D-Min Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti-Semitic Ways

"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has come under fire for anti-Semitic comments in the past. During an interview with on "The Daily Show," Omar explained how she never tried to be anti-Semitic but she understands how her comments could be deemed anti-Semitic. The most interesting aspect: Omar compares her being blind to her anti-Semitism to white people who don't understand they have "white privilege."

:p Humorously attempting to deny her admitted Anti-Semitism.

1. She went on to actually say, "I'm an anti-Semite but I don't want to be. Can you please help me?"

2. Evidently she was completely ignorant of her Anti-Semitism until someone recently pointed it out to her.

3. Why does every conversation revert to "white privilege"? We could have two people who grew up in the same exact neighborhood under the same exact circumstances, the one difference being the color of their skin. If they're both given the same college education and the white kid succeeds then it's because of his skin color. What happened to equality of opportunity? Why does everything have to revert back to race? And at one point do we, as a society, reject the idea that race is the greatest underlying force behind someone's success? Thought all of that was supposed to end when President Obama became America's leader.

WATCH: Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti-Semitic Ways
What did she say that was Anti-Semitic?
I assume its the part when she said "i am an anti semite".
Where did she say that?

WATCH: Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti ...
WATCH: Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti-Semitic Ways
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has come under fire for anti-Semitic comments in the past. During an interview with on "The Daily Show," Omar explained how she never tried to be anti-Semitic but she ... understands how her comments could be deemed anti-Semitic. The most interesting aspect: Omar compares her being blind to her anti-Semitism to white people who don't understand they have "white privilege."
Jefferson was reading the koran to figure how to defeat them.

There must be something in his writings to indicate that right?

I mean you wouldn't be puling nuggets outta yer ass again would you?

The documentation among the historical manuscripts ie barbary coast pirates/war/tripoli is well known.
------------------------------------------- do you have any 'quotes' or info on some Ambassador from a 'muslim land on why it was ok according to 'mohamad' for 'barbary pirates' to harrass , steal goods and take American and other merchant vessels and their crews as slaves . The 'muslim' Ambassadors words and reasons were told to Jefferson in some 'euro' city at a meeting LBTrout .
has to unlearn what muslims have been taught for hundreds of years . its funny but some naives will agree with her. [chuckle]
LOL "I'm anti-semitic but I don't want to be...can you help?" lololol! She's got balls and she's funny too!
"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has come under fire for anti-Semitic comments in the past. During an interview with on "The Daily Show," Omar explained how she never tried to be anti-Semitic but she understands how her comments could be deemed anti-Semitic. The most interesting aspect: Omar compares her being blind to her anti-Semitism to white people who don't understand they have "white privilege."

:p Humorously attempting to deny her admitted Anti-Semitism.

1. She went on to actually say, "I'm an anti-Semite but I don't want to be. Can you please help me?"

2. Evidently she was completely ignorant of her Anti-Semitism until someone recently pointed it out to her.

3. Why does every conversation revert to "white privilege"? We could have two people who grew up in the same exact neighborhood under the same exact circumstances, the one difference being the color of their skin. If they're both given the same college education and the white kid succeeds then it's because of his skin color. What happened to equality of opportunity? Why does everything have to revert back to race? And at one point do we, as a society, reject the idea that race is the greatest underlying force behind someone's success? Thought all of that was supposed to end when President Obama became America's leader.

WATCH: Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti-Semitic Ways
She wants to learn on the peoples dime? There needs to be a total revamp on what these legislators get paid and what they are allowed to do once they have "SERVED". They like many other bureaucrats get into these positions and get a little to high and mighty.

Omar's childhood is no excuse------I have known MANY muslims who overcame
their ISLAMIC EDUCATION re jews. -------interestingly-----the most interesting one was a Saudi physician------quite a remarkable person. Omar, clearly---EAGERLY
SWALLOWED the stuff on the carpet during the weekly Khutbah Jumaat feces fling--------and living in the USA from childhood did nothing to mitigate it OR----
allow her to USE it for her own political purposes
A self confessed racist
Surprising to see and bold move
Let’s see how media and libbies try and twist it that she didn’t confess it.
"Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has come under fire for anti-Semitic comments in the past. During an interview with on "The Daily Show," Omar explained how she never tried to be anti-Semitic but she understands how her comments could be deemed anti-Semitic. The most interesting aspect: Omar compares her being blind to her anti-Semitism to white people who don't understand they have "white privilege."

:p Humorously attempting to deny her admitted Anti-Semitism.

1. She went on to actually say, "I'm an anti-Semite but I don't want to be. Can you please help me?"

2. Evidently she was completely ignorant of her Anti-Semitism until someone recently pointed it out to her.

3. Why does every conversation revert to "white privilege"? We could have two people who grew up in the same exact neighborhood under the same exact circumstances, the one difference being the color of their skin. If they're both given the same college education and the white kid succeeds then it's because of his skin color. What happened to equality of opportunity? Why does everything have to revert back to race? And at one point do we, as a society, reject the idea that race is the greatest underlying force behind someone's success? Thought all of that was supposed to end when President Obama became America's leader.

WATCH: Ilhan Omar Admits She Has to 'Unlearn' Her Anti-Semitic Ways
But she also loathes Christians, Americans, white people, mainstream society....
and I think that the 'somalis' in Minnesota were either born in the USA or were Vetted as they entered the USA as imported 'somalis' . .
A lot of people grew up in rural areas and the south and a few other locations in 50’s and 60’s and were exposed to consistent deragatory comments about blacks.
So, they are Omar excused and all is good now.
Thanks be given

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