Da GUV LIED WE DIED! 9/11 Intentional Destruction PROVEN!

Thanks for confessing there was no evidence of explosives or thermite.
There's evidence. Of course the FBI will say it's out of the chain of custody so they can't prove anything came from Ground Zero....etc...... nobody's giving anything away yet.

Keep digging boys.
Not this shit again...

Just wait...it gets worse.

He insists that the planes that crashed didn't crash because he says someone didn't jot down a serial number from the wreckage when they found it or some bullshit like that.
Fake Science <> NIST Science

But don't worry, Muldur is on his way to your place right now with a secret file from the Smoking Man.
ALL will be revealed.
Next week on
THE non-existent FILES

so you couldnt find any thermite or explosives huh
lets see the data from your investigation
I need proof that you know wtf you are doing
You're beyond demented. In reality, it took 14 seconds for building 7 to collapse.
of course demanding proof from deflunky deblunderers is always demented, how dare me!
Sure, as soon as you post evidence that the antenna on the north tower started falling before the roof.....
you already posted it, not my problem if you arent brite enough to know how to analyze it.
Just wait...it gets worse.

He insists that the planes that crashed didn't crash because he says someone didn't jot down a serial number from the wreckage when they found it or some bullshit like that.
candy you lil troll, who did you bribe to let you on this site?
Yeh thats standard roe, sorry
only the truly uninformed believes the crap deblunders are posting.

I know this is a real stretch, but in fairness I will at least ask.

Anyone here smart enough to challenge the forensic analysis proving the demolition of wtc7?

The Forensic Reevaluation of World Trade Center 7 Collapse
Just wait...it gets worse.

He insists that the planes that crashed didn't crash because he says someone didn't jot down a serial number from the wreckage when they found it or some bullshit like that.
It hurts my reputation of being a
legitimate twoofer.
of course demanding proof from deflunky deblunderers is always demented, how dare me!

you already posted it, not my problem if you arent brite enough to know how to analyze it.

candy you lil troll, who did you bribe to let you on this site?
Yeh thats standard roe, sorry

only the truly uninformed believes the crap deblunders are posting.

I know this is a real stretch, but in fairness I will at least ask.

Anyone here smart enough to challenge the forensic analysis proving the demolition of wtc7?

The Forensic Reevaluation of World Trade Center 7 Collapse
"of course demanding proof from deflunky deblunderers is always demented, how dare me!"

I posted the proof. Am I to care it's beyond your limited comprehension?

"you already posted it, not my problem if you arent brite enough to know how to analyze it."

What I posted shows the antenna falling with the roof, not before it. Which matches the frames Gamolon posted. All you've got in response is an empty, nuh-uh!
Not too brite eh? Flunked English I see.
I said the antenna dropped about 6" BEFORE the roof moved.

FAIL. Like all the other flunky deblunderers
So? Who cares you said that? You see things that aren't there as it didn't. That's evident in the video I posted as well as in the frames Gamolon posted. You're welcome to continue lying but no one is obligated to accept your lies.
I said the antenna dropped about 6" BEFORE the roof moved.
You SAID!?


All hail the might Koko! What he says is gospel!!!

Who gives a shit what "you said"? What you say means NOTHING without supporting evidence. I mean really Koko. I could say you have three heads, six arms, and a fat ass and that the proof is out there on the internet for people to find. That's exactly what you say and do here. Make idiotic claims with no supporting evidence.
You see things that aren't there as it didn't.
I have slomo, obviously you dont!
You're welcome to continue lying but no one is obligated to accept your lies.
projecting again
What you say means NOTHING without supporting evidence.
faun posted it for me
I mean really Koko. I could say you have three heads, six arms, and a fat ass and that the proof is out there on the internet for people to find.
you wouldnt need slo mo to see that gam, still dodging the wtc7 demolition eh?
still dodging the wtc7 demolition eh?
Not at all.

To borrow some from your debate tactics...

"Your full of crap, I addressed this before, it's all on the internet, I'm not wasting my time repeating myself."

Sound familiar? It should as it's taken straight from you.

I have slomo, obviously you dont!

projecting again

faun posted it for me

you wouldnt need slo mo to see that gam, still dodging the wtc7 demolition eh?

It's adorable how you think a video which shows the antenna falling in synch with the roof is evidence it began falling first. You clearly suffer from dementia.
Not at all.

To borrow some from your debate tactics...

"Your full of crap, I addressed this before, it's all on the internet, I'm not wasting my time repeating myself."

Sound familiar? It should as it's taken straight from you.

its easy to know its a lie when its not quoted

It's adorable how you think a video which shows the antenna falling in synch with the roof is evidence it began falling first. You clearly suffer from dementia.
dementia is when you pretend you can see sync of fast moving objects in realtime.

Dodging the op again
Does that now make you KokoSlomomoJojo?
yep I slomo everything, thats why Im so smart and taught you everything you know about freefall lol

now, about wtc7?
There's evidence. Of course the FBI will say it's out of the chain of custody so they can't prove anything came from Ground Zero....etc...... nobody's giving anything away yet.

Keep digging boys.
There is no evidence.

You have never posted any and neither has the moron Koko
of course demanding proof from deflunky deblunderers is always demented, how dare me!

you already posted it, not my problem if you arent brite enough to know how to analyze it.

candy you lil troll, who did you bribe to let you on this site?
Yeh thats standard roe, sorry

only the truly uninformed believes the crap deblunders are posting.

I know this is a real stretch, but in fairness I will at least ask.

Anyone here smart enough to challenge the forensic analysis proving the demolition of wtc7?

The Forensic Reevaluation of World Trade Center 7 Collapse
Once again none of this proves intentional demolition.

You keep quoting the fraudulent losers at AE911 tryuth.

You aere a childish liar who has no fucking evidence
There is no evidence.

You have never posted any and neither has the moron Koko
There must be at least some visual evidence, since much of it was recorded on video( and audio) otherwise thousands of architects, engineers, construction and demolition experts wouldn't all agree that the NIST conclusions are fictional at best.
There must be at least some visual evidence, since much of it was recorded on video( and audio) otherwise thousands of architects, engineers, construction and demolition experts wouldn't all agree that the NIST conclusions are fictional at best.
There are no such thousands of experts who agree.

None of the video or audio recordings show any evidence of controlled demo.

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