D. Trump forced to use janitors entrance to speak to CA GOP convention

Look how proud these treasonous, thuggish, subhuman liberal mindless animal filth are that they violently shut down freedom of speech. Because these cancer-deserving crybaby pigs are sooooo butthurt that Trump wants to secure our borders and wants to prevent a human-rights-atrocity hate-ideology of a religion from immigrating here with all their violence. It's difficult for me to even reconcile these liberal ***** as real, carbon-based lifeforms. They're a freedom-hating abomination. If they had a speck of humanity or honor, they'd commit suicide.

You have no idea what Trump really wants, you just listen to his speeches while mouth-breathing and nodding.
Trump wants power. That's what happens when making money becomes boring.

Thank you for proving my point as to what arrogant, elitist, snobby, pompous asses you liberal thugs are. You are soooo stupid, you DON'T think a psychopath like Hillary only craves money & power??? Unlike you, I prefer a pompous blowhard like the Donald over an anti-social human monster like Hillary.
How dare anyone make trump go through a commoners door

And you would be upset if something like that happened to Cruz. Don't deny it. Do you condone the behavior of these protesters, trying to silence Trump from speaking to his supporters?

Here we are supposed to be united against liberal tactics like this, but yet here you are cheering for them.
American progressives and their minions (including illegals) disdain free speech.

That is who we've lost our country to for the last 7+ years..............I'm only setting the record straight........don't thank me as it's only my civic duty.
D. Trump forced to use janitors entrance to speak to CA GOP convention

Naturally, the board liberals are concentrating on what Trump is doing, not on what the liberal-sponsored rioters, hatemongers, and illegal aliens are doing. They really don't want that part talked about.

Well maybe if you want to talk about the protesters that should be the topic instead of Donald trump being a victim because he has to use the doors of blue collar workers
How dare anyone make trump go through a commoners door

And you would be upset if something like that happened to Cruz. Don't deny it. Do you condone the behavior of these protesters, trying to silence Trump from speaking to his supporters?

Here we are supposed to be united against liberal tactics like this, but yet here you are cheering for them.

Cruz is protested all the time. Difference is he deals with it. He doesn't start crying and acting like a victim because he has to use a janitor door. Do you know why? He doesn't look Down at janitors
D. Trump forced to use janitors entrance to speak to CA GOP convention.



Apr 29, 2016, 07:15 PM GMT (8m)
Photo: Presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives at Burlingame, Calif., hotel for Republican convention through back entrance as protests block nearby roads - @abc7newsBayArea
Did not prevent him from delivering his message to the Libtards....."GFY" !
D. Trump forced to use janitors entrance to speak to CA GOP convention

Naturally, the board liberals are concentrating on what Trump is doing, not on what the liberal-sponsored rioters, hatemongers, and illegal aliens are doing. They really don't want that part talked about.

Sorry, toots, that you hate America so much you would deny public protests of a government function or a politician who wishes to govern them. Go back to grade school.

Public protests? These are animals hurling objects into the crowd. They need to be arrested.
Cruz is protested all the time. Difference is he deals with it. He doesn't start crying and acting like a victim because he has to use a janitor door.

No, I don't think you grasp the magnitude of what the protesters are doing. If they started assaulting Cruz supporters, and forcing Cruz himself to make a meager entrance, you'd be stark raving mad. I guarantee it.

Now, Cruz is right that he deals with protesters civilly, and engages them on substance. However, the difference comes that the protesters against Trump aren't interested in engaging with him civilly and on substance. The Trump protesters are akin to head hunters. They want to hurt him, physically. You can't engage protesters civilly or on substance if they are hell bent on harming you.
This only happens at trump events . Not Cruz, Hillary, sanders , what's his face's .

Coincidence ?

man what's it like to live with blinders on? the democrat party/union goons are only sending out their agitators to Trump rallies.
Trump is awesome!! He refused to allow the paid protestors and LWNJ's to stop him!! They blocked the front entrance so he got out and walked to the back door. We need more brave men like him.

Trump is awesome!! He refused to allow the paid protestors and LWNJ's to stop him!! They blocked the front entrance so he got out and walked to the back door. We need more brave men like him.


and democrats claim they care more for the working men and women. We saw how they treated Mrs. Palin and now they are cheering agitators trying to shut off other peoples right to attend a rally for a "civilian Trump" working man who is running for the office of President.
Does it make the left proud to know that normal humans feel unsafe around them?

you 'people' really need to learn how to act
I'm sure Donald Trump didn't mind to much. What difference does it make what entrance you use. The only people who want to make a big deal about and think they won something are the elitest who think they are doing him some harm but what they don't know is that a door is a door is a door so it doesn't matter in the end.
D. Trump forced to use janitors entrance to speak to CA GOP convention.



Apr 29, 2016, 07:15 PM GMT (8m)
Photo: Presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives at Burlingame, Calif., hotel for Republican convention through back entrance as protests block nearby roads - @abc7newsBayArea

and that gives you an orgasm? but then you all sit, preach and wail about civility. Un-American citizens who are more like rabid animals in their hate all over Politics

In fairness watching The Golden Girls gives me an orgasm.

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