DACA fraud rate at 40-50% says immigration official!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I've been saying this for 5 years. Aunt Barry didn't vet any of these liars. He knows all illegals will vote for the welfare party and so the traitor opened the floodgates..

DACA Fraud Rate at '40 to 50 Percent', Says Former Immigration Official

sep 7 2017 Fraud is rampant and “huge” for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a former official with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency alleges.
Under DACA, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens were given temporary protected status and work permits to remain in the United States. Experts have told Breitbart Texas that during the Obama Administration, background screening was lax.

In an interview with LifeZette, former USCIS manager of the agency’s investigative unit, Matt O’Brien, alleged that the fraud rate for DACA is roughly “40 to 50 percent” and potentially even “higher”:

“Based on what I had seen and what I discussed with my colleagues, the fraud rate is 40 to 50 percent. It’s possible that it was higher,” he told LifeZette this week.

According to O’Brien, the DACA program was riddled with fraud and abuse from the beginning, where illegal alien applicants for the program allegedly lied on applications and were rarely caught by USCIS officials:
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Ronnie did the same thing with his amnesty 30 years ago. The illegals just lied their butts off and ronnie took them at their word. " Si senor. I been here 15 years peeking strawberries off trees"
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Fraud is the Mexicans nature

All poor countries are like that. In most of the world, scamming the system is just part of everyday life. Hispanics see nothing wrong with invading a foreign country and stealing jobs and welfare from the citizens.
^ Well to be fair, they're just emulating their own government and leaders.

I used to be able to say that not having that corrupt bullshit was part of what made America the greatest nation on Earth for it's people, but fucking hell have you seen all the lies and corruption flying around America lately?!? ~SMH~ How far we've fallen, and within just my lifetime. I do hope that President Trump can drain the swamp, and then maybe the people will reject the dishonorable, lawless, vile behavior that's gone rampant in the nation. The sick part is that I'm pretty insulated from it by the pretty solid values of my fellow Alaskan's, you fuckers in the lower 48 have it in your face and have ignored/allowed/accepted it :(
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. The sick part is that I'm pretty insulated from it by the pretty solid values of my fellow Alaskan's, you fuckers in the lower 48 have it in your face and have ignored/allowed/accepted it :(

You're an eskimo?? You and your subsidies and tax breaks and affirmative action can get off my thread. This thread is for americans.!!!
All you need to do is cut the free shit and they will self deport its very simple.
. The sick part is that I'm pretty insulated from it by the pretty solid values of my fellow Alaskan's, you fuckers in the lower 48 have it in your face and have ignored/allowed/accepted it :(

You're an eskimo?? You and your subsidies and tax breaks and affirmative action can get off my thread. This thread is for americans.!!!

Hmm I am an "honorary" member of a tribe; they think me a demi-goddess of some sorts because of my synesthesia and an aurora display when I was born. Not sure where you're getting your facts though, Native Alaskan's don't have any need for the US's AA programs as they govern themselves through tribunals up here. If there are AA programs for them, I'm willing to bet they've been started by folks with white guilt.
All you need to do is cut the free shit and they will self deport its very simple.

I've been saying that for years. End the freebies and end the jobs and 99% will have to leave on their own. Yes - it is that simple and we don't do it because all our congressmen and judges and journalists are raking in huge corporate bribes for supporting illegals.
I would wager it's more like 90% frauds. All these criminal invaders knew that obama wanted them here going on welfare and voting for his party

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