D.H.S. Downplayed Threats From Russia and White Supremacists, Whistle-Blower Says


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Interesting story...sadly, I think we've passed the point where it really matters..as it seems most people are making their decisions based on their politics...and not on what might be true.

Top officials with the Department of Homeland Security directed agency analysts to downplay threats from violent white supremacy and Russian election interference, a Homeland Security official said in a whistle-blower complaint released on Wednesday.
Brian Murphy, the former head of the Homeland Security Department’s intelligence branch, said in the complaint that he was ordered this spring by Chad F. Wolf, the acting secretary of the department, to stop producing assessments on Russian interference and focus instead on Iran and China. That request, Mr. Murphy said, was routed through Mr. Wolf from Robert C. O’Brien, the White House national security adviser.
Mr. Wolf later told him not to disseminate a report on a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s mental health because it “made the president look bad,” said Mr. Murphy, who warned that the actions in their totality threatened national security.
In other instances, the department’s second-highest ranked official, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, ordered Mr. Murphy to modify intelligence assessments to make the threat of white supremacy “appear less severe” and include information on violent “left-wing” groups and antifa, according to the complaint, which was filed on Tuesday but released Wednesday by the House Intelligence Committee.

In Mr. Murphy’s account, the two top officials at the department — both appointees of President Trump who have not yet been confirmed by the Senate for their positions — appeared to shape the agency’s views around the president’s language and political interests in ways that stretched the law and their authority.

Interesting story...sadly, I think we've passed the point where it really matters..as it seems most people are making their decisions based on their politics...and not on what might be true.

Top officials with the Department of Homeland Security directed agency analysts to downplay threats from violent white supremacy and Russian election interference, a Homeland Security official said in a whistle-blower complaint released on Wednesday.
Brian Murphy, the former head of the Homeland Security Department’s intelligence branch, said in the complaint that he was ordered this spring by Chad F. Wolf, the acting secretary of the department, to stop producing assessments on Russian interference and focus instead on Iran and China. That request, Mr. Murphy said, was routed through Mr. Wolf from Robert C. O’Brien, the White House national security adviser.
Mr. Wolf later told him not to disseminate a report on a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s mental health because it “made the president look bad,” said Mr. Murphy, who warned that the actions in their totality threatened national security.
In other instances, the department’s second-highest ranked official, Kenneth T. Cuccinelli II, ordered Mr. Murphy to modify intelligence assessments to make the threat of white supremacy “appear less severe” and include information on violent “left-wing” groups and antifa, according to the complaint, which was filed on Tuesday but released Wednesday by the House Intelligence Committee.

In Mr. Murphy’s account, the two top officials at the department — both appointees of President Trump who have not yet been confirmed by the Senate for their positions — appeared to shape the agency’s views around the president’s language and political interests in ways that stretched the law and their authority.

1. Any Russian interference will be insignificant.

1. WS violence? When we have violent lefties in open insurrection with the support of major dem office holders? LOL!!!!
“…both appointees of President Trump who have not yet been confirmed by the Senate for their positions…” ibid

This is another example of Trump’s corruption – this idiocy of ‘acting’ appointees not confirmed by the Senate as intended by the Framers.
“…both appointees of President Trump who have not yet been confirmed by the Senate for their positions…” ibid

This is another example of Trump’s corruption – this idiocy of ‘acting’ appointees not confirmed by the Senate as intended by the Framers.

Sure. That's the problem you have with him.

Marxist and racist mobs are in open insurrection in the streets, and you are upset that Trump is not submitting appointees to the Senate properly.

Interesting story...sadly, I think we've passed the point where it really matters..as it seems most people are making their decisions based on their politics...and not on what might be true.

I hold, whoever is genuinely surprised by this complaint, or by the "revelations" in Woodward's book, hasn't really been paying attention. That Trump is off the leash, using the power of his office to his personal advantage, and the truth playing third or fourth fiddle in this administration - is there any surprise in any of that? I don't think so.

But then, Eye, how about those not of "most people", those who are trying to base decisions on the truth? Does it not matter they receive accurate information so that they actually can make their decisions on a factual basis? Methinks, if these are a comparatively small crowd, as you seem to allege, it is all the more important they receive accurate information for them to maintain their reasonable habits, and not give up. For the fate of the nation may well hinge on them setting an example for those "most people", at least those among them not completely bereft of critical faculties.

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