D-Schiff Hit With Ethics Violation Complaint On Top Of Potential House Censure


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Schiff is already facing a possible Censure for intentionally authoring and attempting to pass off a fictional, manufactured account of the phone conversation between President Trump and the Ukraine PM as real in an attempt to incite anger, opposition to, and a call to Impeach the President. 125 House Republicans have signed a petition calling for a vote to Censure D-Schiff, a proven liar and admitted leaker of classified information, for this seditious act.

Now Schiff faces an Ethics Violation complaint by a Republican challenger for his attempt to collude / collaborate with who he believed were foreign government officials to acquire 'dirt' on the President that he could use to help Impeach President Trump.

According to Democrats / snowflakes, Trump Jr attending a meeting with a Russian lawyer to supposedly acquire political 'dirt' on a political opponent (yet no information changing hands) amounts to treason / a crime. When Hillary Clinton, however, bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence-manufactured propaganda from a foreign spy , according to them, it was / is NOT treason / a crime. Now Schiff was pranked by radio 'disc jockeys' who posed as a Ukrainian politician who had 'dirt' on President Trump, and Schiff was all too eager to work with the faux foreign politician to acquire the information. Once again, Democrats and the MSM have dismissed their own party members' hypocrisy and 'treason / crime'.

Democrats and the MSM attempted to pass it off as a big joke, how Schiff was 'PRANKED'. His political opposition is NOT accepting the demand by the Left to look at this incident as a 'joke'. He is taking it very seriously:

"Jon Hollis, who is running for the Los Angeles-area seat held by Schiff since 2001, has filed an ethics complaint against his opponent based on the 2017 call, in which a phony Ukrainian politician claimed to have graphic photos of the then newly-inaugurated President Trump.

“This letter serves as an official complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) regarding Rep. Adam Schiff’s illegal collusion with foreign entities and misuse of taxpayer resources for opposition research on political enemies.”

Schiff did not know the phone call was a prank call. He thought it was real...and he did not hesitate to express his willingness to collude with foreign entities / government officials to acquire 'dirt' to help him remove the President of the United States from office.

Mr. Hollis is correct - an elected politician...the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee eagerly attempting to work with foreign government officials to take down the President of the United States is no joke.

GOP challenger files ethics complaint against Schiff for purporting to obtain compromising Trump pictures

The MSM always covers up the dems' legal issues and feigns "outrage" if a GOP pol does the same or less.
1. Hillary actually paid Russians for fabricated "dirt" on Trump, that was ok. Just "oppo research"
2. Trump asks the Ukraine to investigate if Biden illegally pressured them to fire a prosecutor going after the Soros Organization, and it's impeachable??
3. Hillary had an illegal bathroom server to conduct pay-for-play activities and that's okay, no "intent" to violate FOIA
4. Trump survived multiple coup attempts by the CIA and FBI who broke FISA laws in the process
5. The MSM has constant negative bias towards Trump, 93% negative, and it doesn't matter

Trump will be re-elected as per latest credible poll based on the economy. Good news at last!!

Schiff isn't worth discussing, he's a POS and irrelevant.
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D-Schiff is already facing a possible Censure for intentionally authoring and attempting to pass off a fictional, manufactured account of the phone conversation between President Trump and the Ukraine PM as real in an attempt to incite anger, opposition to, and a call to Impeach the President. 125 House Republicans have signed a petition calling for a vote to Censure D-Schiff, a proven liar and admitted leaker of classified information, for this seditious act.

Now Schiff faces an Ethics Violation complaint by a Republican challenger for his attempt to collude / collaborate with who he believed were foreign government officials to acquire 'dirt' on the President that he could use to help Impeach President Trump.

According to Democrats / snowflakes, Trump Jr attending a meeting with a Russian lawyer to supposedly acquire political 'dirt' on a political opponent (yet no information changing hands) amounts to treason / a crime. When Hillary Clinton, however, bought Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence-manufactured propaganda from a foreign spy , according to them, it was / is NOT treason / a crime. Now Schiff was pranked by radio 'disc jockeys' who posed as a Ukrainian politician who had 'dirt' on President Trump, and Schiff was all too eager to work with the faux foreign politician to acquire the information. Once again, Democrats and the MSM have dismissed their own party members' hypocrisy and 'treason / crime'.

Democrats and the MSM attempted to pass it off as a big joke, how Schiff was 'PRANKED'. His political opposition is NOT accepting the demand by the Left to look at this incident as a 'joke'. He is taking it very seriously:

"Jon Hollis, who is running for the Los Angeles-area seat held by Schiff since 2001, has filed an ethics complaint against his opponent based on the 2017 call, in which a phony Ukrainian politician claimed to have graphic photos of the then newly-inaugurated President Trump.

“This letter serves as an official complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) regarding Rep. Adam Schiff’s illegal collusion with foreign entities and misuse of taxpayer resources for opposition research on political enemies.”

Schiff did not know the phone call was a prank call. He thought it was real...and he did not hesitate to express his willingness to collude with foreign entities / government officials to acquire 'dirt' to help him remove the President of the United States from office.

Mr. Hollis is correct - an elected politician...the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee eagerly attempting to work with foreign government officials to take down the President of the United States is no joke.

GOP challenger files ethics complaint against Schiff for purporting to obtain compromising Trump pictures

"potential" House censure. How's that petition coming along? :71:
"potential" House censure. How's that petition coming along? :71:
It was reported this morning by several media that there may be enough pressure to force a vote in the House due to increasing support, potentially to include several Democrats who reportedly are considering joining. I still believe that Pelosi will block any Censure vote, though.

If anyone would want to Censure Schiff, however, you would think it would be Speaker Pelosi since Schiff made her look like a complete and utter duped ignoramus, declaring during an interview that the complete Schiff-authored fabrication was an actual verbatim transcript that actually used Trump's actual words from his phone call with the Ukraine PM:

“I want the American people to know what that phone call was about. I want them to hear, it. So yeah it’s fair,” she said. “It’s sad, but it’s using the president’s own words.”
- Nancy Pelosi

Not long after Schiff and the MSM were forced to spin Schiff's fictitious account as a 'parody', leaving 'egg' on Pelosi's face after the above public declaration.

...but thanks for asking. :p

Nancy Pelosi On Schiff's Made Up Trump Phone Call: 'He Did Not Make It Up'

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