mad that they vote with Biden on this and then seek to blame him. Petrol is more expensive all over the world, but if you have never left Shitville you wouldn know that.
Commie you are really showing how stupid you are now....better get back to the topics you at least know a little about.

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