Czech President Miloš Zeman: Warrior for Truth. Merkel hates guys like him


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
In Germany the guy would sentenced to prison for 'Hate Speech' according to the Merkel's Facebook Law.
As well-know German biggest traitors of all times Merkel wants to import millions of new IQ60 illiterate African Muslim 'refugees' and members of their families including all wives, children and relatives.Read what Czech President think about.


  • If you want the unspoken truth, Islamic migration is not possible to integrate, and it is not capable of being assimilated into European culture. " — Miloš Zeman, President of the Czech Republic.
  • "This country is ours. And this country is not and can not be for all." — Miloš Zeman.
  • "In my opinion, much of the guilt lies on the current leadership of the European Union, which is totally incompetent, bureaucratic, causing the alienation of European citizens from European institutions... We do not need censorship, we do not need an ideological police, we do not need a new press and information office if we are to continue living in a free and democratic society..." — Miloš Zaman, 2016.
A Muslim can be defined as a Quranist, like a Nazi can be defined as a believer in racial superiority and anti-Semitism or a Communist like a believer in the class struggle and dictatorship of the proletariat.
"I think we can coexist with Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Confucianism, but we cannot coexist with Islam. It has anchored in its sacred texts that it must rule the world and have unbelievers submit.
"The enemy is the anti-civilisation spreading from North Africa to Indonesia. Two billion people live in it and it is financed partly from oil sales and partly from drug sales."

Czech President Miloš Zeman: Warrior for Truth
About a month ago Czech President has visited Putin. Looks like he's a very respectable man.

Milos Zeman: I came to Russia with one hundred and forty business people. Mr President, you know when I travelled to France, only fourteen business people accompanied me. One hundred and forty have come with me to Russia, which is ten times more.

Russian-Czech talks

And he was speaking only Russian during his negotiations with Putin.
About a month ago Czech President has visited Putin. Looks like he's a very respectable man.

Milos Zeman: I came to Russia with one hundred and forty business people. Mr President, you know when I travelled to France, only fourteen business people accompanied me. One hundred and forty have come with me to Russia, which is ten times more.

Russian-Czech talks

And he was speaking only Russian during his negotiations with Putin.

After 1991 former 'brothers' are getting more wise
Since the Czech people elected President Zeman, I guess that he accurately reflects the feelings of the Czech people in regard to immigration policies.

And since Chancellor Merkel has been in office for many years, I guess that at least the majority of the German people agree with her policies.

I believe that every nation has the right to craft an immigration policy with which it feels comfortable.

Other nations should respect a nation's sovereignty and refrain from criticizing its immigration policies.

President Trump, who was elected in accordance with our election rules (i.e., the Electoral College) presumably speaks for many Americans who support his immigration policies (i.e., controlling illegal immigration and careful vetting of immigrants from the Middle East). Although it is perfectly all right for Americans to (civilly) disagree with his policies, I feel that foreigners (including non-citizens living here in the United States) should not criticize our country's immigration policies.

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