D-Abuse Of Tax Dollar Exposed...AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sheila Jackson Lee’s Campaign Racks Up Almost $15K In Super Bowl Expenses

"Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign spent $10,000 on Super Bowl 51 tickets, the Washington Free Beacon reports.

According to the Federal Election Commission, the Texas Congressman used the funds to purchase seats at the 2017 championship game between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots that was played in Houston, Texas — the home of Lee’s 18th Congressional district.

“We are always concerned and want more information when we see campaign expenditures that are not directly for campaign purposes. Campaign funds should not be used for any thing other than running a campaign,” Whitaker said. “There have been many cases of public officials abusing their campaign funds for personal expenses and for the benefit of others. The public deserves an explanation on why Super Bowl tickets were a campaign expense.”

When asked about the issue, Jackson's Mexican Lawyer, Nacho Monay, replied, 'No Comment'. :p
and I thought this was about some dem spending 10 million bucks on long weekend golf trips ..

or a million a day so his trophy wife doesnt have to sleep in the same bed with him

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